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About trini

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  1. Hi all, lf for gracia final/epilogue/freya server: rates: x10-30 server started: fresh or few months. online: big, with a lot of competition (like clans, cp's, zergs), active epic fightes, cs's. npc buffer: better without it gm shop: again, better without it donations: hopefully without them, or minimum. customs: better no customs ty in advance.
  2. www.bfdr.eu pluses: nice epilogue client, much online minus: not nice english comunity.
  3. tricksters are very overpowered i can say. Other archers hits like 2-3k with red bows, trickster with blue crosboww hits for 5-6k evey hit.
  4. add bd,sws to the game. Give them some turbo skills or smth (like better bow range, or increase dance\song power but only for them selves.)
  5. It's normal server, even in solo zone these adenas grow prety fast. It was written: Server is not aimed to provide max gear in few days. so i don't understand why ppl cry about adena drop in farm zones.
  6. +3 to +10 = 70% - super easy, 3ews for 2 pluses +10 to +15 = 50% - still easy, like atr stones about 12ews for these 5+ +15 to +20 = 30% - still normal, 1/3 should be about 18-20 ews for these 5 +20 to +25 = 20% - a little bit harder, will need like 30-40 ews, depands on luck very much here. +25 to +30 = 10% (for weapons only.) - hard part, will take some time, but not 1 year. like 10-20ews for one plus, again luck is your best friend here. so it may take 1 year, depends how hard it will be to get ews.
  7. maybe my post was a little bit angry ^^ but i liked system, that weapons\armors won't break. But have you thought about summoners in oly? They won't be able to do anything against +25/30 equipment. Or enchants in oly will be set to low? now i thought - summoner will need mage gun +30 with augment, he will have transfer dmg. Maybe he can do a thing like that :)
  8. because when there is only 1 farm zone - it becomes even bigger grindage than low rate servers, because of huge monotony. In low rates - you constantly change farming zones. And whats the funny thing - in most "high rates" it takes even longer to catch up old players, than in low rates. And one more thing - in one zone almost no one flags (only those who is overgeared). It should be divided at least to 10 zones, not to get boring of same mobs and environment all the time.
  9. i hope farming zones will be extended, to more places, because there is tons of servers with 2-3 zones. Just think about reworking existing quests (changing rewards), etc.
  10. IT should be high rate balanced classes (not like dagger hits -100dmg, it should have most classes re-worked.) low enchants on weapons, and not hard to get skill enchants. decent online and activity. I hope there is smth like that.
  11. It should be: not hard to get enchants (low max in oly), bogs, , items, jewels, would have active oly (1 week perriod)
  12. Hello, i am looking for server where its not hard to get all equipment, low max enchant (also easy to reach it), and a lot of Olympiad activity. Also no customs and no overpowered donators :) I am playing in c6 server like that, its really fun, but i want to try it in gracia (because its easy to reach max items, olympiad is very active).
  13. vendetta is another server? I know very old clan named vendetta (about 4-5 years old). I am not talking about any other server, i don't care about them, this forum thread is about l2dismay :) Anyway good luck with your server, i told everything i know, don't want to flame here :)
  14. you think its very intresting to fight vs +12 weapons with +5/6 and +5/6 juve armors? If i want better one, i need to farm for about 1 month (maybe i'll have +7 then). Make max enchant +7 and you will have pro pvp's then. I don't know who told you to put +12 weps to donations, but that was terrible idea. Low enchant rate isn't bad, some farming as well, bet when farming gives nothing, and you see donator with +12 weapon.. To have fun in here, you need to be: donator or absolute no-lifer or super lucky. sry, next
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