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About Mandreak

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. i am playing on epilogue server but onscnmsg like Critical hit etc doesn't working....but i can get msg like you use spoil etc.......i can upload you my system folder and see whats wrong ;s
  2. etc pisteueis?otan mpw tha vgalw ss edw hide gia 1k post na dw pos tha to deis meta kai poso spam tha kaneis
  3. katarxhn tosh wra kaneis spam gia na deis to topic ksereis oti mporw na allaksw to post count : p
  4. eimai 100% sigouros kai to pouli m to thelw ; p kai plz mhn spamarete an einai na peite kati plz na einai on topic : ]
  5. dn tros ban gt einai undetectable edw oute ston off dn to vriskoune opos kai to l2superman
  6. to psilo epsaksa kai eimai ena vhma piso apo thn lush an mporeite na helparete kai eseis psakste to to l2divine einai auto http://rapidshare.com/files/131669960/l2divine636_full_.zip.html to ip tou server einai auto to login port 7777 to mono pou dn mporw na vrw einai to protocol version gia interlude server kai giauto exw psilo kolisei. Fakoykas:Topic unhiden.Kaneis erwthsh kai to kaneis hidden?Ti miala koubalate re?
  7. lets see if it's works
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