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  1. Oo thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are nice guy xAddytzu :)
  2. yes, i will make 3 different scrolls. One chrystal scroll that give me +1, other that give me +100, and other that give me +1000 to add in GM shop. But i need the Scripts and Location For Make it. If some one know how i do for make it please tell me. Thanks in advance.
  3. hello dears friends, i have one question about the scripts. (L2 client epilogue) i want make enchant scroll +1000 but i dont know how make it. i need the Script and Location For Make + 1 ; +100 ; +1000 enchants scroll. If is possible can send me some help and info please about this topic. Really i need help with this problem. thanks to all in advanced friends im waiting the replys :) cya and good day. ;)
  4. AoS no have more lineage (current Aion), Im play now in hellgatte.tk server multiskill. In This server play many people of the world: USA, Japan, Europe, South America and more.. im recomend join in hellgatte.tk because have a great comunity, all world are wellcome :) and some feature are amazing like gm speed in the buffer, and Gms give hero glow and give colour to the nick "recomendations", and have items, weapon and armors and mobs ..(all custom) and you have 3 server for choose one high, one low and one with faction mode. well if you want join in you are wellcome, cya. =GM=EoN
  5. Mikrosgi what you mean?? with "another server that not ready" hellgatte.tk is completly operational!!!
  6. ask me what need you know about hellgatte.tk multiskill server. and then im resolve your questions, ok?
  7. Fantastico Nuevo servidor de Lineage 2 Gracia final: HellGatte.tk link: http://hellgatte.tk/ patch: 1- http://www.megaupload.com/?d=G36IJR9D 2- http://www.4shared.com/file/197699286/9d09a443/Hellgattetk.html cuenta: http://nocoment.no-ip.biz/register/index.php Features/info/rates: -server high 5000x (multiskill) -server low 50x (multiskill) -server faction Angels/Demons ---------------------------------------------------------- -enchant rate 75% -max enchant +25 -buen drop, spoil y party exp. -Multiskill (todos pueden aprender todos los skill de todas las clases con sp) -custom items -custom circlets -custom weapon -custom shield -monster weapon y shield en shop -custom armor -custom npc -custom mobs/monsters muy fuertes -quest item en shop -GM shop -global gatekeeper -Admin y GMs dedicados. -eventos -muchos player online 24/7 -Custom Solidus Based Economy: Ed, Tg, Gb, Chokolates, adenas, ancient adenas - Custom EXP Zones (Power Zones) -custom farm zones - Fame System (Castle/Fort Sieges) - NPC Buffer con "gm speed" habilitado para todos jeje - 3 hours Buff Time -Automated TvT events -1 Weeks Olympiad= nuevos heroes cada semana - Custom Raid Bosses - Customized Grand Bosses - Clan Reputation Points a traves de Clan wars/Sieges/Special item drop from raids y algunos en Npc -subclases habilitadas / base a lvl85 y sub en lvl80 - Zariche and Akamanah al azar -Balanced classes & skills! - Geodata & Pathnodes - PK Guards -sieges -wedding -pledges -seven sing - eventos: hide and seek y Last man standing recompensas copadas -recomendaciones de bienvenida y cambio de color del nick y hero glow solo piediendoselo al GM -Active development team! Admin: HELLGATE.TK GM: EoN - No downtimes or muy cortitos solo el restart de 3 minutos!! -no lag -no wipe -dual box permitido - Auto Learn skills para la clase base -Clanes Argentinos, brasileros, hispanos, yankis, rusos etc... Se los recomiendo de enserio el server es muy bueno!! A los argentinos y de habla hispana los invito a mi clan lvl 10 llamado ArgentinaUnited Lider. con todos los skills, castillo y clan hall Los espero!
  8. Sieghartd update Gracia Final Written by Administrator Friday, 22 May 2009 After a long devel under testserver, finaly Sieghartd is update under Gracia Final. Updates : - Add Vesper's items with customs bonus - Reduce all bonus of customs items for balanced pvp - Increase monsters power in Hero's locations - Fix skills time and reuse delay - Add drop GB/ED in all hero's locations - Fix Arena Manager recover CP - Fix wings accessories and more...
