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Everything posted by Syran0
.... look at the cvars lmao it's css u don't see ?
radar based far esp struct CRadarPlayer { __int32 bIsValid; //0000 -> not updating that much?! char unknown0[12]; char Unknown1[32]; //0010 __int32 iTeam; //0030 __int32 iHealth; //0034 Vector vOrigin; //0038 QAngle qViewAngles; //0044 }; void __stdcall new_PaintTraverse(vgui::VPANEL vguiPanel, bool forceRepaint, bool allowForce) { _asm { PUSH allowForce PUSH forceRepaint PUSH vguiPanel MOV ECX, g_pPanel CALL g_dwOrgPaintTraverse } //"MatSystemTopPanel" const char* pszPanelName = g_pPanel->GetName(vguiPanel); if(pszPanelName[0] == 'M' && pszPanelName[3] == 'S' && pszPanelName[9] == 'T' && pszPanelName[12] == 'P') { CBaseEntity* pLocal = (CBaseEntity*)g_pEntList->GetClientEntity(g_pEngine->GetLocalPlayer()); if(pLocal && pLocal->IsAlive() && g_pEngine->IsInGame()) { CRadarPlayer* pRadarPlayer = NULL; player_info_t pInfo; int iTeam = 0; int r = 255, g = 255, b = 255; Vector vPlayer, vScreen; float fDistanceToPlayer; float fBoxradius; for(int index = 0; index < 32; index++) { if(index == g_pEngine->GetLocalPlayer() - 1) continue; _asm { MOV ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[244035C0h] MOV EAX, index LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+EAX*4] SHL EAX,6 LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+ECX+28h] MOV pRadarPlayer, EAX } if(pRadarPlayer == NULL || (pRadarPlayer->vOrigin.x == 0 && pRadarPlayer->vOrigin.y == 0 && pRadarPlayer->vOrigin.z == 0) || pRadarPlayer->iTeam == 0 || pRadarPlayer->iHealth == 0) continue; iTeam = pRadarPlayer->iTeam; vPlayer = pRadarPlayer->vOrigin; if(vPlayer.z == (int)vPlayer.z) vPlayer.z += 32; else vPlayer.z -= 32; if(gNeeded.GetVisible(pLocal->EyePosition(), vPlayer) == false) { if(iTeam == 2) { r = 255; g = 80; b = 60; } else if(iTeam == 3) { r = 80; g = 80; b = 255; } else { r = 255; g = 255; b = 255; } } else { if(iTeam == pLocal->GetTeamNumber()) { if(iTeam == 2) { r = 255; g = 80; b = 60; } if(iTeam == 3) { r = 80; g = 80; b = 255; } } else { r = 150; g = 255; b = 60; } } if(gNeeded.WorldToScreen(vPlayer, vScreen)) { fDistanceToPlayer = gNeeded.GetDistance(pLocal->GetAbsOrigin(), vPlayer); fBoxradius = (100 / (fDistanceToPlayer / 100)); g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawSetColor(r, g, b, 210); g_pMatSystemSurface->DrawOutlinedRect(vScreen.x - fBoxradius, vScreen.y - fBoxradius, vScreen.x + fBoxradius, vScreen.y + fBoxradius ); } } } } }
void phoenix_camera::draw_rear_view_mirror(void) { try { if( emanager.get_local_player() != NULL ) { vrect_t rect; rect.x = GUI(REARVIEWMIRROR)->x + (BORDER_SIZE >> 1); rect.y = GUI(REARVIEWMIRROR)->y + TITTLE_BAR_SIZE; rect.width = GUI(REARVIEWMIRROR)->w - BORDER_SIZE; rect.height = GUI(REARVIEWMIRROR)->h - TITTLE_BAR_SIZE; rect.pnext = NULL; CViewSetup myView; phoenix_game_call::GetPlayerView(myView);//IBaseClientDLL* CViewSetup mirrorView = myView; mirrorView.width = rect.width; mirrorView.height = rect.height; mirrorView.x = rect.x; mirrorView.y = rect.y; mirrorView.origin = emanager.get_local_player()->GetEyesPos(); mirrorView.angles = emanager.get_local_player()->GetEyesAngle(); mirrorView.angles.y += 180; mirrorView.fov = 90.0f; phoenix_game_call::RenderViewEx(mirrorView,0,0);//IViewRender* } } catch (...) { phoenix_debug::add_log("draw_rear_view_mirror(void) error..."); } }
