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Everything posted by Savvakis

  1. # ================== #====================# # L2Emu Project Pack # Additional Options # # ================== #====================# # --------------------- # Login Server features # --------------------- # Setting for serverList # Displays [] in front of server name ServerListBrackets = false # Displays a clock next to the server name ServerListClock = false # If true, the server will be set as GM only ServerGMOnly = false # -------------- # Zones Settings #--------------- # Zone Setting # 0 = Peace All the Time # 1 = PVP During Siege for siege participants # 2 = PVP All the Time ZoneTown = 0 # --------------------------------------------------------- # Server Optimizations And Client -> Server synchronization # --------------------------------------------------------- # Allow delete chars after nnn days, 0 = feature disabled DeleteCharAfterDays = 0 # Delete invalid quest from player , default (true) # this option avoid problems of already deleted quests to be in DB, increases performance. AutoDeleteInvalidQuestData = true # This is setting of Client <--> Server Player coordinates synchronization, # -1 - Will synchronize only Z from Client --> Server. Default when no geodata. # 1 - Synchronization Client --> Server only. Using this option (without geodata) it is more difficult for players to bypass obstacles # 2 - Intended for geodata (at least when cell-level pathfinding, otherwise can try -1 also)! # Server sends validation packet if client goes too far from server calculated coordinates. CoordSynchronize = -1 # ------- # Fishing # ------- # Fishing mode FishingMode = water # ---------------- # Logging features # ---------------- # Will generate a Log File with all Chat in Game. # Item handling # NOTE: This can be very space consuming if enabled for all items # NOTE: This can be very space consuming if enabled for all gm actions. LogChat = true LogItems = false # -------------- # Other Settings # -------------- # 1 - Show server version and L2Emu License when player enter game. ShowLicense = false # ------------- # Database Save # ------------- # This is the interval (in minutes), that the gameserver will update a players information such as location. # The higher you set this number, there will be less character information saving so you will have less access to MySQL and your Hard Drive. # The lower you set this number, there will be more frequent character information saving so you will have more access to your MySQL and your Hard Drive. # A value of 0 disables periodic saving. # Independent of this setting the character is always saved after leaving the world. CharacterDataStoreInterval = 15 # This enables the server to only update items when saving the character # Enabling this greatly reduces DB usage and improves performance. # WARNING: This option causes item loss during crashes LazyItemsUpdate = false # This forces(even if using lazy item updates) the items owned by the character to be updated into DB when saving its character # Increases DB usage UpdateItemsOnCharStore = false # Characters in Fun Events must fall down on death ? FallDownOnDeath = true # Time limit between using Social Actions in 100 ms # Retail: 0 SocialTime = 26 # Restore the Player's Instance on EnterWorld # Retail: false RestorePlayerInstance = false # Set whether summon skills can be used to summon players inside an instance # When enabled individual instances can have summoning disabled in instance xml's AllowSummonToInstance = true # Turns Vitality support on. /!\/!\ This feature is for testing, be sure you know what you do before using! EnableVitality = false RecoverVitalityOnReconnect = true [move]m TO BGAZEI STO OPTIONS[/move] # ================== #==================# # L2Emu Project Pack # Other Properties # # ================== #==================# # Define the Amount of adena that a new character starts # default = 0 StartingAdena = 120000000 # --------------------- # Other Player Commands # --------------------- # Unstuck Command Allow Players To be Teleported To nearest Town if they stuck on textures etc. # 1- Interval for Casting Unstuck Command. # default = 300 (5 Minutes) # 2- Player Protection after teleporting or login (in Seconds) # 0 = disabled # time in milliseconds PlayerUnstuckInterval = 300 PlayerSpawnProtection = 0 # Player Protection from (agro) mobs after getting up from fake death; in seconds, 0 for disabled PlayerFakeDeathUpProtection = 0 # list of npc's that allows to rent pet ListPetRentNpc = 30827,30828 #------------------------------------------ # Death Penalty chance if killed by mob (%) #------------------------------------------ DeathPenaltyChance = 20 [move]STO OTHER[/move] # ================== #===========================# # L2Emu Project Pack # Alternative Game Settings # # ================== #===========================# # ========================================================= # WARNING WARNING # ========================================================= # Those settings can modify the behaviour of your server. # Your server will NOT be as retail servers. # # Those settings are useful if you own some special server # or really small server. # NOTE : "true" to enable "false" to disable. # ========================================================= #-------------- # Section: NPCS #-------------- # View npc stats/drop by shift-clicking it for nongm-players # Allows Players to Shift-click Mobs and view their Stats and Droplist # Show information? (enables flags AltGameViewNpc[*] below) AltGameViewNpc = false # 1 - Show