  9. Last update before update Sieghartd Actually Test server have same customs features of Sieghartd (and more for news items and skills). It's the last update before i migrate Sieghartd under Gracia Final. I need repport of stats of p­layer­s if news bonus is good or not for pvp. I talk pvp fighter vs fighter, fighter vs mage, mage vs mage. And test with class, Daguer, archer, etc... And repport for bugs... After migration of Sieghartd, more customs items and customs zones(GB/TG/ED) comming. Actually i remove autoGM access because someone use for shutdown server. For p­layer­ can test fast, i increase rating. The last update : - Add Vesper weapons and armors with customs bonus - Fix Icarus weapons - Fix Wings (Accessories in Shop) - Fix Artemis Bow and Unknow armor(Bug with buy) - Fix Counter and Mastery skills (for no lags) Use L2Updater for see news items. How to connect : 1. Download and install Gracia Final Client http://www.gamershell.com/download_44070.shtml 2. Download textures pack (same CT2) http://uloz.to/1181761/aos_textures_beta.rar or http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3TK2C3X0 3. Extract in Lineage II Folder 4. Erase system folder 5. Download and extract L2Updater in Lineage II folder http://www.age-of-shadows.com/component/option,com_weblinks/catid,53/Itemid,36/ 6. Start L2Updater.exe in Lineage II folder 7. Click on bottom "Full Check File" and wait update process 8. For finish click "Start" bottom.
  10. TestServer Gracia Final - Updates and Patchs Implement custom items (except Icarus customs weapons) Implement GB/TG/ED Economy Add Shop, GK How to connect : 1. Download and install Gracia Final Client http://www.gamershell.com/download_44070.shtml 2. Download textures pack (same CT2) http://uloz.to/1181761/aos_textures_beta.rar or http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3TK2C3X0 3. Extract in Lineage II Folder 4. Erase system folder 5. Download and extract L2Updater in Lineage II folder http://www.age-of-shadows.com/component/option,com_weblinks/catid,53/Itemid,36/ 6. Start L2Updater.exe in Lineage II folder 7. Click on bottom "Full Check File" and wait update process 8. For finish click "Start" bottom.
  11. Gracia Final Test Server Patch Test server Gracia Final open. This server is upgrade daily for implement same feature of Sieghartd. Acces GM for all p­layer­s Tattoo bonus implement Multiskills How to connect : 1. Download and install Gracia Final Client http://www.gamershell.com/download_44070.shtml 2. Erase system folder 3. Download and extract patch system Aos http://www.age-of-shadows.com/component/option,com_weblinks/catid,53/Itemid,36/ 4. Start game with L2.exe in system folder
  12. yes, for the next update you need the final version
  13. yes, the skill work good. - yes, you need Client Gracia Part 2 (NO Final) - and yes the weapon (epic and noitemname) are fixed, now you can enchant it. all are fixed with the new patch if you want connect look this link: http://www.age-of-shadows.com/content/blogcategory/50/234/
  14. reply for Cyperex and Honi01, "It is not a common server like others "SHITS" in the net , is a extremes pvp with mixed skill and with extremes enchant. It is unique in his type. understand?? Age of Shadow is a custom server. if you want Real and hard pvp with some roll come on to AoS, but if you dont want this features go to other common server Boring and routine That abound in internet". ;) regards
  15. hi cloud, This is the Devel Plan in the current time for Age of Shadow: - Update Kernel and client Patch under Gracia Part 2 Final - Fix Customs Items - Add news Zones - Add news NPC - Implement automated script 1mn for check skills (prevent exploit with skills) - Implement custom Community Board (top pvp, pk, olympiad, rb status, players onlines) - Implement automated scripts 24h for GM access. (5 bests onlinetime with no clan players) - Prevent fix for crash client lost items - Remove Reflect and Absorbe damages effects - Remove weapons conditions for use skills - Remove HP conditions for use skills - Remove items need for class change - Adjust max critical pAtk rate to 750 - Adjust max critical mAtk rate to 500 - Increase drop adena to x4000 - Fix enchant don't affect p.Def and m.Def effects - Fix Wind Walk time effect - Set max Speed to 300 - Set Town in pvp mode - Fix GateKeeper in Goddard and Primeval Island - Fix Heroe's location teleport - Increase mana potion effect to 1000
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