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Posts posted by angelos95

  1. Howdy.


    Lets Start? ;)


    1st of All. Gms Banned my Char of Dualbox There Isnt  Any Rules Bcuse gms Make Their Own Rules  I had Ryrkos I Think Thats Why.


    2. The GM/admin TECKTONIK Chatban u When  u Try Talk with him bcuse He cant Answare ur Questions


    3 Server is Unbalance Beacuse of  They Dont lising To The players.


    4.Ive got a Archer i hit 40kDMG on any1 so GG on The Dev


    5.GMS ask me Stuff while ima Player GG.


    6 Server is The Worst in 2010





    Just ask me for screens i add them



    [*]1st . Well if you dont see what it written on the site or forum its not my fault ....

    [*]2nd. i didnt chatbanned you cuz i could not answer your questions but i warned you to stop spaming around 3-4 times and you continued so QQ

    [*]3rd . this one is epic ! i dont know how that is possible .... how can a server be unbalanced because gms doesn't listen the players...

    [*]4th.This one is and only this is true and i try to fix it

    [*]5th.Well tell me just 1 of the things i asked you..

    [*]6th. well here i dont even comment.. server wouldn't have 35 players online if was the worst in 2010 like you say..

  2. Server has only 2 days online and has around 30 players online atm Pk killer wil be added soon in 1 farm farm zone for new players to farm


    P.S. to mrRees i told you slayer is HGM here some things are edited from him and the others from me no one forces you to play

    if you like it stay if not you know where exit button is i realy dont have the time to discuss with you... spaming from me stops here

  3. L2Devotion is a semi-pvp server ... It's true that you need to farm in the start but later you will be reciprocated from the pvp :D


    P.S. a single clan pt with 5-8 players and at least 1 bishop can raid the mini-bosses (Gordon-Iblis of destruction) in Forbiden gateaway... :)


    P.S. Ingame i am *TecKTONiK*

  4. Flavio post edited was my mistake..

    Darkslayer2 if you want you donate no one forces you to do that server has some expenses and we are glad if anyone makes donation

    and if you want you can take those items with farming ....

    all money goes to the server we make no profit...

  5. Server URL :



    Server Rates:

    Exp       : x500

    Sp         : x500

    Adenna : x800

    Drop     : x2


    Enchant Rates:

    Normal Scroll Enchant Weapon : 80%

    Normal Scroll Enchant Armor    : 80%

    Normal Scroll Enchant Jewels   : 80%


    Crystall Scroll Enchant Weapon : 75%

    Crystall Scroll Enchant Armor    : 75%

    Crystall Scroll Enchant Jewels   : 75%


    Custom Weapons and Armors

    Starter Weapons : Unique

    Starter Armor     : Dread/Titanium


    Middle Weapon   : Legendary

    Middle Armor      : Devotion


    Top Weapons     : Relic

    Top Armor         : Rykros

    Top Jewels        : Relic

    Top Tatoo         :Seresin

    Top Accesories   : Demon Circlet and Commodores Hat


    Dedicated Server Machine:


    Proccesor :  Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore

    Ram         : 8 GB DDR3    800Mhz

    Operating System:  Windows Server 2008 standart

    Hard disc: HD 2x750GB SATA II Software RAID 1

    Internet   : 1 GBit OnBoard LAN Unshared

    Uptime     : Network availability 99%

    Hosting     : Germany



    Safe Enchant weapon : 7

    Safe Enchant armor    : 7

    Safe Enchant jewels   : 7


    Max Enchant weapon  : 25

    Max Enchant armor     : 25

    Max Enchant jewels    : 25


    2 Days server 25 players online

  6. Very nC share man ala pedia exw ki egw ena problem... anigw gameserver k opws fwrtwnei ta scripts ftanei se afto tu buffer k leei failed to load script k otan paw mesa sto fakelo p einai to __init__.py  exei ena .txt file k leei mesa

    Error on: C:\server\gameserver\data\scripts\custom\121212_NPCBuffer\__init__.py.error.log

    Line: -1 - Column: -1


    Traceback (innermost last):

      File "__init__.py", line 2, in ?

    ImportError: no module named net


    ti prepei na kanw ??? thanx ek twn proterwn

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