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About DrGeorge

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  1. No just the skill id.
  2. Yes.I tested it with the salvation animation.It actually uses the skills loading animation when escaping and when it's time to move the skill animation is completed.For Example in normal unstuck animation it shows a big light around you.
  3. Hello everybody Well i dont think that this is shared again. Anyway i'm gonna show you how to change /unstuck command animation. (not so useful but it's cool :P) Ok Let's Start! 1)Find handlers.usercommandhandlers.Escape.java(The paths are different from project to project but it's not difficult to find it.) 2)Find this : //SoE Animation section activeChar.setTarget(activeChar); activeChar.disableAllSkills(); MagicSkillUse msk = new MagicSkillUse(activeChar, xxxx, 1, unstuckTimer, 0); Broadcast.toSelfAndKnownPlayersInRadius(activeChar, msk, 810000/*900*/); SetupGauge sg = new SetupGauge(0, unstuckTimer); activeChar.sendPacket(sg); //End SoE Animation section 3)Where i've put xxxx put the skill id that you want to show when someone is using unstuck. You are ready! 8)
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