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About iddk

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    The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Cheater :}

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Big LOL if this works :D
  2. I need to find the token for out of game walker ofcourse ::)
  3. Put the IP in the L2.ini file in you're system map :D
  4. How can I find the token on a C5 L2J server?? I have tried the methods in the guide for C3+C4 but that didnt work for me.
  5. I tried finding the token with that guide only i wasnt able to retrieve one :'( How can i find one in C5 L2J server?? plz help
  6. How did you find the token for you're server?? I cant find a token for C5 :<
  7. You can summon one and fly him yeah :)
  8. Is there any way to get ancient adena and L2Day letters with hLaPeX that you guys know about? :D
  9. In Hlapex ofcourse ::)
  10. Heh.. Thats the risk you have to take ;) I'm gonna try them all as soon as I find another good server ;D
  11. *Bumb* Can someone help me on this one plzzz :roll: I know there is a way to bot on C5 L2J.. So plz tell me :shock:
  12. Heya all. I've been looking for a way to bot on a L2J server like EchoKinetics for some time now and I can't find anything.. :cry: Since it's back now i want a bot again :wink: Since I'm not Russian I can't enter Allcheats.ru anymore because of the country restriction and I need to translate it with a translator so I can't go via a proxy :roll: I've tried... Can anyone help me with this plz? Like I said I believe Echo is still C5 and L2j.
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