L2Monster level and aggro # 2 - Show L2Monster level and aggro, ServerSideNpcName must be enabled # 3 - Maximum range mobs can randomly go from spawn point MaxDriftRange = 200 ShowNpcLevel = false # Minimum and maximum variable in seconds for npc animation delay. # You must keep MinNPCAnimation <= MaxNPCAnimation. # "0" is default value. MinNPCAnimation = 10 MaxNPCAnimation = 20 MinMonsterAnimation = 5 MaxMonsterAnimation = 20 # Walker Npcs MinNPCWalkAnimation = 10 MaxNPCWalkAnimation = 20 # Allows/Disallows exchange equipment AllowExchange = true # Alternative mob behavior in peace zones # default = true; Set to false to prevent mobs from auto-agro against players in peace zones AltMobAgroInPeaceZone = true # Alchemist Mixing Urn temp fail # default = 10 UrnTempFail = 10 # Allows/Disallows Players Rent Pet for Adena at Pet Manager (default in Gludio) AllowRentPet = false # Allow Pet managers pets walking AllowPetWalker = true # List of pet Rent # NOTE: You can Add more pets by ID. ListPetRentNpc = 30827 # Wyvern Manager # Allows/Disallows upgrade pets to wyverns in managers AllowWyvernUpgrader = false # Alt Pet Managers Cristal Count # default = 25 ManagerCrystalCount = 25 # ------------------- # Section: Characters # ------------------- # Maximum character running speed. # default = 250, Warn: Be Careful With This Setting! MaxRunSpeed = 250 # Use tiredness (instead of combat points) # default = false AltGameTiredness = false # If true Hero Weapons can be only equipped by Heros and can't be traded sold etc. # default = true StrictHeroSystem = true # If a Player dies it will lost an amount of XP # default = true Delevel = true # Alternative Xp/Sp rewards, if not 0, then calculated as 2^((mob.level-player.level) / coef), # A few examples for "AltGameExponentXp = 5." and "AltGameExponentSp = 3." # Diff = 0 (player and mob has the same level), XP bonus rate = 1, SP bonus rate = 1 # Diff = 3 (mob is 3 levels above), XP bonus rate = 1.52, SP bonus rate = 2 # Diff = 5 (mob is 5 levels above), XP bonus rate = 2, SP bonus rate = 3.17 # Diff = -8 (mob is 8 levels below), XP bonus rate = 0.4, SP bonus rate = 0.16 # default = 0.,0. AltGameExponentXp = 0. AltGameExponentSp = 0. # Allows/Disallows Craft System CraftingEnabled = true # 1 - Player Must Receive EXP/SP While Crafting ?, default (false) # 2 - Time multiplier - bigger number ==> slower crafting but more XP/SP, default (1) # 3/4 - Additional XP/SP rate multiplier (for increased XP/SP), default (1) # 5 - Enables/disables Crafting, default (true) # NOTE: 1 = Disabled AltGameCreation = false AltGameCreationSpeed = 1 AltGameCreationRateXp = 1 AltGameCreationRateSp = 1 # Limits for recipes # 1 - recipe limits for dwarf, default (50) # 2 - other races recipe limits, default (50) DwarfRecipeLimit = 50 CommonRecipeLimit = 50 # ---------------- # Section: Summons # ---------------- # summon penalty rate, the final penalty will be : expPenalty (define in xml) * ratePenalty (define here) # set to 0 if you want to completely disable summon penalty or let 1.0 to keep it like before # default = 1.0 AltSummonPenaltyRate = 1.0 # ---------------------- # Section: Soul Crystals # ---------------------- # Soul Crystal Chances # default = Level up: 32 ChanceToLevel = 32 [move]KAI STO ALT...[/move]
  2. Auto http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45947.0 des to kai pes m pou na pao ty
  3. oxi den katalabes 8elo na tous paei sto antharas nest
  4. loipon gia sas 8elo na ma8o pos ginete otan arxinane oi pextes na tous bazei katey8eian se mia poloi i perioxi... as pou me ego 8elo na tou balo sto antharas lair pos ginete?Kai 8elo na ma8o pos mporo na allaxo ta adena diladi ena weapon kani 200kk 8elo na to kano 800kk pos ginete apo to gmshop...pos ginete Akoma kati pos mpro na allaxo ta stat apo ena tattoo? ayta pls help
  5. gia sas paidia 8elo ta buffs m na einai 9 ores sto server m ola ta buffs... gia Gracia part 2 [move]l2Blade[/move]
  6. Ακου το pack m einai http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=45947.0 kai 8elo gia 9ores buffs exo dokimasei tou stefoulini alla m diagrafontai merika buffs an mporeis help
  7. Φιλε ΤΥ Το sub class ta εφταχα τy παιδια
  8. Για σας και παλι θελο ναροτισο καπιοα πραγματα 1)Θελο να μαθο ποσ μπορο να βαλο adena σε εναν παιχτι οταν αρχιναει 2)Οταν παο να κανο sub class μ λεει οτι δεν μπορεις αν 3ερετε τιποτα pls help [move]L2Blade[/move]
  9. Οκ Τy.Φίλε Έχω ψάξει Για buffer,Gm shop βρήκα Αλλά στο Navicat.Μου δίχνει Error.Ξέρεις Κανέναν Καλό buffer&Gm Shop Αν ξέρεις Πες μου [move]L2Blade[/move]
  10. Για σας.Θα ήθελα help σε κάποια θέματα(Σχετίκα Με το l2) 1)Θέλω ενα πολυ καλώ pack για l2j (Gracia 2).Οτι pack Να είναι αλλά καλώ. 2)Θέλω Να μάθω Πως μπορώ να βρω τα id των items δηλαδή (gold bar,bagrio και αλλα) 3)Αυτά! 4)[move]PLS help[/move]
  11. Paidia exo dokimasei polous buffer kai sto navitar m emfanizei error to error einai to e3is : [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully Plsss help to server m einai l2jfree (c6)
  12. Για ΣΑΣ 8ελο να μα8ο ποσ μπορον α βρο τα ιδ τον mob Sorry για τα ορ8ογραφικα αλλα εχο σινι8ισει greeklish [move]L2blade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/move]
  13. Gia sas paidia eimai new edo kai 8elo na ma8o enan kalo buffer pou na min exei Client-Side pls apantiste ton 8elo suntoma ty! gia L2j interlude [move]lineage 2[/move]
  14. Gia sas eimai new 8elo na balo sto server m Buffer,gk,Gm shop xoris dynastic,Class Manager kai oti einai pio kalo gia ayton.Einai l2j Interlude....Soz an Paremvo Kapious kanones :P
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