Hello, Here you can control the rcon of sv_cheats 1 servers ! Use that script : ent_create logic_timer ent_fire logic_timer addoutput "targetname taketimer" ent_fire taketimer toggle ent_fire taketimer addoutput "refiretime 0.01" ent_fire taketimer enable ent_fire taketimer addoutput "startdisabled 0" ent_fire taketimer addoutput "UseRandomTime 0" ent_fire point_servercommand kill give point_servercommand ent_setname point_clientcommand point_servercommand wait ent_fire taketimer addoutput "ontimer point_servercommand,command,rcon_password bhaabhoo" rcon_password bhaabhoo rcon ma_psay "YOUR STEAM ID" " :: Rcon has been changed :: "
Mani Admin detect the ping via the score board , well with that trick you can bypass the Anti Lag protection from mani admin ;)
If you can't code, you'll never understand ;)
Thanks dude
//check bool we_are_ingame = false; bool is_the_world_edited = false; //storage std::vector<IMaterial*> m_vec_hands; std::vector<IMaterial*> m_vec_Map_Textures; std::vector<IMaterial*> m_vec_Objects_Textures; std::vector<IMaterial*> m_vec_UseLess_Textures; std::vector<IMaterial*> m_vec_players_materials; //yep void Add_To_List(char const* pMaterialName,const char*pTextureGroupName,IMaterial* pTemp ) { if ( plugin_game_interface::m_pEngine->IsInGame() ) { we_are_ingame = true; } else { if ( we_are_ingame ) { m_vec_Map_Textures.clear(); m_vec_Objects_Textures.clear(); m_vec_UseLess_Textures.clear(); m_vec_players_materials.clear(); m_vec_hands.clear(); we_are_ingame = false; } if(!strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "Lightmaps")|| !strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "Particle textures")|| !strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "Decal textures")|| !strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "CubeMap textures")|| !strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "Dynamic Indices")|| !strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "Dynamic Verts")|| !strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "World Verts")|| !strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "Lighting Verts")) { m_vec_UseLess_Textures.push_back( pTemp ); } else if(!strcmp(pTextureGroupName, "World textures")) { m_vec_Map_Textures.push_back( pTemp ); if (strstr(pMaterialName,"wood")|| strstr(pMaterialName,"door")|| strstr(pMaterialName,"gate")|| strstr(pMaterialName,"box")) { m_vec_Objects_Textures.push_back( pTemp ); } } else if (strstr(pMaterialName,"player" )|| strstr(pMaterialName,"weapon" )|| strstr(pMaterialName,"hostage" ) ) { m_vec_players_materials.push_back( pTemp ); } else if (strstr(pMaterialName,"hands")) { m_vec_hands.push_back( pTemp ); } else return; } } void Ok_We_Make_The_List( void ) { //thx for this way :D int size = plugin_game_interface::m_pMaterialSystem->GetNumMaterials(); int list = plugin_game_interface::m_pMaterialSystem->FirstMaterial(); while ( ++list != size ) { IMaterial* used_list = plugin_game_interface::m_pMaterialSystem->GetMaterial(list); Add_To_List( used_list->GetName(), used_list->GetTextureGroupName(), used_list); }; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //ok now edit the stuff ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void reset_map_texture_to_default() { if ( is_the_world_edited ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_Map_Textures.size(); i++)//set solid { m_vec_Map_Textures[i]->AlphaModulate( 1.0 ); m_vec_Map_Textures[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_WIREFRAME,false ); } for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_Objects_Textures.size(); i++) { m_vec_Objects_Textures[i]->AlphaModulate( 1.0 ); } is_the_world_edited = false; } } void make_the_map_transparent() { if ( m_pCvars->whmode.GetBool() ) { if ( m_pCvars->whmode.Getint() == 1 ) { if ( is_the_world_edited ) { reset_map_texture_to_default(); } if ( !is_the_world_edited ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_Objects_Textures.size(); i++) { m_vec_Objects_Textures[i]->AlphaModulate( m_pCvars->wallhack.Getfloat() ); } is_the_world_edited = true; } } if ( m_pCvars->whmode.Getint() == 2 ) { if ( is_the_world_edited ) { reset_map_texture_to_default(); } if ( !is_the_world_edited ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_Map_Textures.size(); i++) m_vec_Map_Textures[i]->AlphaModulate( m_pCvars->wallhack.Getfloat() ); is_the_world_edited = true; } } if ( m_pCvars->whmode.Getint() == 3 ) { if ( is_the_world_edited ) { reset_map_texture_to_default(); } if ( !is_the_world_edited ) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_Map_Textures.size(); i++) m_vec_Map_Textures[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_WIREFRAME,true ); is_the_world_edited = true; } } } else reset_map_texture_to_default(); } void make_the_map_fullbright() { static bool fullbright = false; if ( m_pCvars->vis_fullbright.GetBool() ) { if ( is_the_world_edited ) { reset_map_texture_to_default(); } if (!fullbright) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_Map_Textures.size(); i++) { m_vec_Map_Textures[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_SELFILLUM,true ); } fullbright = true; } } else//set normal { if (fullbright) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_Map_Textures.size(); i++) { m_vec_Map_Textures[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_SELFILLUM,false ); } fullbright = false; } } } void make_player_and_weapon_xqz() { static bool xqz = false; if( m_pCvars->vis_modelhack.GetBool() )//Aequitas { if (!xqz) { for( int i = 0; i < m_vec_players_materials.size(); i++ ) { m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_IGNOREZ, true ); m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_ZNEARER, true ); m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_FLAT, true ); } xqz = true; } } else { if (xqz) { for( int i = 0; i < m_vec_players_materials.size(); i++ ) { m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_IGNOREZ, false ); m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_ZNEARER, false ); m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_FLAT, false ); } xqz = false; } } } void make_player_and_weapon_wireframe() { static bool wire = false; if( m_pCvars->vis_wireframe.GetBool() )//Aequitas { if (!wire ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_vec_players_materials.size(); i++ ) m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_WIREFRAME, true ); wire = true; } } else { if (wire) { for( int i = 0; i < m_vec_players_materials.size(); i++ ) m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_WIREFRAME, false ); wire = false; } } } void make_player_and_weapon_invisible() { static bool hidden = false; if( m_pCvars->vis_hide_model.GetBool() )//Aequitas { if (!hidden ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_vec_players_materials.size(); i++ ) m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_NO_DRAW, true ); hidden = true; } } else { if (hidden) { for( int i = 0; i < m_vec_players_materials.size(); i++ ) m_vec_players_materials[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_NO_DRAW, false ); hidden = false; } } } void make_your_hands_hidden() { static bool no_hands = false; if( m_pCvars->vis_hide_hands.GetBool() )//Aequitas { if (!no_hands ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_vec_hands.size(); i++ ) m_vec_hands[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_NO_DRAW, true ); no_hands = true; } } else { if (no_hands) { for( int i = 0; i < m_vec_hands.size(); i++ ) m_vec_hands[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_NO_DRAW, false ); no_hands = false; } } } void remove_useless_texture() { static bool removed = false; if ( m_pCvars->vis_fpsboost.GetBool() ) { if (!removed) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_UseLess_Textures.size(); i++) { m_vec_UseLess_Textures[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_NO_DRAW,true ); } removed = true; } } else//set normal { if (removed) { for (int i = 0; i < m_vec_UseLess_Textures.size(); i++) { m_vec_UseLess_Textures[i]->SetMaterialVarFlag( MATERIAL_VAR_NO_DRAW,false ); } removed = false; } } } void call_me_in_your_esp_or_somewhere_else() { Ok_We_Make_The_List(); //gogogo make_the_map_transparent(); make_the_map_fullbright(); make_player_and_weapon_xqz(); make_player_and_weapon_wireframe(); make_player_and_weapon_invisible(); make_your_hands_hidden(); remove_useless_texture(); }
float *flashDuration = (float*)((DWORD)Base.gMe->BaseEnt() + (DWORD)0xFD8); // We need this so if we get flashed while we're already flashed // we can see if we got flashed again by checking to see if // *flashDuration != lastDurationValue // If that returns true then what we do is add on the newest *flashDuration // to our timer. static float lastDurationValue = *flashDuration; static float fakeDuration = -1.0f; static bool set = false; if((*flashDuration != 0.0f && !set) || lastDurationValue != *flashDuration) { lastDurationValue = *flashDuration; fakeDuration += lastDurationValue; set = true; } if(fakeDuration > 0.0f) { static float flNextReset = Base.gGlobals->curtime + 0.05f; if(flNextReset <= Base.gGlobals->curtime) { // When we get flashed a first time flNextReset doesn't change, but // when we get flashed a second time it tries to catch up to ->curtime. // Make sure that if the difference of the two is greater than 0.1 seconds // to reset our value to the default if(Base.gGlobals->curtime - flNextReset > 0.05f) flNextReset = Base.gGlobals->curtime + 0.05f; else flNextReset += 0.05f; fakeDuration -= 0.05f; } clamp(fakeDuration, 0, 9999); float time = Base.gGlobals->curtime - fakeDuration; time -= Base.gGlobals->curtime; if(time < 0.0f) { Base.gNeeded->DrawString(Base.gNeeded->hEspFont, gScreen.w / 2, 50, COLORCODE(255, 0, 0, 255), true, "You have been flashed for %2.1f seconds!", abs(time)); Base.gMatSurface->DrawSetColor(RGBA(COLORCODE(235, 180, 0, 255))); Base.gMatSurface->DrawOutlinedRect((gScreen.w / 2) - 252, 98, (gScreen.w / 2) + 252, 112); float flRatio = 500 / abs(*flashDuration); // 500 is the width of our progress bar float flProgressSize = (abs(*flashDuration) - abs(time)) * flRatio; Base.gNeeded->FillRGBA((gScreen.w / 2) - 250, 100, (int)flProgressSize, 10, COLORCODE(255, 200, 0, 200)); } } else { fakeDuration = 0.0f; *flashDuration = 0.0f; set = false; lastDurationValue = 0.0f; }
