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Everything posted by vezer

  1. Lineage2 Goddess of Destruction - Awakening World Map
  2. Thank you good Gk ;)
  3. Error finish and thank you help :D
  4. L2j server and other server pack good. this is problem : http://revolt-team.com/
  5. Okey im reinstall and new error
  6. Thank you ;)
  7. Whats this error? http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/135/lolkkf.png/
  8. Someone please write an example that is easier to understand
  9. TVT is to protect the spawn location of the guard. How this can be done?
  10. Hey TVT guarda which can be made to keep the spawn locations?
  11. Yes oke java code? :D
  12. Hi help pls what's this java code?
  13. Hi perhaps someone can help me? :-[
  14. This does not include the song Lie-svn ;D
  15. datapack_development data/scripts/handlers/voicedcommandhandlers/xponoff.java: L2_GameServer java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2PcInstance.java Red Delete Green Add .xpon .xpoff command
  16. [move]by:L2jArchid Team[/move] PHX Enchant protection not tested
  17. Tatto and I want you to attack the character comes off, or while purple could not put up
  18. The problem would be if the character uses the skill of the character remains above Tatto
  19. Hello Does anybody know what is the java code that falls off during the pvp Tatto? somebody help pls thanks
  20. Hello Does anybody know what is the java code that falls off during the pvp Tatto? somebody help pls thanks
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