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About Quentin

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    J'en ai assez..

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  1. A friend made it so he gets all the credits if he wins his i-net name is Skullomonkey
  2. I want a sig with a chick a caar and dunno what else.. text :Quentin subtext : My Style Is Vile
  3. @Master I clearly accepted his challange tho under 1 condition he buys steam . It's not my problem he's a kid and he doesn't already has a CC.
  4. Non-Steam? And you're calling me a noob? Go get steam and we'll play .
  5. You can see my comments on all of your guides. Conclusion : Nothing Special.
  6. I pretty much agree with that since i've seen tons of guides like this one and i don't see difference with all these others ones..
  7. Not bad but seriously some spots really suck hard for awp users. Imho merging the cout/AWP/hiding spots topics is the best option making 84275825 threads regarding the same topic is just stupid.
  8. Finally something looking like a guide ! But for an good or pro AWP guide it has to be much more detailed when it comes to evasion and accuracy ...
  9. This is no guide for how to play but definition of the weapons abilities.. There is no guide in it just a small part thats supposed to be a guide which is named " What Weapons to play with on de_inforno" are you serious ? It's like you're saying you can't play with AWP on the map? And what does " always make fast moves when you see enemy" supposed to mean you mean have reflex? That proves that you are making as i previously said "common sense guides" or maybe you're just saying hey dudes don't panic if you see an enemy shoot him instead...
  10. A check-up of this guide too This is supposed to be a guide not a comedy book . Again common sense guide. Aim for head wait for the guy to firstly make his move than move back and slash.. so far the 2 guys i have read aren't good let's see the other 2. I will comment them all.
  11. Lets make a check-up of this guide. What did we have learned today 1) Running with scout is faster than any other gun/knife 2) Use it as a sniper 3) Aim at chess 4) Play big maps... Is that what you call guide? I call that more likely ocmmon sense ... Gratz Master + 1 post!
  12. The guy sure can use photoshop. Tho we can see that this is clearly fake so no need to discuss anymore this thread. You can clearly see at the car how the hood colors are mixed up due to the mistakes of the guy that tried to make a ghost-like view on the hood of the car.
  13. Καλώς ήλθατε στο MxC Willkommen in MxC Welcome to MxC
  14. Old.Really old. Seen this before an year lol.
  15. What do you mean you can't log?
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