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Posts posted by rokismoki

  1. Im lookin for l2walker for c4, i don't know the exact version i need. i would also apreciate if u add me l2asvr(or however the program u need with it is named).

    If there are any other working bots for c4 working(not autoclickers and shits) i would apriciate those as well.


    thank you in advance

  2. @xdem, so basicly u leave the bot to farm and write down the item ID's, and later, when u want to check who the items went to, you just do those SQL sentences ?


    Anyway, so even materials, adena have it's own object ID on every player and can be traced that way ? It feels weird coz they add up, for example if u trade 500 coal from char "A" to char "B", the items add up in the inventory to the previus 200 u had(for example), so now u have 700. If your method is 100% sucessfull, every single coal should have its own ID wouldn't it ?

  3. Tittle is the question i would like to answer as theraly as possible.

    1. Tracking the trades from your bot to your main(materials,adena,...)
    ~My way of tryin to prevent this is depositing in cwh, withdrawing with clan leader and /vendor -ing to my main

    2.Checking the IP of your bot and comparing it to other players online
    ~If u're loged at the same time with main and bot, that's how they do it i guess.

    Are there any logs, which save the IPs a char was logged in with ?

    Is there a way he could track the materials to my main if i use the procotion from quiestion 1. ?

  4. Which one is the best class between those abose:


    Sagittarius(hawkeye) ,

    Ghost Sentinel(phantom ranger) ,

    Soultaker(necromancer) ,

    Duelist(gladiator) ,

    Adventurer(treasure hunter)


    ONLY BETWEEN THOSE CLASSES and only on Interlude chronicle.

    Post what you think about PvPing and if u want farming too.WHOS THE BEST CHAR!


    P.S: Of course retail-like stats. ( or very close to them )


    **Do not spam , i want you to post seriously your opinion**

    if full buffed,mass pvps, sieges,... go for PR with STR dyes..insane damage output, for solo playing i'd go with necro


  5. So here's the deal, when l2gold, when it was still c4 and was using bakeice meged with 3 other servers they updated it to interlude client, and decided not to use bakeice while it has already been bypassed from a guy on your formum(respect). And while I really don't have a clue how to bypass security programs, i will just ask you to try to help me out on this one.


    They now use a simple online updater (by Sunisoft) that only updates files and auto runs L2.exe afterwards, so you can start Lineage by L2.exe. You also can launch walker with L2.exe and you can login until you get to chose the server, there you get stuck, and after 10-15 seconds u get disconected.


    I was wondering if this is hard to bypass? Can it be fixed by just changing some system files in the system folder?


    I would really apreciate if anyone would help me, and so would alot of other people on this forum, while this server is pretty famous ^^.


    P.S. here's the link to server's page : http://l2gold.cc/

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