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Enchanting one by one at L2Net v2 (made by easy2k4)
easy2k4 replied to easy2k4's topic in Botting [English]
I had this problem even with manual enchanting, but I thought that it was just fault of reduced level of enchants rate. For protection I have added to the script, that part with "buffer_of_selecting_item", and with "random_loop_delay", but it looks like it should be something else :P I can't even find any informations on the internet about any auto-enchanting patches for l2j So, It may be just like you said, but if you have got right, that's mean that if l2j serwer is doing something like that, then it's cheating on players, even if they are just doing manual enchanting. I thought that I just have no luck, but it's just conspiracy! :P -
Enchanting one by one at L2Net v2 (made by easy2k4)
easy2k4 replied to easy2k4's topic in Botting [English]
The problem appeared. I had several items with various levels of enchants. I wanted to keep three items (because I had so many chars). So I made a brand new script :) This time script with doing loops, is finding items with the smallest levels of enchants. It's enchanting in this way next items, leaving declared by us their counts. So it will stops when we remain items count, or when we spend all our scrolls. (look at the first post of this topic) -
Enchanting one by one at L2Net v2 (made by easy2k4)
easy2k4 replied to easy2k4's topic in Botting [English]
Please make a copy of your version of that script, and post it here. We will check it :) -
Enchanting one by one at L2Net v2 (made by easy2k4)
easy2k4 replied to easy2k4's topic in Botting [English]
You need to download, and install L2.NET bot. There are some links http://l2net.insane-gamers.com/download.php http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=38224.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=23187.0 Now, you need to login in to the game. Collect at your inventory items (which will be enchanted), and scrolls. Open for editing script, and change names of item, scroll, and crystals (at the firs part of script). /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You can (need to) change these values :) DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_item "Omen Beast's Eye Earring" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_scroll "Scroll: Enchant Armor (D)" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_crystals "Crystal: D-Grade" DEFINE_GLOBAL INT loop_delay 1100 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// and after that you need to just run it. Be sure that you have copy correct names of enchanted item, scroll, and crystals. Incorrect name of crystals will make you will cry at the end ;) At few servers (or at all) D grade's crystal name is seperate by "-" sign, and S grade's crystal haven't that sign. DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_crystals "Crystal: D-Grade" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING enchantowane_krysztalki "Crystal: S Grade" If you will not write a correct name of crystals, script will not know if item has been crystallized. If you want to have some fun, just start it with D-Grade stuff. It will be cheaper :) -
Enchanting one by one at L2Net v2 (made by easy2k4)
easy2k4 replied to easy2k4's topic in Botting [English]
and the Polish version of it /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // made by easy2k4 // enchanting w/a/j one by one and stops on the last one /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDE StdLib\inventory.l2c /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You can (need to) change these values :) DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING enchantowany_przedmiot "Draconic Leather Helmet" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING enchantowany_scrol "Scroll: Enchant Armor (S)" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING enchantowane_krysztalki "Crystal: S-Grade" DEFINE_GLOBAL INT opoznienie 1100 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // start -->> Enchant_one_by_one SCRIPT_END FUNCTION Enchant_one_by_one DEFINE STRING nazwa_przedmiotu 0 DEFINE ARRAYLIST zawartosc_plecaka 0 DEFINE ARRAYLIST lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania 0 DEFINE INT ilosc_enchantowanych_przedmiotow 0 DEFINE INT ilosc_enchantowanych_scroli 0 DEFINE INT ilosc_krysztalkow 0 DEFINE INT ilosc_krysztalkow_po_enchancie 0 DEFINE INT id_przedmiotu 0 DEFINE INT id_enchantu 0 DEFINE INT id_krysztalkow 0 DEFINE Inventory przedmiot_scrola 0 DEFINE INT trwa_enchantowanie 0 DEFINE INT nieudany_enchant 0 DEFINE INT przypadkowe_opoznienie 0 ITEM_GET_ID id_enchantu "<&enchantowany_scrol&>" ITEM_COUNT ilosc_enchantowanych_scroli "<&id_enchantu&>" ITEM_GET_ID id_krysztalkow "<&enchantowane_krysztalki&>" ITEM_COUNT ilosc_krysztalkow "<&id_krysztalkow&>" ITEM_COUNT ilosc_krysztalkow_po_enchancie "<&id_krysztalkow&>" ITEM_GET_ID id_przedmiotu "<&enchantowany_przedmiot&>" PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "------------------------------" PRINT_TEXT "Enchant one by one has started" PRINT_TEXT "------------------------------" PRINT_TEXT " " GET_INVENTORY zawartosc_plecaka FOREACH przedmiot Inventory zawartosc_plecaka nazwa_przedmiotu = zawartosc_plecaka.przedmiot.name if nazwa_przedmiotu == enchantowany_przedmiot ilosc_enchantowanych_przedmiotow = ilosc_enchantowanych_przedmiotow + ONE lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.add zawartosc_plecaka.przedmiot endif if nazwa_przedmiotu == enchantowany_scrol przedmiot_scrola = zawartosc_plecaka.przedmiot endif NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT "Enchantowanych przedmiot to <&enchantowany_przedmiot&> (x<&ilosc_enchantowanych_przedmiotow&>)" PRINT_TEXT "Enchantowanych scroll to <&enchantowany_scrol&> (x<&ilosc_enchantowanych_scroli&>)" PRINT_TEXT "Enchantowane krysztalki to <&enchantowane_krysztalki&> (x<&ilosc_krysztalkow&>)" PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "Ilosc skopiowanych przedmiotow do listy enchantowania: <&lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.count&>" PRINT_TEXT " " if ilosc_enchantowanych_przedmiotow < TWO PRINT_TEXT "Brak wystarczajacej ilosci przedmiotow do enchantowania." RETURN VOID endif if ilosc_enchantowanych_scroli < ONE PRINT_TEXT "Brak wystarczajacej ilosci scroli do enchantowania." RETURN VOID endif trwa_enchantowanie = ONE do FOREACH przedmiot Inventory lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania if trwa_enchantowanie == ONE nieudany_enchant = lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.przedmiot.enchant DEFINE BYTEBUFFER bufor_enchantu 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER bufor_przedmiotu 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER bufor_unknown 256 ITEM_GET_ID id_enchantu "<&enchantowany_scrol&>" bufor_enchantu.write_byte #i25 bufor_enchantu.write_int32 przedmiot_scrola.id bufor_enchantu.write_int32 #i0 bufor_enchantu.trim_to_index INJECTBB bufor_enchantu SLEEP "<&opoznienie&>" // bufor_unknown.write_byte #i208 // bufor_unknown.write_byte #i79 // bufor_unknown.write_byte #i0 // bufor_unknown.write_int32 lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.przedmiot.id // bufor_unknown.trim_to_index // INJECTBB bufor_unknown // SLEEP "<&opoznienie&>" GET_RAND przypadkowe_opoznienie 100 300 SLEEP "<&przypadkowe_opoznienie&>" bufor_przedmiotu.write_byte #i95 bufor_przedmiotu.write_int32 lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.przedmiot.id bufor_przedmiotu.write_int32 #i0 bufor_przedmiotu.trim_to_index INJECTBB bufor_przedmiotu SLEEP "<&opoznienie&>" ITEM_COUNT ilosc_krysztalkow_po_enchancie "<&id_krysztalkow&>" ITEM_COUNT ilosc_enchantowanych_scroli "<&id_enchantu&>" // PRINT_TEXT "S: <&przedmiot_scrola.id&> / <&ilosc_enchantowanych_scroli&> / <&id_enchantu&>" // PRINT_TEXT "P: <&lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.przedmiot.name&> / <&lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.przedmiot.id&> / <&lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.przedmiot.enchant&> / <&lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.count&>" if ilosc_krysztalkow_po_enchancie > ilosc_krysztalkow PRINT_TEXT "Przedmiot pekl z enchantem x <&nieudany_enchant&>" lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.remove przedmiot else PRINT_TEXT "Kolejny przedmiot enchantowany na +<&nieudany_enchant&>" endif ITEM_COUNT ilosc_krysztalkow "<&id_krysztalkow&>" DELETE bufor_enchantu DELETE bufor_przedmiotu DELETE bufor_unknown endif if lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.count < TWO trwa_enchantowanie = ZERO endif if ilosc_enchantowanych_scroli < ONE trwa_enchantowanie = ZERO endif NEXTEACH lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.clear GET_INVENTORY zawartosc_plecaka FOREACH przedmiot Inventory zawartosc_plecaka nazwa_przedmiotu = zawartosc_plecaka.przedmiot.name if nazwa_przedmiotu == enchantowany_przedmiot lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.add zawartosc_plecaka.przedmiot endif NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT "Pozostala ilosc przedmiotow po enchantowaniu: <&lista_przedmiotow_do_enchantowania.count&>" loop trwa_enchantowanie == ONE PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "Koniec enchantowania One by One :) " PRINT_TEXT " " RETURN VOID -
