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About DragonSwords

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  1. Hello there guys i would like to ask a simple question and i need your opinion on this one. After quite some time i came back to see how things going with l2j pack's development and i can see i miss quite the change. So i have a friend if mine who is looking forward on opening a new server soon and he is looking for a freya pack. The reason is(for those who will ask why) he believe interlude and everything until freya is dead(no players to play and to many bugs). After searching the forum i saw that interlude projects is alive and kicking and i would like to ask? what is your opinion and why? Or if its to boring to answer because of many same questions in the past please at least use the poll!! Thanks for your time :)
  2. hello guys i was wondering is there a way to steal an email from yahoo? i search the forum and i have found only very old bruteforce programs :/
  3. Here you where wrong cause it was lameguard :) but anyway thanks for all the info. Sorry for the lat reply lock pliz!
  4. Interlude and all the chronicle's until Gracia are not going down,cause they have a simple gameplay for anyone...from freya and more, lineage 2 got so many must things you must get that most of the players got sick of it and started to play something else or try at least, like guild wars,Starwars Old Republic,Cabal or WOW(until Lich king expancion) and more.There are some good people out there and here in this forum who is working hard on it for us to have a good stable pack so we can change it and add custom stuff and code, not only custom items or events but costum functions that can make a Interlude server much more interesting.....Im saying GL to you cause you will need it, you opened and close 4 servers cause you are corrupted, by giving items and skills to your friends ( ; ) and caring only for those who had a donate status (power of money). Hey dont give me this face, that is what the player of your past server's said on your forum's together with the "porn spam/drug bots"(yes the forum's where not protected),i m only a player who was tagging alone cause i loved the flame your server's gaving you in game and forum about all this (xD) try to put player's above money if you want to last more than 2 months :)
  5. Thanks for the reply im asking this cause again recently i download a server patch from another server and i saw when i used file edit that it had as ip and at the same time the server have custom items..so i was wonder if that's what he did in the patch and it had the
  6. Hello guys i want to ask something about the system patch and it's patching, i was searching the forum recently and i found 1 topic with its subjet to be about server security, in the conversation bellow someone said that the right patching to do is to patch the system change the ip and your ports and rencode it again...i search again for the reconde but didn't find anything....is that true? if it is is a newbie question but is better to ask it now that i find it :) thanks!
  7. What router do you have?
  8. Yeap i will admit it im new to mysql and im try to learn so can someone help me with this? :) INSERT INTO `spawnlist` VALUES ('31124','83449','147905','-3405','0','60','0'); ('31124','146740,'25864','-2005','0','60','0'); ('31124','-80683','149811','-3047','0','60','0'); ('31124','-12782','122820','-3109','0','60','0'); ('31124','15582','142888','-2709','0','60','0'); ('31124','111339','219425','-3538','0','60','0'); ('31124','82992','53105','-1488','0','60','0'); ('31124','147916','-55215','-2726','0','60','0'); ('31124','87148','-143452','-1285','0','60','0'); ('31124','43785','-47669','-790','0','60','0'); ('31124','84070','244587','-3722','0','60','0'); ('31124','46895','51478','-2969','0','60','0'); ('31124','9633','15569','-4567','0','60','0'); ('31124','115073','-178217','-878','0','60','0'); ('31124','45276','112566','-232','0','60','0'); ('31124','117102','76961','-2689','0','60','0'); ('31124','17583','170146','-3500','0','60','0'); ('30105','82229','148601','-3459','0','60','0'); ('30105','147443','27244','-2207','0','60','0'); ('30105','-81056','149419','-3036','0','60','0'); ('30105','-12313','122641','-3096','0','60','0'); ('30105','16742','142799','-2698','0','60','0'); ('30105','111646','218873','-3520','0','60','0'); ('30105','81962','53859','-1488','0','60','0'); ('30105','147517','-56610','-2783','0','60','0'); ('30105','87552','-142091','-1333','0','60','0'); ('30105','44217','48503','-800','0','60','0'); ('30105','-84681','244599','-3732','0','60','0'); ('30105','46539','51583','-2988','0','60','0'); ('30105','9516','15772','-4554','0','60','0'); ('30105','114873','-178097','-824','0','60','0'); ('30105','-44812','113440','-191','0','60','0'); ('30105','116284','76922','-2731','0','60','0'); ('30105','17382','170620','-3493','0','60','0'); ('31324','83698','148395','-3408','0','60','0'); ('31324','147098','25605','-2005','0','60','0'); ('31324','-80840','149468','-3036','0','60','0'); ('31324','-12662','122513','-3120','0','60','0'); ('31324','16261','14289','-2698','0','60','0'); ('31324','111171','218874','-3528','0','60','0'); ('31324','82390','53244','-1488','0','60','0'); ('31324','147313','-55725','-2742','0','60','0'); ('31324','87768','-143007','-1301','0','60','0'); ('31324','43566','-47671','-790','0','60','0'); ('31324','-84188','244321','-3722','0','60','0'); ('31324','46747','50992','-2980','0','60','0'); ('31324','9795','15313','-4567','0','60','0'); ('31324','114869','-178196','-822','0','60','0'); ('31324','-45131','-112850','-232','0','60','0'); ('31324','116965','77154','-2689','0','60','0'); ('31324','17477','-169789','-3492','0','60','0'); i get this error thanks :)
  9. ops those are from the test i did to find what wrong with gameserver...i did try it with the same password but still the same the login works but not the gameserver with the same password...
