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Everything posted by effekt

  1. What are these L2TopDeamonMin = 1 L2TopDeamonMax = 10 L2TopDeamonPollInterval = 5
  2. I want to know where intervalu minutes and the price is the reward
  3. thx :) fix true
  4. For fix reward what i need for fix :| ok for reward time and item time L2TopDeamonEnabled = False L2TopDeamonPollInterval = 5 L2TopDeamonURL = http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/in.php?id=34630 L2TopDeamonPrefix = L2TopDeamonRewardItem = 4037 L2TopDeamonMin = 1 L2TopDeamonMax = 10 L2TopDeamonMessage = Thanks for voting! L2TopDeamonDoNotRewardAtFirstTime = False
  5. l2jfrozen
  6. why buff disappears after I die do not understand ok noblesse buff and everything disappears [L2jFrozen]
  7. Website --- [glow=red,2,300]http://l2worldblue.ucoz.com/index.html [/glow] Lineage 2 WorldBlue Game Specifications : Server Chronicle: Interlude Rates: XP: x1000 SP: x1000 Adena: x1000 Enchant Rates: Max: +13 Safe: +3 Chance: 50% Blessed: 100% No Custom *Gmshop *Global Gatekeeper *Buffer *Custom For Vote Shop *Wedding Manager *Class Changer *Augmenter *Pk Guard* *PvP/Pk List Manager
  8. where .cfg for edit me l2jfrozen i need help for edit fix wightlimit and drop mobs pick-up for drop in me inventory ?
  9. http://trac.l2jserver.com/browser/trunk/L2J_Server/java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/clientpackets/EnterWorld.java?rev=5522 please change L2jcheff devloper and l2jfrozen login game ....my i have full pack create
  10. i need help for edit enterworld.java in pack full l2jfrozen
  11. For http://www25.zippyshare.com/v/1177835/file.html i need create sql ??
  12. i need help for add..
  13. ,man i have error all buffer :| you are either not on a quest that involves this npc or you dont meet this npc's minimum quest requirements why ?:| :(
  14. ok i need help for buffer l2jacis :|
  15. you are either not on a quest that involves this npc or you dont meet this npc's minimum quest requirements ok i need buffer for L2jaCis :|
  16. Who can help me and me to make a full ACIS l2j pack cine ma poate ajuta si pe mine sa fac un l2j acis full pack
  17. what pack use ? :| l2j name ?
  18. ---------------- where to find it?
  19. ------------------------ when the server restart Noblesse remove base
  20. Romana : cine ma ajuta si pe mine cu o mare problema cand dau restart la server dispare nobless skilss dupa base si ramane doar pe subclasa si trebe sa intru pe base sa imi ramana si nobless pe base si daca dau restart tot asa se intampla English: me who help me with a big problem disappears when I restart the server after Nobless skilss sub base and remains just got to get on base and my stay and Nobless on base and if I restart happens so
  21. English: When the server restarts Noblesse remove base the remains the only to subclass What do they solve it? Romana: cine ma ajuta si pe mine cu o mare problema atunci cand dau restart la server , nobles skilss dispare dupa base si daca intru la loc pe subclasa apare ...si trebe sa intru pe base sami ramana si acolo
  22. English: When the server restarts Noblesse remove base the remains the only to subclass What do they solve it? Romana: cine ma ajuta si pe mine cu o mare problema atunci cand dau restart la server , nobles skilss dispare dupa base si daca intru la loc pe subclasa apare ...si trebe sa intru pe base sami ramana si acolo
  23. [glow=red,2,300] http://l2iso.webs.com New server PVP [/glow] <::: Rate :::> <{ Adena }> <::: 3000x :::> <{ Xp }> <::: 3000x :::> <{ Sp }> <::: 3000x :::> <::: Enchant Rate :>>> <{ Safe }> <::: +7 :::> <{ Max Armor }> <::: +25 :::> <{ Max Jewle }> <::: +25 :::> <{Max Weapon }> <::: +25 :::> <{ Blessed }> <::: 99% :::> <{ Normal }> <::: 76% :::> ```````````````````` =General Informations= -Buff durate:5hours -Custom Buffs! -Custom Farm zone! -Custom Gk! -Gm Shop!
  24. [glow=red,2,300] http://l2iso.webs.com New server PVP [/glow] <::: Rate :::> <{ Adena }> <::: 3000x :::> <{ Xp }> <::: 3000x :::> <{ Sp }> <::: 3000x :::> <::: Enchant Rate :>>> <{ Safe }> <::: +7 :::> <{ Max Armor }> <::: +25 :::> <{ Max Jewle }> <::: +25 :::> <{Max Weapon }> <::: +25 :::> <{ Blessed }> <::: 99% :::> <{ Normal }> <::: 76% :::> ```````````````````` =General Informations= -Buff durate:5hours -Custom Buffs! -Custom Farm zone! -Custom Gk! -Gm Shop!
  25. WWW.L2ISO.WEBS.COM [move][/move] =Server= -Experience:3000x -SkillPoints:3000x -Adena:2000x -Drop:4x =Enchant Info= -Safe - - Max- -Armors: 5 -Armors: 25 -Jewels: 5 -Jewels: 25 -Weapon: 5 -Weapon: 25 -= Blessed Enchant 95% =- =General Informations= NO COSTOM Server -Buff Slots:99 -Buff durate:9hours -Custom Buffs! -Lvl Istand 80! -Custom Farm zone! -Custom Gk! -Gm Shop! -Fuction Shop
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