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About DeathbringerGR

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    www.L2Liberate.com Coming soon! ;)

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. it is safe or not?
  2. it is undetactable or not?
  3. borw na tre3w l2j apo - Windows Web Server 2008 i 8elw - Windows Server 2008 Standard? kai stous dedicated servers to mysql einai anagastikw na to egatastisoun autoi kai na plirosw i borw na to perasw kai monos m?
  4. dedicated server einai oxi pc EDIT:borw na trexw l2j se Windows Web Server 2008 i 8elw Windows Server 2008 Standard? kai to sql to borw na to perasw kai monos m meta? gt m prosferi apo mono tou SQL Web Edition kai SQL Standard Edition http://www.server.lu/dedicated-as4000
  5. Manufacturer: AMD CPU: Athlon II X2 250 (2 x 3,0 Ghz) Memory: 4 GByte DDR2 800 Harddisk: 1 x 750 GByte SATA II Traffic: 100 Mbit unmetered Location: Luxembourg OS: Windows Web Server 2008 (btw borw na tre3w l2j apo auto?) L2J Gracia Final With Geodata Pathnodes EDIT: wrong section. katala8os . plz move it
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