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{Request}Pws na rixnete enan l2j server!!
RaKo0n replied to RaKo0n's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
Nai to 3erw alla den boroume na kanoume kai emeis thn douleia mas :P -
{Request}Pws na rixnete enan l2j server!!
RaKo0n posted a question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
Paidia kalispera exete kanei tosa topic me to pws na ftiaxneis enan server alla den exete kanei kanena topic gia to pws na rixnete ena L2j server.. ;D -
RaKo0n replied to A-error's topic in Server Development Discussion [Greek]
polu kalo kai analutiko guide file...Bravo ;D -
[help]Pws mporw na pros8esw ston buffer kati
RaKo0n replied to TEOGR_hItMaKeR's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
Tsekare edw..Enas plhrhs odhgos... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33769.0 -
[GR]Na metrisoume mexri to 20 prin prolabei enas staffer na kanei post!
RaKo0n replied to R1aKoC's topic in Spam Topics
3 kai sunexizoume mexri tis 2.000 selides.. :P -
And here is mine.. :) That is my laptop..
[GR]Na metrisoume mexri to 20 prin prolabei enas staffer na kanei post!
RaKo0n replied to R1aKoC's topic in Spam Topics
19 -
[TUTORIAL][GUIDE]A titan guide for Olympiad!
RaKo0n replied to RaKo0n's topic in General Discussion [English]
Maybe u dont like it but i think that is very usefull for some people.. ;) Anyway thanks about your opinion.. -
So this is basically a helpful guide for titans in olympiad. Hoping for a repost on the guide section, this isnt the place for flames although I appreciate any other info people want to let me know that I can add to this. Since it will probably be locked you can contact me if you want to add things. First off..this isn't a prefrenzy guide. Yes I will tell you how to prefrenzy but this guide is meant to be an all around help for titans in olympiad, and a little bit on how other classes can fight them to make things fair. It also isnt an ultimate win guide, its advice on how I play and what I think newer players should know about how to use a titan in this olympiad. Because of the nature of this server any advice is subject to not matter as much as the server or the game itself changes through updates. And here we go. In order to play a titan in the olympiad for this guide you will need the following gear 1 BTB Staff (Staff of evil spirits with bless the body) 1 Doom heavy set 1 Demon robe set 1 PVP set (Preferably weapon master heavy) A conversion and health weapon (Big hammer+homunk just scream ownage) Full boss jewels. This is debatable..but for this guide I will rely on you having a valakas because its an essential part of the strategy. Icarus Heavy arms and Spitter with focus A note on tats. Depending how you play your titan and how you want to get into skills you can choose to do what you want with your tattoos. If you want to make a carbon copy of my HP and my style in order to math out your prefrenzy and maximize your damage you will need +5 dex and +4 str with -9 con. Doing this makes your HP very low..but very managable. I still think a +con setup might be better for less experienced titans and might be better for certain fights. It's all up to you, but again if you want to follow my HP exactly you will need my tattoos. A note on bars. These are the bars I play with..I will explain them now Now my arrangement is a little crazy but this setup works quite well. It allows easy switching between sets and most all of the skills I will need to use in a match. The empty space above OTB is where my valakas goes. I can run through most of my prefrenzy skills quickly and my combat and toggle skills are easily accessible The first 60 seconds, You should have close to 3600 HP with my setup If I am playing with someone watching it will be their job to find out who im fighting..otherwise I will try to find out while im trying to get bless the body. I start the match in this specific gear Demon set+Doom helmet and Doom boots (For faster doom switching) Homunk Conversion Valakas unequipped If I am fighting against something that requires my max HP to be higher I will only take 4 buffs to start, haste/focus/DW/zerk. I will switch to my bless the body staff and proceed to bandage until I have bless the body. If you are -con you will cast faster and regen slower..helping you get into skills. You will need to know your preskill limit. Mine is about 4200. If you go over that you cannot get into skills. If you get close without getting bless the body requip your homunk and switch back to BTB staff to lose the extra HP and try again. Once you get bless the body and you are close to your threshold you will then equip your valakas your doom plate armor and your doom gloves and your health weapon. Now you are ready. Use over the body, and then zealot and frenzy/guts (I will get into which one you should use soon) lionheart and braveheart and also battle roar and get out your sword and