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About paradocs

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  1. its normal guys all bots are seen by antyvirus like trojans
  2. small corection on scripts some times swscript works wrong on tunell programs so i made i change : file - script.js oShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ); WScript.Sleep( 0 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\Program Files\\Proxifier\\Proxifier.exe"' ); WScript.Sleep( 3000 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\L2Walker\\L2Fork.exe"' ); WScript.Sleep( 3000 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\L2Walker\\l2asrv.exe"' ); WScript.Sleep( 3000 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\DragonNetwork.exe"' ); WScript.Sleep( 30000 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\L2Walker\\cmd.bat"' ); file - cmd.bat @echo off copy "D:\lineage 2\L2Walker\hosts.*" "D:\windows\system32\drivers\etc" cd "d:\lineage 2\L2Walker" start L2Walker.exe tested and workes perfect !! have fun
  3. hey guys i made 2 small scripts to help lunching l2w, in one click and all needed programs are lunching 1 by 1 : all you have to do is make script.txt, edit it and put in it : oShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ); WScript.Sleep( 0 ); oShell.Run( '"C:\\Program Files\\Proxifier\\Proxifier.exe"' ); WScript.Sleep( 0 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\L2Walker\\L2Fork.exe"' ); WScript.Sleep( 0 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\L2Walker\\l2asrv.exe"' ); WScript.Sleep( 0 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\DragonNetwork.exe"' ); WScript.Sleep( 30000 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\L2Walker\\cmd.bat"' ); WScript.Sleep( 3000 ); oShell.Run( '"D:\\lineage 2\\L2Walker\\L2Walker.exe"' ); all you have to change is the location of each program lyou have save the file 2 script is much more easyer cose its only copying host to location you need (i dont use auto extract file cose its to much clicking) make cmd.txt then edit it and put : echo off copy "D:\lineage 2\L2Walker\hosts.*" "d:\windows\system32\drivers\etc" all you have to change is the drive leter save the file no change script extension from srcipt.txt to script js and cmd.txt for cmd.bat you can use total commander for rename. p.s. sorry for my poor english i hope it will be use full. ;)
  4. :-[ hey guys i'm new in here but i have problem aand dunno why, i done all by the instruction but when i pres login on Bake Ice i got dc from the server and msg on l2fork : 13:23:01 - Debug build 13:23:01 - Using Proxy: False 13:23:01 - Starting... SOCKS[1999] LOCAL[2106] OOG[2107] 13:34:23 - New local connection[2106] 13:34:24 - Local LS connection->Handle 13:34:26 - End of Local:LS connection 13:34:26 - New local connection[2106] 13:34:26 - Local GS connection->Add to queue 13:34:26 - Local connection waiting 13:34:33 - Established connection - Remote IP '' Remote Port '2106' 13:34:33 - New SOCKS connection for 13:34:34 - Proxy LS connection->Handle 13:34:37 - Removed a SOCKS:LS connection 13:34:37 - Local listen thread exit 13:34:37 - Remote listen thread exit i hope any of you can help me
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