if(GetLifeState(bEnt) && bEnt != Base.m_pMyPlayer->BaseEnt() && Base.m_pEngine->GetPlayerInfo(i,&pInfo)) { Draw3DBox(bEnt->GetAbsOrigin(),Vector(20,20,70),Vector(-20,-20,-10),bEnt->GetAbsAngles(),0,255,128); int delay = 55; if(Base.m_pEngine->GetNetChannelInfo()->GetAvgData( FLOW_OUTGOING ) <= 125) delay = 111; if(Base.m_pEngine->GetNetChannelInfo()->GetAvgData( FLOW_OUTGOING ) <= 67) delay = 222; if(Base.m_pEngine->GetNetChannelInfo()->GetAvgData( FLOW_OUTGOING ) <= 34) delay = 333; if(PredPlayer[i].dwLast + 500 < GetTickCount()) { PredPlayer[i].vecOldPosition = bEnt->GetAbsOrigin(); PredPlayer[i].dwLast = GetTickCount(); } //Wohoo we can learn :o //if(last_safe + 5000 < GetTickCount() && count_pos <= 200) // safe pos every 5000 ticks //{ // last_safe = GetTickCount(); // pos[count_pos].pos = bEnt->EyePosition(); // count_pos += 1; //} Vector delta; delta.x = (bEnt->GetAbsOrigin()[0]-PredPlayer[i].vecOldPosition[0]); delta.y = (bEnt->GetAbsOrigin()[1]-PredPlayer[i].vecOldPosition[1]); delta.z = (bEnt->GetAbsOrigin()[2]-PredPlayer[i].vecOldPosition[2]); vPredict = bEnt->GetAbsOrigin(); vPredict += Vector(delta); Draw3DBox(vPredict,Vector(20,20,70),Vector(-20,-20,-10),bEnt->GetAbsAngles(),255,0,0); float last_distance = 9999999999; //We dont want it flicker to much if(last_update + 500 < GetTickCount()) { for(int c = 0; c <= count_pos; c++) { if(v_distance(vPredict,pos[c].pos) < last_distance && v_distance(vPredict,pos[c].pos) < pos[c].last_distance) { final = pos[c].pos; last_distance = v_distance(vPredict,pos[c].pos); } pos[c].last_distance = v_distance(vPredict,pos[c].pos); } last_update = GetTickCount(); } Draw3DBox(final,Vector(20,20,70),Vector(-20,-20,-10),bEnt->GetAbsAngles(),255,255,255); Vector sc1,sc2,sc3,sc4,sc5; Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(bEnt->GetAbsOrigin(),sc1); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(vPredict,sc2); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(vPredict+Vector(delta),sc3); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(vPredict+Vector(delta)+Vector(delta),sc4); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(final,sc5); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawSetColor(RGBA(COLORCODE(0,255,0,188))); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(sc1.x,sc1.y,sc2.x,sc2.y); //Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(sc2.x,sc2.y,sc3.x,sc3.y); //Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(sc1.x,sc1.y,sc5.x,sc5.y); //Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(sc3.x,sc3.y,sc4.x,sc4.y); //} } Dust2 Sample: pos[0].pos = Vector(-1676.854736, 832.136658, 96.031250); pos[1].pos = Vector(-763.226501, 1426.699341, -47.968750); pos[2].pos = Vector(-1540,2648,45); pos[3].pos = Vector(1135,2455,140); pos[4].pos = Vector(448.000000, 2464.000000, -49.000000); pos[5].pos = Vector(1007.968750, 2383.991943, 92.156372); pos[6].pos = Vector(1714.089233, 1808.004517, 110.096924); pos[7].pos = Vector(1040.003906, 3055.968750, 208.033218); pos[8].pos = Vector(571.968750, 2783.989746, 160.031250); pos[9].pos = Vector(478.466980, 2052.467041, 160.031250); pos[10].pos = Vector(147.024597, 1472.468140, 64.031250); pos[11].pos = Vector(-193.497742, 1028.399048, 64.031250); pos[12].pos = Vector(-69.305428, 387.033905, 66.333832); pos[13].pos = Vector(369.842957, 64.893188, 70.658691); pos[14].pos = Vector(611.681824, 495.457245, 66.468399); pos[15].pos = Vector(-405.135773, -567.175903, 84.560310); pos[16].pos = Vector(-685.809143, -808.182251, 198.972778); pos[17].pos = Vector(-1480.645508, -277.218750, 193.653259); pos[18].pos = Vector(-1892.091309, 641.516541, 