  10. # ================================================================ # Gameserver setting # ================================================================ # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs GameserverHostname = * GameserverPort = 7777 # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname # If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * ExternalHostname = # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname # If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * InternalHostname = # The Loginserver host and port LoginPort = 9014 LoginHost = # This is the server id that the gameserver will request (i.e. 1 is Bartz) RequestServerID = 1 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved) AcceptAlternateID = True # ================================================================ # Database informations # ================================================================ Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jesios #URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jesios #URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=_l2jesios/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = root56 # Maximum database connections (minimum 2, basically 10 if number under 10, default 100) MaximumDbConnections = 100 # Idle connections expiration time (0 = never expire, default) MaximumDbIdleTime = 0 # Datapack root directory, default to current directory from which the server is started # DatapackRoot = E:/Work/tmp/DataPack # ================================================================ # IdFactory # ================================================================ # Tell server which IdFactory class to use, options are: # BitSet (default), # Stack (another method) IDFactory = BitSet # Check for bad ids in the database on server boot up # Much faster load time without it, but may cause problems BadIdChecking = True # ================================================================ # serverList # ================================================================ # Displays [] in front of server name ServerListBrackets = False # Displays a clock next to the server name ServerListClock = False # If true, the server will be set as GM only ServerGMOnly = False # if True, the server will be a test server (listed by testserver clients only) TestServer = False # ================================================================ # Clients related options # ================================================================ # Allow delete chars after D days, 0 = feature disabled DeleteCharAfterDays = 7 # Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server. MaximumOnlineUsers = 100 # Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect. # You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision. # Default: 730 MinProtocolRevision = 730 # Default: 746 MaxProtocolRevision = 746 #============================================================= # Jail & Punishements #============================================================= # Jail is a PvP zone JailIsPvp = False # Player punishment for illegal actions # 1 - broadcast warning to gms only # 2 - kick player(default) # 3 - kick & ban player # 4 - jail player (define minutes of jail with param: 0 = infinite) DefaultPunish = 2 DefaultPunishParam = 0 # ================================================================ # Automatic options # ================================================================ # AutoLoot, don't lead herbs behavior. False by default. AutoLoot = False # AutoLoot from raid boss. False by default. AutoLootRaid = False # If False herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled. False by default. AutoLootHerbs = False # ================================================================= # Items Management # ================================================================= # If enabled, the server will only update items when saving the character. # It greatly reduces DB usage and improves performance, but causes item loss during crashes. # Default: False LazyItemsUpdate = False # Allow players to drop items on the ground AllowDiscardItem = True # allows creating multiple nonstackable items at one time MultipleItemDrop = True # delete from world dropped reward items after n seconds. 0 - disabled AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter = 0 # Time in secs after wich droped herb will be autodestroyed (default: 15 seconds) AutoDestroyHerbTime = 15 # List of items that will not be destroyed (seperated by ",") # NOTE: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers! # items on this list will be protected regardless below options ListOfProtectedItems = 57,5575,6673 # also delete from world misc. items dropped by players (all except equipable items) # NOTE: work only if AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter >0 DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = False # Destroy also equipable items (armor, weapon, jewelry) # NOTE: Work only if DestroyPlayerDroppedItem = true DestroyEquipableItem = False # save into DB droppped items for restoring after reboot SaveDroppedItem = False # Empty table after items are loaded into memory - safety setting # if server crash before saving items, on next start old items will be restored # and players may already picked up some of them - so this will prevent duplicates EmptyDroppedItemTableAfterLoad = False # Time interval in minutes to save in DB items on ground, 0 to disable # NOTE: If SaveDroppedItemInterval is disabled items