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About thanosan

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  1. this does even work on retail as well,but the server must have major lag at that time or you should find a way to lag or smth.The only negative is that it will teleport you to the graveyard 2mins after.
  2. but never mind i found it in agahnims home site
  3. it shows this : 502 Bad Gateway nginx/0.4.12
  4. an gnwrizei kaneis poy borw na katevasw afto to programm(na vlepeis to hp kai to mp toy allou), i an yparxei proigoumeno post as to kanei ena link plz. Exw psaxei 2 selides apo topics kai den to vrika. Thnx
  5. Pianei twra poy egine c4?
  6. Mia erwtisi. Ginete na valw ena character mou na xparei olo to vradi ena pet? An nai pws? ty Ps: otan lew na xparei to pet ennow na to stelnei na varaei kai o character aplws na kanei heal.
  7. Hello, exw prosexei kapia nea bugs, kyriotero afto me ta adena. Exw dei polous na ka8onte sto grocery na agorazoun enchant scrolls oli tin wra kai na exoun unlimited adena, pls na to anaferei kapios. episis exw dei 2 atoma darksirius kai enas allos pou ekanan kati kai evgazan to light pou vgazeis otan lvlareis kai ixe ginei lambada. telos o darksirius ekane kati, sa na xrisimopoiouse super haste kai pigene poly grigora mesa sti giran. Opios xerei pls as ta anaferei ty
  8. an de kanw la8os kati prepei na allaxw edw : //Buy By Koyfo SetActiveWindow Lineage II delay 2000 Procedure Buy MousePos 998, 231 LeftClick delay 1700 MousePos 515, 278 DragTo 514, 341 MousePos 263, 530 LeftClick delay 1700 MousePos 319, 292 LeftClick delay 1700 MousePos 311, 568 LeftClick delay 1700 End Call Buy Call Buy Call Buy Call Buy Call Buy //Crystalliz0r by Koyfo Procedure Crystallize MousePos 784, 391 DragTo 751, 552 MousePos 581, 469 LeftClick delay 1000 End Call Crystallize Call Crystallize Call Crystallize Call Crystallize Call Crystallize //Sel0r By Koyfo MousePos 999, 233 LeftClick delay 1700 MousePos 235, 427 LeftClick delay 1700 MousePos 248, 249 DoubleClick delay 200 MousePos 802, 475 LeftClick delay 200 MousePos 580, 469 LeftClick delay 200 MousePos 308, 567 LeftClick --------------------------- alla pou ?
  9. epiase alla to prob einai otan katevazei stin stili clickarei liiiiiiigo pio aristera apo to c grade daggers kamia idea?
  10. to katafera afto twra mou vgazei "Couldn't display Full_Service.mac because a suitable graphics importer could not be found."
  11. "Couldn't display Full_Service. mac because it is corrupted" :S
  12. katevase to .NET FRAMEWORK ta exw katevasei ola E profanws den egkatestises swsta kapoio apo auta. Ektelese swsta tis odigies kai dn tha exeis prob. no takana lexi prws lexi kai pali ta idia nvm katevasa tou agahnim
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