96.031250); pos[19].pos = Vector(-1974.386475, 1433.407471, 96.031250); pos[20].pos = Vector(-2095.760254, 2541.095459, 96.031250); pos[21].pos = Vector(-2031.968750, 3119.968750, 83.968750); pos[22].pos = Vector(-1616.013794, 1632.031250, 79.986862); pos[23].pos = Vector(-1033.080078, 2096.180420, 18.727989); pos[24].pos = Vector(-408.170013, 1618.152832, -61.855171); Structures: struct positions { Vector pos; float last_distance; }; positions pos[512]; struct PredPlayer { DWORD dwLast; Vector vecOldPosition; }; PredPlayer PredPlayer[64]; 3D Box: void Draw3DBox(Vector or, Vector min, Vector max, QAngle ang,int r, int g, int b) { Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawSetColor(RGBA(COLORCODE(r,g,b,255))); Vector p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8; Vector s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8; p1 = or + min; p2 = or + Vector(max.x,min.y,min.z); p3 = or + Vector(min.x,max.y,min.z); p4 = or + Vector(max.x,max.y,min.z); p5 = or + max; p6 = or + Vector(min.x,max.y,max.z); p7 = or + Vector(min.x,min.y,max.z); p8 = or + Vector(max.x,min.y,max.z); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(p1,s1); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(p2,s2); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(p3,s3); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(p4,s4); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(p5,s5); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(p6,s6); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(p7,s7); Base.m_pNeeded->WorldToScreen(p8,s8); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s1.x,s1.y,s2.x,s2.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s1.x,s1.y,s3.x,s3.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s1.x,s1.y,s7.x,s7.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s2.x,s2.y,s8.x,s8.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s2.x,s2.y,s4.x,s4.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s3.x,s3.y,s4.x,s4.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s3.x,s3.y,s6.x,s6.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s4.x,s4.y,s5.x,s5.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s5.x,s5.y,s6.x,s6.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s5.x,s5.y,s8.x,s8.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s6.x,s6.y,s7.x,s7.y); Base.m_pMatSurface->DrawLine(s7.x,s7.y,s8.x,s8.y); } Distance: float v_distance( Vector from,Vector to ) { Vector angle; angle.x = to.x - from.x; angle.y = to.y - from.y; angle.z = to.z - from.z; return sqrt(angle.x*angle.x + angle.y*angle.y + angle.z*angle.z); }
... RadarPlayerStruct = *(DWORD*)0x244013B8; RadarPlayerStruct = RadarPlayerStruct + 0x28; for( int i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) { if(i == (g_pEngine->GetLocalPlayer()-1)) continue; RadarPlayer = (DWORD)(RadarPlayerStruct+(0x140*i)); if(RadarPlayer == NULL || IsBadReadPtr((void*)RadarPlayer, 4)) continue; RadarPlayerName = (char*)(RadarPlayer+0x10); RadarPlayerTeam = *(int*)(RadarPlayer+0x30); RadarPlayerHealth = *(int*)(RadarPlayer+0x34); RadarPlayerOrigin = *(Vector*)(RadarPlayer+0x38); if(RadarPlayerOrigin.z == (int)RadarPlayerOrigin.z)//sloppy way...who cares? RadarPlayerOrigin.z = RadarPlayerOrigin.z + 32; else RadarPlayerOrigin.z = RadarPlayerOrigin.z - 32; memcpy(&RadarPlayerEyeOrigin, &RadarPlayerOrigin, 12); RadarPlayerEyeOrigin.z = RadarPlayerEyeOrigin.z + 32; RadarPlayerViewangles = *(QAngle*)(RadarPlayer+0x44); ...