will be saved into DB only at server shutdown SaveDroppedItemInterval = 0 # delete all saved items form DB On next start # NOTE: Work only if SaveDroppedItem = false ClearDroppedItemTable = False # ================================================================= # RATES # ================================================================= # Rate control, float values RateXp = 1. RateSp = 1. RatePartyXp = 1. RatePartySp = 1. RateDropAdena = 1. RateConsumableCost = 1. RateDropItems = 1. RateRaidDropItems = 1. RateDropSpoil = 1. RateDropManor = 1 # Quest configuration settings RateQuestDrop = 1. RateQuestReward = 1. RateQuestRewardXP = 1. RateQuestRewardSP = 1. RateQuestRewardAdena = 1. RateKarmaExpLost = 1 RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1 # Player Drop Rate control, percent (%) values PlayerDropLimit = 0 PlayerRateDrop = 0 PlayerRateDropItem = 0 PlayerRateDropEquip = 0 PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 0 # Karma Drop Rate control, percent (%) values KarmaDropLimit = 10 KarmaRateDrop = 40 KarmaRateDropItem = 50 KarmaRateDropEquip = 40 KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon = 10 # Pet rate control (float values except for "PetFoodRate", default 1./1/1.) PetXpRate = 1. PetFoodRate = 1 SinEaterXpRate = 1. # Common herbs (default) RateCommonHerbs = 1. # Herb of Life (categorie 1) RateHpHerbs = 1. # Herb of Mana (categorie 2) RateMpHerbs = 1. # Special herbs (categorie 3) RateSpecialHerbs = 1. # ================================================================= # Allowed features # ================================================================= AllowFreight = True AllowWarehouse = True # If True player can try on weapon and armor in shop # Each Item tried cost WearPrice adena AllowWear = True WearDelay = 5 WearPrice = 10 # "Allow" types - Read variable name for info about ;p. AllowLottery = True AllowRace = True AllowWater = True AllowCursedWeapons = True AllowManor = True AllowBoat = True # Those "Allow" types are set to False by default : # - Fishing will "bug" without geodata (if you activate w/o geodata, fishing is possible everywhere). AllowFishing = False # Allow characters to receive damage from falling. CoordSynchronize = 2 is recommended. # True - enabled. # False - disabled. # Auto - True if geodata enabled and False if disabled. # Default: Auto EnableFallingDamage = Auto # ================================================================ # Debug, Dev & Test config # ================================================================ # Don't load quests NoQuests = False # Don't load spawntable NoSpawns = False # Debug messages (by default False, easily "flood" your GS logs) Debug = False Developer = False PacketHandlerDebug = False # ================================================================ # Dead Lock Detector (thread detecting deadlocks) # ================================================================ # Activate the feature (by default: False) DeadLockDetector = False # Check interval in seconds (by default: 20) DeadLockCheckInterval = 20 # Automatic restart if deadlock case is found (by default: False) RestartOnDeadlock = False # ================================================================= # Logging features # ================================================================= # Logging ChatWindow LogChat = False # Logging Item handling NOTE: This can be very space consuming. LogItems = False # Log GM actions GMAudit = False # ================================================================= # Community board configuration # ================================================================= # Activate or no the community board. EnableCommunityBoard = False # Show this community board section when you open it. BBSDefault = _bbshome # ================================================================= # Geodata & ValidatePosition # ================================================================= # GeoData options: # 0 = GeoData and PathFinding OFF (default) # 1 = GeoData used to check Line Of Sight (LOS) targeting and L2Playable movement. You need to download # files for data/geodata folder. Monsters can pass walls but not aggro through them. # 2 = Full GeoData enabled. Includes PathFinding (requires also /data/pathnode files) and all # character moves go through geodata checks (if a mob passes a wall, pathing is wrong). GeoData = 0 #[True]Loads GeoData buffer's content into physical memory. #[False] Does not necessarily imply that the GeoData buffer's content is not resident in physical memory. ForceGeodata = True # Player coordinates synchronization # 1 - partial synchronization Client --> Server ; don't use it with geodata # 2 - partial synchronization Server --> Client ; use this setting with geodata # -1 - Old system: will synchronize Z only ; default CoordSynchronize = -1 # ================================================================= # Those next options are for another type of pathfinding, named CellPathFinding. It won't load # pathnodes from the folder, but make calculs "on the fly", producing more accurate routes but is # (maybe 10x) heavier to calculate. Recommended for small servers at least. # If False, pathnode files (GeoPathFinding method) are used. # If True, CellPathFinding method is used, and next options are available to configure it. # Default: False CellPathFinding = False # Pathfinding array buffers configuration PathFindBuffers = 100x6;128x6;192x6;256x4;320x4;384x4;500x2 # Weight for nodes without obstacles far from walls LowWeight = 0.5 # Weight for nodes near walls MediumWeight = 2 # Weight for nodes with obstacles HighWeight = 3 # Angle paths will be more "smart", but in cost of higher CPU utilization AdvancedDiagonalStrategy = True # Weight for diagonal movement. Used only with AdvancedDiagonalStrategy = True # Default: LowWeight * sqrt(2) DiagonalWeight = 0.707 # Maximum number of LOS postfilter passes, 0 will disable postfilter. # Default: 3 MaxPostfilterPasses = 3 # Path debug function. # Nodes known to pathfinder will be displayed as adena, constructed path as antidots. # Number of the items show node cost * 10 # Potions display path after first stage filter # Red potions - actual waypoints. Green potions - nodes removed by LOS postfilter # This function is FOR DEBUG PURPOSES ONLY ! DebugPath = False # ================================================================= # Misc # ================================================================= # Basic protection against L2Walker L2WalkerProtection = False # Enforces gameguard query on character login GameGuardEnforce = False # delete invalid quest from player AutoDeleteInvalidQuestData = False # Forces full item inventory packet to be sent for any item change # Note: This can increase network traffic ForceInventoryUpdate = False # Zone Setting # 0 = Peace All the Time # 1 = PVP During Siege for siege participants # 2 = PVP All the Time ZoneTown = 0 # Show "data/html/servnews.htm" when a character enters world. ShowServerNews = False # Disable tutorial on new player game entrance. # Default: False DisableTutorial = False #============================================================= # Loginserver #============================================================= # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname = # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname = # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginserverHostname = * LoginserverPort = 2106 # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned LoginTryBeforeBan = 10 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) LoginBlockAfterBan = 600 # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginHostname = * # The port on which login will listen for GameServers LoginPort = 9014 # If set to true any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = False # If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown # It is highly recomended for Account Security to leave this option as default (True) ShowLicence = True #============================================================= # Database informations #============================================================= # Database info Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver = org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver = com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jesios #URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jesios #URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jesios/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = xodrobalasgr MaximumDbConnections = 100 # Usable values: "true" - "false", use this option to choose whether accounts will be created automatically or not. AutoCreateAccounts = True # The delay in minutes after which the login updates the gameservers IP's (useful when their ip is dynamic) IpUpdateTime = 15 #============================================================= # Security #============================================================= # Log all events from loginserver (account creation, failed/success login, etc) LogLoginController = False # Enforce GG Authorization from client # Login server will kick client if client bypassed GameGuard authentication ForceGGAuth = True # FloodProtection. time in ms EnableFloodProtection = True FastConnectionLimit = 15 NormalConnectionTime = 700 FastConnectionTime = 350 MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 #============================================================= # Test server, shoudnt be touched in live server #============================================================= Debug = False Developer = False PacketHandlerDebug = False
  11. Yeap i said i did and the log in is ok with it but the gamesever somewhere stucks...
  12. Hello guys i want some help cause i have some weird problem with mysql or the databack,so i used a password on MySql for some security and i also place it(correctly) and the username on Gameserver and login,the LogIn was fine but the gameserver stucks somewere Here the server properties http://www.4shared.com/document/ZcQ_CNno/server.html?
  13. Hello guys i want to ask about how can i increase the memory usage of the game server. I have 4 Gb Ram on my pc,here the startGameServer.bat settings. REM ------------------------------------- REM Default parameters for a basic server. java -Xmn128m -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -server com.l2jfree.gameserver.GameServer REM REM For debug purpose (for devs), use this : REM java -Xmx512m -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=7456 com.l2jfree.gameserver.GameServer REM If you have a big server and lots of memory, you could experiment for example with REM java -server -Xmx1536m -Xms1024m -Xmn512m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -Xnoclassgc -XX:+AggressiveOpts REM ------------------------------------- when i m changing the xms and xmx to 2049 i get a message for cheap memory... Is newbie problem but i need some help. ;) Thanks for your time Dragonswords.
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