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About kunteper1

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. lol. i dont know this bump is allowed per 12 hours . lol lol lol lol lol lol
  2. 7x Dynasty sets( all %100 and +6 or high ) + 2 x apella set %100 2x halisha bow +16 1x lady's fun +16 3x full RB set ( Bauim +9 , valakas +7 ,antharas +7,....AQ +6 zaken +7...other jewelys +6 or +7) and... 50-60 s grade SA weapons (+4-+13) & 30 giants book 70k fire mantra 50k water mantra 35k wind mantra & 200k CP potions & maks & 80 level strider & 1kkk adena and too much items... add me: mumin_yilmazz@hotmail.com
  3. add me mumin_yilmazz@hotmail.com
  4. wts 2x halisha +16 2x lf +16 6x dynasty set ( robe light heavy all %100 and all +6 or high ) 5-6x apella set %100 ( +6 ) 3x rb set ( baium +9 vlakas +7 aq +7 zaken +7 ...... other rb +6 ) and am acu +++ and mantras.. AA adena.... pets.... s grade SA weapons..... mumin_yilmazz@hotmail.com
  5. hello guys i playing = www.l2-eternal.com i want to sell all my things. what i have = DB F+16 (gm donate db f +12 = 120 dolars ) 2x rb set full +6 (gm donate full rb set 500 dolars ) dynasty set light and heavy full+6 ( gm donate 1 set= 350 dolars ) 3-4 apella set light heavy robe all +6 100+ beas 100+ bews 100+ top and hgls lifestone any weapons db f +11 hd f +11 .... and tatoo.. more more weapons armor items... If you want to buy add msn adress: criticalerror_87@hotmail.com
  6. noob ===>> %target
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