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About DjAli

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  1. Hello all Maxcheaters users! I'm looking for a good person, who would like to help my server to grow up - to be a GM (I do not need Pro Developers or programmers, I can make script by my self, I just need some one, who can be Online / Answer to players question / advertise server in some sites or other places / answer question in the forum and so on... You don`t need to be Online 24/7, it will be okey, if you just enter the game 1 - 2 hours in day. [glow=red,2,300]I WILL NOT[/glow] pay for it, if there will be some donation, then I will share, but not pay.. This server is for the FUN and game play, not money making... Almost forget to tell.. I have 2 servers (Freya) PvP-Fun and Low rate Pretty nice Website and scripts in the server Powerful server machine If you are interested, then please write a PM...
  2. The site was down for 2 hours... Server already running one day...
  3. Yeah, I understand, but still it`s an advertisment... And it`s not hard not set up your own Network.. I just do not have time right now, but when I will open my server, I will make the server, no worries...
  4. Don`t forget to visit us tomorrow for our great openning.. More info about our server in this forum http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=194116.msg1614775#msg1614775
  5. I`m really sorry about long - down time, but we are finally updated to Freya Server will be Open tomorrow at 19:00 PM (+2 time zone) 1. Server info (Pvp-Fun) *XP - 5000 *SP - 5000 *Adena - 5000 *Drop - 10 *Raid Drop - 10 *Spoil - 10 *Enchant rate - 70 % *Max Enchant - 25 *Blessed Enchant rate - 100 % *Blessed Scrolls from events *Events every 30 minutes *Events - Hide and Seek, DM, TvT, Alternative TvT, Bomb Fight, CTF, LM, Dominator, Rabbits Event, Elpies Event, Race Event, Handy`s *Block Checkers, Instance Event and much more coming soon.. *Custom RB for Vorpal and Elegia armors *Custom Farming zoon *Less farm, more PvP And events *Siege time - 20:00 PM (+2 Time zone) *Olympiad every 2 weeks *2 Vote reward systems (1 for all server, 2 is individually) *Great GM Shop / NPC Buffer / Augument NPC *Online NPC - server informer *Rank Manager *Auto pick up *Right Shift + click to view NPC stats and drop *Buff times - 9 hours *Buff slots - 24/12 *Lag free *Online 24/7 *Long term server *And much more... ________________________________________________________ 2. Server info (Low-Rate) *XP - 3 *SP - 3 *Party XP/Sp - 1.5 *Drop - 3 *Raid Drop - 3 *Spoil - 3 *Adena - 4 *Event Reward - 3/4 *Enchant rate - 66 % *Max Enchant - 16 *Blessed Enchant rate - 70 % *Events - Rabbits Event, Elpies Event, Race Event, Master of Enchanting *Online NPC - server informer *Buff times - Like Official *Buff slots - 24 / 12 *No Customs *Auto pick up *Right Shift + click to view NPC stats and drop *2 Vote reward systems (1 for all server, 2 is individually) *Lag free *Online 24/7 *Long term server *And much more... Home page - http://l2.line2.lv Forum - http://line2.lv/Forum Little OFF Topic - We will also open Minecraft server soon Join us tomorrow...
  6. LoL man, why we should use lineage2best.com Mumble service? You should better add the link for official download and information how to make your own channel or network... I think that it is only advertise of the server and home page...
  7. I`m really sorry, but there are many people and too many suggestions and advises what to add and what not to add And we found some serious bugs, that`s why Opening moved one week later, to 14.01.2011 (Guys, I`m really sorry) But I can promise, when this server will open, it will be something new and I think that not fail one... We have MAX enchant 30, because Blessed are 100 %, if Blessed would be 80 or 90 %, then there would be a "huge farm haouse" and no PVP... And then I could add Max + 16 Enchant
  8. So, what`s about them? Walking speed - 90 Run speed - 200 I already had these monsters in Epilogue and everything worked fine, I just updated the server to Freya, I did not change their stats.. And now with Freya they do not run or move
  9. I have hosted a server long time but i never had such problem.. It`s very strange, well I just updated my server to Freya and have problem with Custom Monsters.. I have Custom Leveling zone and there are Custom monsters, but they do not run for me.. I hit them, they hit back, but if i move away, they are still standing and do not run to get me.. If I spawn original ones, they attack and run after me to kill me 1)I have tried different monsters, all have the same problem 2)SQL monster tabble is equal to original monster, exept ID,name and basic stats.. 3) Tryied to hit them with GM account and normal, same problem 4) Tryied another place, maybe that one have but geodate... but same problem.. There are no errors in the server console... Maybe there are some bugs in the source, can some body please help me? P.S Sorry for my english
  10. Lineage II The Second Line have moved / become to Freya! We have 2 servers 1. Fun PvP XP - 5000 SP - 5000 Adena - 5000 Drop - 10 RaidDrop - 10 Safe Enchant - 5 Max Enchant - 30 Enchant rate - 70 % Blessed Enchant rate - 100 % You can get Blessed Enchant scrolls from Events (DM,LM,TvT and others) Sheme NPC Buffer Vote Reward HitMan Event and much more... 2. Second server is Low-rate (already online almost year) XP - 3 SP - 3 Party XP/SP - 1.5 Adena - 4 Drop - 3 RaidDrop - 3 Safe Enchant - 3/4 Max Enchant - 16 Enchant rate - 66 % No Custom... For more inormation press - http://l2.line2.lv/index.php?pagina=info Home page - http://l2.line2.lv/index.php Forum - http://line2.lv/Forum/ P.S Server will be open in 14.01.2010 19:00 PM (+2 Time zone)
  11. Thx for the share.. I will edit it a little bit and use it for my server.. ;)
  12. Thx for Share, I will use it for my server ;)
  13. I see, that half of people, especially new ones like me even don`t read other comments... They say like "Nice share, thx bro, I will test" ... Any way like other said, there are no geodate in Freya areas... Also bugs with Fortress zones and some other places around Aden
  14. Hi guys! Sorry if I`m posting in the wrong place but I searched for a section where can i request or find a GM.. There are section for Dev. request, but if I wanna find a GM? Where an I post my request? Or if I want to find a Web designer or programmer?
  15. Nice share but: 1) Already Shared http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=181021.0 2) Add another download mirror, because that russian one sux like hell 3) Add credits
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