void cDraw::FillGradient( int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, unsigned int alpha0, unsigned int alpha1, bool bHorizontal ) { pMatSystemSurface->DrawSetColor( r, g, b, 255 ); pMatSystemSurface->DrawFilledRectFade( x, y, x + w, y + h, alpha0, alpha1, bHorizontal ); } void cDraw::GradBlackToRGB( int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, unsigned int alpha0, unsigned int alpha1, bool bHorizontal ) { FillRGBA( x, y, w, h, CHEAT_BLACK ); FillGradient( x, y, w, h, r, g, b, alpha0, alpha1, bHorizontal ); } void cDraw::GradRGBToRGB( int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, int r1, int g1, int b1, unsigned int alpha0, unsigned int alpha1, bool bHorizontal ) { FillRGBA( x, y, w, h, COLORCODE( r1, g1, b1, 255 ) ); FillGradient( x, y, w, h, r, g, b, alpha0, alpha1, bHorizontal ); } void cDraw::GradWhiteToRGB( int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, unsigned int alpha0, unsigned int alpha1, bool bHorizontal ) { FillRGBA( x, y, w, h, CHEAT_WHITE ); FillGradient( x, y, w, h, r, g, b, alpha0, alpha1, bHorizontal ); }
bool CTF2::Init(HMODULE hEngine) { DWORD dwClientDLL_Init = NULL; char szClientDLL_InitSig[] = "\x56\xE8\xFA\x71\x01\x00\x83\x3D\x5C\x99\x22\x0D\x00\x8B\x35\x64\xA5\x11\x0D\x0F\x84\x93\x01\x00\x00\x68\xDC\x8C\x13\x0D\xFF\xD6"; char szClientDLL_InitMsk[] = "xx????xx????xxx????xx????x????xx"; dwClientDLL_Init = gMem.FindPattern(((DWORD)hEngine + 0xBA340), 0x00617000, (PBYTE)szClientDLL_InitSig, szClientDLL_InitMsk); if(dwClientDLL_Init == NULL) return FALSE; CreateInterfaceFn appSystemFactory = NULL; appSystemFactory = (CreateInterfaceFn)*(DWORD*)*(DWORD*)(dwClientDLL_Init + 0x21); if(appSystemFactory == NULL) return FALSE; DWORD ppClient = *(DWORD*)(dwClientDLL_Init + 0x27); if(ppClient == NULL) return FALSE; pClient = (IBaseClientDLL*)*(DWORD*)ppClient; if(pClient == NULL) return FALSE; CreateInterfaceFn clientFactory = NULL; clientFactory = (CreateInterfaceFn)*(DWORD*)(ppClient - 0x8); DWORD ppGlobals = *(DWORD*)(*(DWORD*)*(DWORD*)pClient + 0x39); return TRUE; } CreateInterfaceFn GetAppSystemFactory() { BYTE* sig = (BYTE*)"\x8B\x44\x24\x04\x8B\x08\x8B\x50\x04\x89\x0D\x00\x00\x00\x00\x89\x15\x00\x00\x00\x00\xC3"; char* mask = "xxxxxxxxxxx????xx????x"; DWORD func = gMemory.dwFindPattern( (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("client.dll"), 0x62b000, sig, mask ); CreateInterfaceFn* address = (CreateInterfaceFn*) func + 0xB; return *address; }
[Share]Materials Hack + Scripts + Sources
Syran0 replied to Syran0's topic in CS Bugs, Tricks & Hacks
Some new materials added Have Fun ! -
Old Hacks VACDetected are deleted 11 VAC²Proof Hacks for cs 1.6 added 5 VAC²Proof Hacks for css added Have Fun !!! Soon : Teamfortress 2 Hacks Left 4 Dead Hacks
BIG Update in comming I'm back
name the dll : Client.dll (or , the same as the loader)
run hacks as administrator maybe ? whats hacks did you use ?
i'll post some leaked hacks =) later
Ok hacks who are detected (and removed from the list ) : Misanthrop Hook v4 MPH Unheil 2 MPH Unheil v0.4 SSW 6.0 ECC Hook v 1.0.1 Unreal-Stealth Public v5 Kartoffel Hack v3 AIO Mem Hack v2 pubh0ok v1.8 HcH ESP v0.4
Added : - Kartoffel 3.1 (CSS) - MPH Unheil v0.6 (CS 1.6) Some hacks are VAC² Detected , please don't use any hacks untill the list update
no problem ^^
i can give you private hacks i sell one hack for L4D ESP and Aimbot VAC²Proof @ Ring0 PM me for details