turn on shots. This way you will be high HP and well able to kill . Now you will smack the manager to regain HP (Only available with zaken and/or Antharas).Its good to requip your heavy armor while you are doing this. When the gate is almost about to open get your last buff from the manager. Windwalk for most fights but might can be better against a titan depending on how he plays. Turn on vicious stance and accuracy and war frenzy if it is needed for this fight. Rush out their and kill In most fights you should not use any combat skills..just normal swings do the trick. Against archers/daggers in UE you should spam all 4 of your combat skills and also in any fight where you aren't sure you will be able to get a swing off. Be ready to switch to your bow if you can not catch someone..your p attack will still be insane Strategies against specific classes Against bishop Really this fight just comes down to them not magic critting..be on them the entire celestial time...you will need to kill them right after they lose it. When the match starts you should already be able to hit them. Against Elven elder A good one will immediately prophecy of water you..if they do it too early take it off before the match starts. Remember alt-click to remove buffs. The trick here is to just stay on them the entire time...if they are smart once they remove your over the body and block windwalk you you won't be able to catch them. If this is the case switch to your bow..a frenzied bow crit can be enough to wipe out most of their HP. This is only a last resort as your 2h sword will win you the match easily if they can not kite you Against Tyrants/Gladiators Guts Guts Guts. The trick here is to throw them off by gutsing..they will try to avoid you and slowly wittle your HP..which won't do aynthing for them. Stay with your bow if they kite..or your sword if they don't. Make every second of zealot and over the body count as you might run out of them. Be ready for them to celestial..just back off a little as they still can't do that much damage to you. The fight should not be short...but dont make it last more then guts has or you will lose. Against a tyrants be ready for his zealot/bison when hes low..if hes kiting you your bow should finish him off at that point..otherwise try for crush of doom and demo impact quickly if he is already meleeing you. Against Temple Knights/Pallies Keep in mind...this should be your hardest fight. A good TK/Pally should make you really work for this win. This fight should last 5 or even 6 minutes if you both play it correctly..the thing to note is to not panic after you lose frenzy. You will start it like you start most fights..full on DPS. You want to make the TK/Pally use any of it's UDs or TOL very early to insure you winning later. When frenzy wears off you will still try to get in as much damage as you can. Be ready to run from UD/Vengeance and also be ready to use guts. If you can make the fight last you will be able to frenzy again. The whole point of this fight is to wear the TK down..get off Crush of doom and demo impact as much as possible..try to not let the TK /Pally kite you but if you have no choice use your bow. A second frenzy or guts can win you the match if you utilize them well..frenzy can be more risky if you're kitable but it might win you the match Against Frenzied titans Just use guts..and laugh when you destroy them. Remember to take might instead of windwalk if they are frenzied titans. If they crit a lot you will lose..but this is the best strategy for beating them All other classes Just get in damage quickly..thats just all there is. For OLs get up on them..for necros do the same. Dont let them get off those casts that will limit your ability..your crits will cance them. Most of the times ive tried to be anchored/blockaded I didnt even have to resist..i just crit them and cancelled their cast How to beat a frenzied titan on Elven Elder Get as far as you can..at about 2 seconds left to start give the titan prophecy of water. When the fight starts you will need to land block windwalk right away. Once you've done those 2 things your whole job for the fight will be to run out the titans zealot. If he switches to a bow heal..otherwise you won't have time to heal. If you can land block ww you can kite them...you just have to be smart about it. Once zealot is gone wait off frenzy..and you should have no problem winning the fight Bishop Stay at the back of the arena. Try to get off 1 or 2 nukes before u celestial and then spam nuke. Its your only chance..anything else will probably kill you. Tyrants/Gladiators Against a frenzied Titan This fight shouldnt actually be that hard, just get in ranged damage quickly and defintely do not barrier until the titan is on you. Use your barrier to TSS/Hurricane assault and blaster. Make use of all of those 8 seconds. When the titan comes back in you will need to get off another TSS/Hurricane quickly in order