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Everything posted by Mixalakis

  1. char is still up.. now without chest/helmet/dyes ... pm here
  2. Stock 4.5kkk(b)
  3. up!char is without chest and price lower
  4. i sell adena on bartz, 50$/1b stock 3b pm here!
  5. UP! PMS HERE!
  6. Up! pms here
  7. up! price 70euro or make other offer!
  8. up!price is low
  9. ICQ:unknown Date of scam:01/11/2012 MSN: Skype: affection, (with , ) MXC Nickname: psygone Real name: martin (base on email/paypal)(i know his last but i don't to tell it in forum) Scam method: he wanted to enter in my account 1st to see if my account is correct(as i say in my thread) and after change the game master.when all ok in acc he could sent the money in paypal,but he sent me 1.54 and he said that the transaction complete within 24h.after 24h+ the money never came.We also said when the money transfer complete i will give him all the items but he wanted before the transaction complete.at the end i took my account back and he just stole some soulshots and brez(damn forgot to add them in my alt).http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=252641.msg2339830#msg2339830 Server:official server Bartz Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=252641.msg2339830#msg2339830 Who did the scammer scam: Mixalakis Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/231/asdfqy.png/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/asdqe.png/
  10. char is still up... i sell it with the base items(seraph set/weapon/jewels/etc) and some gifts when the deal complete! pm me only if rly interested to buy!
  11. char is still up...i sell it cheap...plz don't ask how much..just pm with the offer..
  12. char is 97lvl atm.. adena sold...(wharehouse items still up)
  13. char is 70.5% atm... i got in inventory 4billion and the items in wharehouse(30dyes lvl5 int+4bewr+unbind+100 eleme crys).. i can sell it without those adena/items only basic(set/weap/jewel)... with the adena and items in wh the price is more.. so i w8 a good offers... P.S prefer Greek ppl to sell it..
  14. char is 61% and cutter sold!!
  15. char is allmost 55% and its still in sale...
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