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About GusMan

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. That's because on weekdays 9pm your time is around 2/4pm and either everyone is still working or at school, it's a shame you didn't join earlier on this month we had a lot more players, now it seems to have gone down. If people keep giving this server a chance it will become something big, i've always thought this server had potential and I still believe that now.
  2. Sorry got a bit excited. :D Delete one of them if you wish, will make sure not to do it again. :P
  3. All I can say is that you need to log in to see how great the server is, it is wonderful to see such dedicated GMs/Devs and no corruption, all this talk about people who haven't even played on this server, stop now... As I said you have to see it to believe it, ofcourse you are going to find minor flaws but in this server it means these flaws will be fixed in less than a few days sometimes in less than a few hours. We are already growing, join and get a head start making gear because this server has serious potential and after 5 years of playing lineage2 private servers I have finally found one I can settle down in. Thanks, visit the site www.l2kingdom.com
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