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Everything posted by michaelz

  1. how to bot a mage: Have the short range options enabled on default (100 I think) And the use spell furthest down choose your skill, hydro blast or whatever. Now on Long range have it on 900 or whatever and the "Use spell" choose your spell again
  2. Btw someone should start working on how to bypass the pvpx anti bot system because l2gold will sure as hell be getting the same system soon, I bet you know why.
  3. um what, ever heard of OOG? Open 100 walkers if you want to lol
  4. OOG works on l2gold now without any of this stuff, they all thought their new "protection" would stop oog but it didn't and they deleted it.
  5. How exactly does that work? When hp is under 110% wtf? ;P
  7. yeah ig works thanks, keep this topic updated please. Someone may fix this and post it here
  8. Yeah IG = OOG basicly just ingame walker opens when your inside the l2 client. Okey thanks astalabista
  9. Okey keep us updated with ur friends script, and astalabista how did you make IG walker work dude? Basshunter you got IG walker working?
  10. Look, pretty much all the servers are starting to use a new type of protection. The one where they add another accept window after you select game server and it confuses l2walker making it to not be able to login. Somebody know how to fix this? Well it shouldnt be so hard, or will we never bot on these servers again?
  11. anyone know how to fix it ;O?
  12. Well whenever you try to buy something from their misc shop which is very useful for me it crashes the OOG client. Anyone has this problem as well, or somebody knows the way to fix it? Change some files or try a later version of walker, cuz i've already tried some other versions still same shit. appreciated
  13. This is why it is better. Better built, more functions and better(most of em), you don't need 9 Superman OOG clients if you wanna login all of them you can do it all together inside of one. Scripting is a lot better as well. I think it can assist you in pvp as well but I am not completely sure, anyone confirm?
  14. How then ? :O
  15. Superman is x3 times better than walker.
  16. Doesn't work, tried to connect to a private server ( is the IP I got this error: 2007-08-17 12:45:43: Connecting Auth Server 2007-08-17 12:45:49: Connecting Login Server 2007-08-17 12:46:09: Connecting LineageII Login Server time out 2007-08-17 12:46:09: Can Not Connect LineageII Login Server 2007-08-17 12:46:09: Retry Later What to do? oh and I already changed the ip to the priv server one in the hosts file.
  17. So you guys were talking about merging them into 1 script. Is it possible to integrate a mana script within a delay 2 hour, go back to town and buff script? From what I know now, it ain't possible to do that because the mana loops itself? But maybe i'm wrong?
  18. I am just wondering if it is possible to run 2 scripts at once in l2walker, doesn't seem like it but why the fuck not? It is so annoying
  19. Does l2gold have a anti bot system now??
  20. I don't think we will ever be able to bot on pvpx again, get over it :P
  21. Anybody found the priv edition yet? :O
  22. Could you tell us the token?
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