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About dsafra

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  1. on the 2nd trojan found be aware Byez
  2. ummmmmm a question if i try sniff packet when i become PK and copy the hex and when i target another PG i send this packet him became PK too? Byez
  3. ummm but in the most of server now are been fixed for hlapex Byez
  4. ^^ me too are on l2ultimate ^^ Byez
  5. i tried some script and some worked for me but now mine question are with this app can i send hex packet to take item like hlapex or not? Byez
  6. yeah me too tried all kinda of hlapex codes here but noone worked for me yeah sonme kinda of exploit work in l2ultimate becouse me too see many many ppl with good armour and weapon too and unique jewels
  7. yeahhh i think we need not only a new version of the app but a new system of send packet
  8. someone tried if hlapex work in l2ultimate?i tried it but for me not worked nothing Byez
  9. Hi all i play on this server someone know if here there are some working exploit?like using hlapex or other program? Thanks in advance Byez
  10. wow nitrous ty for this share^^ are a very useful app but can i ve a tutorial for make the program enabled to mine l2 server and for how they work ty in advance
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