to beast through the HP. You can win this fight Against a guts titan Its unlikely that you will be able to win unless you can purely kite the titan. Rabbit/Sonic move a lot and dont focus so much on damage. Focus on outliving the guts...use barrier in order to keep the distance..not to get in damage. If you can outlast guts..your burst damage can win you the fight TK/Paladin This fight can be pretty simple. No matter what you want to kite the titan. You will probably need to touch of life/UD early to outlast frenzy. Hope for the PVP armor SA to work so the titan will be slowed. The goal here is to just outlast zealot..and kite off frenzy. Then fight normally. If you can still kite him while hes not in skills it would be nice too. Be ready to rekite frenzy/guts since he won't have zealot this time. make the fight last..but make sure you can finish him, it's likely he will beat you on damage And thats is all for now. Thank you for reading..and goodluck in olympiad ;D P.S This tutorial is mine. ;)
i will try it...ty. ;D
I post my source: Source: L2Guru.com ok :P
Active Skills (Max Level Effect) Acrobatics - Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage temporarily. Aggression - Increases the target's urge to attack. Power 659. Agility- Increases Dodge temporarily. Aura Flare - Unleashes an elemental attack against nearby enemies. Power 55. Aura Flare - Unleashes an elemental attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55. Aura Flare - Unleashes an elemental attack. Power 110. Battle Roar - Increases the maximum HP temporarily and restores HP by the increased amount. Bleed - Temporarily causes a target to bleed heavily. Effect 8. Blessed Body - Increases the maximum HP by 300 temporarily. Blessed Soul - Increases the maximum MP by 200 temporarily. Charm - Decreases a target's urge to attack. Power 330. Cheer - Increases the maximum CP by 300 temporarily. Clarity - Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rates for all skills. Doom - Temporarily blocks all of the target's physical/magic skills. Duel Might - Increases PVP P. Atk. temporarily. Duel Weakness - Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. temporarily. Empower - Increases M. Atk. temporarily. Fear Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee. Firework - Ignites a Firework. Focus - Increases the chance of a critical attack temporarily. Guidance - Increases Accuracy temporarily. Heal Empower - Increases the power of HP recovery magic temporarily. Heal - Immediately recovers your HP. Power 552. Hold - Temporarily throws the target into a state of hold. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Hurricane - Creates a whirlwind of destruction. Power 110. Hurricane - Unleashes a powerful gusting attack against nearby enemies. Power 55. Hurricane - Unleashes a powerful gusting attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55. Hydro Blast - Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against nearby enemies. Power 55. Hydro Blast - Unleashes a powerful liquidy attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55. Hydro Blast - Unleashes a spray of highly pressurized water. Power 110. Iron Body - Raises resistance to damage from falling. Kiss of Eva - Increases Lung Capacity temporarily. Large Firework - Ignites a Large Firework. Lesser Celestial Shield - Bestows temporary invincibility. Magic Barrier - Increases M. Def. temporarily. Mana Burn - Burns up the enemy's MP. Power 120. Mana Gain - Increases the recharge recover rate of MP. Medusa - Temporarily throws the target into a petrified state. Might - Increases P. Atk. temporarily. Music Clarity - Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for song/dance skills. Music Refresh - Temporarily decreases the re-use time for song/dance skills. Music - Plays music. Mystery Skill - Increases your head size. Paralyze - Temporarily throws the target into a state of paralysis. Party Recall - Teleports party members to a village. Cannot be used in a specially designated place such as the GM Consultation Service. Peace - Puts the opponent's mind at peace and erases the desire to attack. Poison - Temporarily poisons a target. Effect 8. Prayer - Increases the effectiveness of HP recovery magic temporarily. Prominence - Detonates a fireball by compressing the air around the caster. Power 110. Prominence - Unleashes a flaming attack against nearby enemies. Power 55. Prominence - Unleashes a flaming attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55. Recall - Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in special areas, such as the GM Consultation Room. Recall - Teleports the caster to a village. Cannot be used in special areas, such as the GM Consultation Room. Recharge - Regenerates MP. Power 69. Reflect Damage - Allows you to reflect some of the damage you incurred back to the enemy for a certain amount of time. Excludes damage from skill or remote attacks. Refresh - Temporarily