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Posts posted by hanswurst

  1. You probably ask this cause u need enchanted items on your char right?

    Well i have an idea.. maybe isn't a bug just an idea.. make another char on the same acc of the gm acc.. with the gm acc use freight system of warehouse and put on the other acc the enchanted items/or other stuff, after log with ur bot char and with ur main char and get the items.. it should work dunno anyway.. just an idea i had in this moment


    already thought about that, but all forms of trade are disabled, incl. fright/mail, wh/clanwh and so on.

  2. Hey there,



    I alreadey used the search, but I couldn't find anything about this. So here we go:


    let's say I am a GM on a L2j-Freya server with the lowest access lvl, meaning I cannot trade, use gm shop or anything like that. Is there any exploit that allowes to do stuff which is out of my access range ? e.g. trading in someway ?


    thx for any answer

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