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Posts posted by sticky

  1. Try to do more mess around.... Try more to drop mad on me and on the server. I cannot change your mind. This is your opinion, i respect it but i do not adapt it too. Have fun staying around ;)


    If anyone can help must do it. If the rest don't, no problem with us guyz. Just don't try to destroy something before its start.


    I will suggest you something, see/think and then talk. That's only :)


    And something for you mrbigmac, if i remember correctly (IF you are l2off developer since 2004-2005 right? When i saw your name i remember it on pp somewhere? i am not sure if you are the correct person which i am thinking...).


    Also about the part which you talked for the numbers which i am changing and the economy thing. I can say that i have make a unique AI system something like dungeons of GoD client into Interlude with much more changes/addons. When you will see it you will understand what i am saying. Just keep a little bit more patience...





    if you know him from PP what was your name on PP ? or are you a name changer scammer like 95% of the L2 Community lol


    and u say nobody saw your work before ? why is that ? maybe cause you have never done anything and are a non factor in the L2OFF scene that is just out to get some easy cash and kill the L2 scene more....and since you have never done any l2off work since nobody has ever heard of you i guess this is gonna be a test bed for learning which is a bad choice if you want to have 1000+ players lol

  2. Didnt lineage 2 died? whats the point of releasing servers  now, you won't even get players but money... ::)


    if Lineage 2 is dead why are you on a Lineage 2 Forum ? this forum is 90% L2 and you are here so i guess its not dead



    PS: and your sig is funny i bet you dont know how to dev homo :p lol


    I Hate Developing

  3. It's 100% L2OFF i don't have to check it.I know it!

    You guys should give it a try.Got nothing to lose.He's one of the best developers out there.The best i know.


    i think he will give you some chicken for this



    pvp server ?

    People are tired of retail (ps make it much better than corsair) since i didnt saw any pvp off going around!


    corsair sucked bad, devs where retarded just like every other OFF server out now... if anyone wants an OFF server this is your best bet, devs that actually can dev lol.... not just buy files and do nothing else


    anyway good luck with it :p


  4. You dont have the permision to sell this pack also 200$ cost and from Vangath and they will  have support for everything!

    you dont need permission to sell something that is cracked are you really that dumb ? lol he has no permission to resell NCSOFT stuff either and yet he still does it lol


    and honestly what do you need support with ? you only need it if your super retarded lmao like most his customers are anyway (KATION HELP I HAVE BEEN HACKED LMAO) is that the support you are talking about ? lololol


    its last vang pack ? W/o any protection's like key for hwid etc ?


    no its not the latest pack and i have both options if people want..... i can make one have keys also that will be cheaper and one with no key/HWID protection ill update prices shortly




  5. Kation/Vanganth GF Extension on sale now for 200$USD pm me for info on payment options


    (there is no support given since this is not made by me  if you want support and to pay alot more cash,  go and buy it from him......)



    - Fixed all known dupe exploits

    - Fixed known PTS issues (bugs in l2server.exe)


    - Built in Firewall module with flood / anti ddos protection

    - Built in packet filter similar to AmpedX64

    - Contains working client protection against all kind oog bots and ig l2walker

    - Contains obscene chat filter

    - Contains chat manager

    - Everything configurable through ini

    - Added Scheme Buffer ( custom buff time, buff price, min/max required level ) buff list working separatelyfor each subclass

    - Fixed Hide skill issue

    - Fixed Siege/Instances respawn issue

    - Fixed Valakas issue

    - Fixed olympiad points issue.

    - Fixed augmentation issue.

    - Added Vitality decrement rate to ini

    - Added AutoPickup configurable through ini (working with every party mode - random/by turn/finders keepers)

    - Extended abnormal slots in database to 46 and fixed song/dance bug.

    - Added PledgePenalties to ini.

    - Added Spawn Protection (with cool abnormal visual effect)

    - Added Offline Shops

    - Added UserStatCap section to INI where you can set cap for player's stats

    - Fixed skill reuse problem with auto_get = true in skillacquire.txt

    - Added cyrillica support to country=1 in l2server.ini (can be enabled/disabled in ext's ini)

    - Fixed resurrection hp restore bug

    - Fixed Tears and Baylor Raid bosses issue with not working Water Dragon Scales.

    - Added Vote System

    - Added Donate System

    - Fixed PI quests issue

    AND MORE!!!!

  6. Fail server... the best option to play now its azuregaming or l2.ws


    and your a -beep-in retard.....those servers are shit!!!!! have you logged into either of them ? or are you just talking out of your ass ? l2phx and l2walker work on both and also both have ancient exploits that work..... your just a tool anyway im not gonna waste my time explaining anything to a retard



    oh ya and guess whos patches those guys are using ? lol..... it will be funny when those wont be released anymore and we will see how many of those servers do it on their own



  7. Finding an decent Lineage 2 server to play on is quite difficult these days, you will find buggy L2J servers, admins that can't write a single line of code themselves or money-making servers which are all about donating as much as possible for better gear.


    None of which is exactly a lot of fun in the long run, which is what we thought as well and decided to start our own project to do it better.


    As a team of well experienced L2 developers we do not have to rely on bought files like many other servers do but instead develop our own extender from scratch so that we have full control over all updates.


    Our goal is to keep the server retail like, only fixing those things which NCSoft did wrong.

    This is things like instances which might fit well into World of Warcraft but not into an open PVP game like L2.


    Or things like endless camping of NPC spawns because someone thought it is a nice idea to give them an 8 hours random timer.


    Feel free to join our Open-Beta on 15.09.2011 to see if we did it better or not.

    If this is too much waiting time for you then you are also welcome to join our Forums for some spamming.


    EXP/SP/Adena Rates:

    7x 01 - 51

    6x 52 - 75

    4x 76 - 82

    3x 83 - 84

    2x 84 - 85


    Other Rates:

    Drop: 4x

    Spoil: 4x

    Sealstones: 4x

    Quest: 1x



    Retail like based on L2Off Gracia Final

    Offline Shops

    Revision 87 Fully working (unlike every other server with Revision 83)

    Unique rate system that scales with your level

    No quest is required for the first class change

    Second class change can be done trough shortcut quest as on retail

    Random spawn duration for epic bosses reduced - less annoying camping

    No instancing of content - more pvp!

    Donations only for services like they exist on retail

    Various Bugfixes


    ~ Fyyre, rndbit, nish, Veskya



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