decreases the re-use times for all skills. Resurrection - Resurrects a corpse. Restores about 70% of additional Exp. Ritual - Regenerates CP. Power 473. Shadow Flare - Unleashes a dark attack against nearby enemies. Power 55. Shadow Flare - Unleashes a dark attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55. Shadow Flare - Unleashes a dark attack. Power 110. Shield - Increases P. Def. temporarily. Silence - Temporarily blocks the target's magic skills. Skill Clarity - Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for physical skills. Skill Refresh - Temporarily decreases the re-use time for physical skills. Sleep - Momentarily throws the target into a state of sleep when you are under attack. Additional chance to be put into sleep greatly decreases while the effect lasts. Slow - Temporarily decreases a target's speed. Solar Flare Unleashes a sacred attack against nearby enemies. Power 55. Solar Flare - Unleashes a sacred attack against the enemies near a target. Power 55. Solar Flare - Unleashes a sacred attack. Power 110. Spell Clarity - Temporarily decreases the MP consumption rate for magical skills. Spell Refresh - Temporarily decreases the re-use time for magic skills. Stealth - Temporarily blocks a monster's pre-emptive attack. Fighting ability significantly decreases while in effect. Stone - Attacks the enemies near a target with a stone boulder. Power 55. Stone - Attacks the target with a stone boulder. Power 110. Stone - Unleashes an earthen attack against nearby enemies. Power 55. Stun - Temporarily throws the target into a state of shock. Trick - Cancels the target's status. Unlock - Opens level 3 doors with 100% probability and chests below level 72 with 90% probability. Requires 17 Keys of a Thief. Vampiric Rage - Increases the ability to restore some HP from the damage inflicted on an enemy temporarily. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks. Vampiric Touch - Absorbs HP. Power 88. Wild Magic - Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks temporarily. Winter - Temporarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. Chance Skills (Max Level Effect) Aggression Down - Decreases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack. Power 330. Aggression Up - Increases a target's urge to attack during a critical attack. Power 659. Aggression - Provokes a target to attack during an ordinary physical attack. Power 659. Agility - Increases Evasion when under attack temporarily. Bleed - Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state during a critical attack. Effect 8. Bleed - Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state during a general physical attack. Effect 8. Bleed - Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state during magic use. Effect 8. Bleed - Momentarily throws the target into a bleeding state when you are under attack. Effect 8. Blessed Body - Increases maximum HP by using attack rate for a certain amount of time. Blessed Soul - Increases maximum MP when under attack for a certain amount of time. Charm - Decreases a target's urge to attack during a general physical attack. Power 330. Charm - Decreases the enemy's urge to attack when you are under attack. Cheer - Increases maximum CP when under attack for a certain amount of time. Doom - Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a critical attack. Doom - Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during a general physical attack. Doom - Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills during magic use. Doom - Momentarily blocks all of the target's physical and magic skills when you are under attack. Duel Might - Increases PVP P. Atk. when under attack temporarily. Duel Weakness - Decreases the opponent's PVP P. Atk. when you are under attack temporarily. Empower - Increases M. Atk. when under attack temporarily. Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during a critical attack. Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during a general physical attack. Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee during magic use. Fear - Momentarily throws the target into a state of fear and causes him to flee when you are under attack. Focus - Increases the critical attack rate when under attack temporarily. Guidance - Increases Accuracy when under attack temporarily. Heal - Restores your HP by using attack rate. Hold - Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during a critical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Hold - Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during an ordinary physical attack. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Hold - Momentarily throws the target into a state of hold during magic use. The target cannot be affected by any additional hold attacks while the effect lasts. Magic Barrier - Increases M. Def. when under attack temporarily. Mana Burn - Burns up a target's MP during a critical attack. Power 88. Mana Burn - Burns up a target's MP during an ordinary physical attack. Power 88. Mana Burn - Burns up a target's MP during magic use. Power 88. Mana Gain - Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP when under attack. Medusa - Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during a critical attack. Medusa - Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during a general physical attack. Medusa - Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state during magic use. Medusa - Momentarily throws the target into a petrified state when you are under attack. Might - Increases P. Atk. when under attack temporarily. Paralyze - Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during a critical attack. Paralyze - Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during an ordinary physical attack. Paralyze - Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis during magic use. Paralyze - Momentarily throws the target into a state of paralysis when you are under attack. Poison - Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state during a critical attack. Effect 8. Poison - Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state during a general physical attack. Effect 8. Poison - Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state during magic use. Effect 8. Poison - Momentarily throws the target into a poisoned state when you are under attack. Effect 8. Prayer - Increases the effect of HP recovery magic by using attack rate for a certain amount of time. Recharge - Restores your MP by using attack rate. Ritual - Restores CP when under attack. Shield - Increases P. Def. when under attack temporarily. Silence - Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a critical attack. Silence - Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during a general physical attack. Silence - Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill during magic use. Silence - Momentarily blocks the target's magic skill when you are under attack. Slow - Momentarily decreases a target's speed during an ordinary physical attack. Effect 3. Slow - Momentarily decreases a target's speed when you are under attack. Slow - Momentarily decreases the target's speed during a critical attack. Effect 3. Slow - Momentarily decreases the target's speed during magic use. Effect 3. Stun - Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during a critical attack. Stun - Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during an ordinary physical attack. Stun - Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock during magic use. Stun - Momentarily throws the target into a state of shock when you are under attack. Wild Magic - Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks when under attack temporarily. Winter - Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. during an ordinary physical attack. Effect 3. Winter - Momentarily decreases a target's Atk. Spd. when you are under attack. Winter - Momentarily decreases the target's Atk. Spd. during a critical attack. Effect 3. Winter - Momentarily decreases the target's Atk. Spd. during magic use. Effect 3. Passive Skills Acrobatics - Increases the height from which you can jump without sustaining damage when equipped. Agility - Increases evasion when equipped. Clarity - Decreases the MP consumption rate for all skills when equipped. Duel Might - Increases PVP P. Atk. when equipped. Empower - Increases M. Atk. when equipped. Focus - Increases critical attack rate when equipped. Guidance - Increases accuracy when equipped. Heal Empower - Increases the power of HP recovery magic when equipped. Iron Body - Raises resistance to damage from falling when equipped. Kiss of Eva - Increases lung capacity when equipped. Magic Barrier - Increases M. Def. when equipped. Mana Gain - Increases the recharge recovery rate of MP when equipped. Might - Increases P. Atk. when equipped. Music Clarity - Decreases the MP consumption rate for song/dance skills when equipped. Prayer - Increases the effect of HP recovery magic when equipped. Reflect Damage - Increases the ability to reflect some of the damage you incur back to the enemy when equipped. Excludes damage by skill or long-range attacks. Shield - Increases P. Def. when equipped. Skill Clarity - Decreases the MP consumption rate for physical skills when equipped. Spell Clarity - Decreases the MP consumption rate for magic skills when equipped. Weight Limit - Increases the weapon weight limit by 2 times when equipped. Wild Magic - Increases the critical attack rate of magic attacks when equipped. Source: L2Guru.com I believe that i dont forget any possible augment ;D
pos na mn boroun oi alloi na valoun bot sto server sas
RaKo0n replied to TeoTheLord's topic in Request Botting [Greek]
Kalo alla uparxoun kai alles luseis..An exeis polu kalo protections sto pack sou den uparxei periptwsh na Bottarei kanenas.. -
L2elite Saggi
Hey all ;D I'm playin on L2DeathWisper..!!