It is enchant script for the L2Net's bot, which is enchanting w/a/j one by one, and stops at the last one. You need to collect some scrolls, and items which will be enchanted, change names od these items at script and just run it. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // made by easy2k4 // enchanting w/a/j one by one and stops on the last one /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDE StdLib\inventory.l2c /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You can (need to) change these values :) DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_item "Omen Beast's Eye Earring" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_scroll "Scroll: Enchant Armor (D)" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_crystals "Crystal: D-Grade" DEFINE_GLOBAL INT loop_delay 1100 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // start -->> Enchant_one_by_one SCRIPT_END FUNCTION Enchant_one_by_one DEFINE STRING item_name 0 DEFINE ARRAYLIST bag_inventory 0 DEFINE ARRAYLIST list_of_enchanted_items 0 DEFINE INT enchanted_items_count 0 DEFINE INT enchanted_scrolls_count 0 DEFINE INT crystals_count 0 DEFINE INT crystals_count_after_enchanting 0 DEFINE INT id_of_item 0 DEFINE INT id_of_enchant 0 DEFINE INT id_of_crystals 0 DEFINE Inventory item_of_scroll 0 DEFINE INT enchanting_process 0 DEFINE INT enchant_size 0 DEFINE INT random_loop_delay 0 ITEM_GET_ID id_of_enchant "<&selected_enchanted_scroll&>" ITEM_COUNT enchanted_scrolls_count "<&id_of_enchant&>" ITEM_GET_ID id_of_crystals "<&selected_enchanted_crystals&>" ITEM_COUNT crystals_count "<&id_of_crystals&>" ITEM_COUNT crystals_count_after_enchanting "<&id_of_crystals&>" ITEM_GET_ID id_of_item "<&selected_enchanted_item&>" PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "------------------------------" PRINT_TEXT "Enchant one by one has started" PRINT_TEXT "by easy2k4" PRINT_TEXT "------------------------------" PRINT_TEXT " " GET_INVENTORY bag_inventory FOREACH item Inventory bag_inventory item_name = bag_inventory.item.name if item_name == selected_enchanted_item enchanted_items_count = enchanted_items_count + ONE list_of_enchanted_items.add bag_inventory.item endif if item_name == selected_enchanted_scroll item_of_scroll = bag_inventory.item endif NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT "Selected item is: <&selected_enchanted_item&> (x<&enchanted_items_count&>)" PRINT_TEXT "Selected scroll is <&selected_enchanted_scroll&> (x<&enchanted_scrolls_count&>)" PRINT_TEXT "Selected crystals are <&selected_enchanted_crystals&> (x<&crystals_count&>)" PRINT_TEXT " " if enchanted_items_count < TWO PRINT_TEXT "Not enough items to enchanting." RETURN VOID endif if enchanted_scrolls_count < ONE PRINT_TEXT "Not enough scrolls to enchanting." RETURN VOID endif enchanting_process = ONE do FOREACH item Inventory list_of_enchanted_items if enchanting_process == ONE enchant_size = list_of_enchanted_items.item.enchant DEFINE BYTEBUFFER buffer_of_selected_enchant 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER buffer_of_selected_item 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER buffer_of_selecting_item 256 ITEM_GET_ID id_of_enchant "<&selected_enchanted_scroll&>" buffer_of_selected_enchant.write_byte #i25 buffer_of_selected_enchant.write_int32 item_of_scroll.id buffer_of_selected_enchant.write_int32 #i0 buffer_of_selected_enchant.trim_to_index INJECTBB buffer_of_selected_enchant SLEEP "<&loop_delay&>" // buffer_of_selecting_item.write_byte #i208 // buffer_of_selecting_item.write_byte #i79 // buffer_of_selecting_item.write_byte #i0 // buffer_of_selecting_item.write_int32 list_of_enchanted_items.item.id // buffer_of_selecting_item.trim_to_index // INJECTBB buffer_of_selecting_item // SLEEP "<&loop_delay&>" GET_RAND random_loop_delay 100 300 SLEEP "<&random_loop_delay&>" buffer_of_selected_item.write_byte #i95 buffer_of_selected_item.write_int32 list_of_enchanted_items.item.id buffer_of_selected_item.write_int32 #i0 buffer_of_selected_item.trim_to_index INJECTBB buffer_of_selected_item SLEEP "<&loop_delay&>" ITEM_COUNT crystals_count_after_enchanting "<&id_of_crystals&>" ITEM_COUNT enchanted_scrolls_count "<&id_of_enchant&>" // PRINT_TEXT "S: <&item_of_scroll.id&> / <&enchanted_scrolls_count&> / <&id_of_enchant&>" // PRINT_TEXT "P: <&list_of_enchanted_items.item.name&> / <&list_of_enchanted_items.item.id&> / <&list_of_enchanted_items.item.enchant&> / <&list_of_enchanted_items.count&>" if crystals_count_after_enchanting > crystals_count PRINT_TEXT "Item has been crystallized at x <&enchant_size&>" list_of_enchanted_items.remove item else PRINT_TEXT "Item has been enchanted from <&enchant_size&>" endif ITEM_COUNT crystals_count "<&id_of_crystals&>" DELETE buffer_of_selected_enchant DELETE buffer_of_selected_item DELETE buffer_of_selecting_item endif if list_of_enchanted_items.count < TWO enchanting_process = ZERO endif if enchanted_scrolls_count < ONE enchanting_process = ZERO endif NEXTEACH list_of_enchanted_items.clear GET_INVENTORY bag_inventory FOREACH item Inventory bag_inventory item_name = bag_inventory.item.name if item_name == selected_enchanted_item list_of_enchanted_items.add bag_inventory.item endif NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT "The remaining quantity of the items after enchanting: <&list_of_enchanted_items.count&>" loop enchanting_process == ONE PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "The end of Enchanting One by One :) " PRINT_TEXT " " RETURN VOID I made it on l2.NET v361 (v357 datapack) easy2k4 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Enchanting one by one at L2Net v2 (made by easy2k4) >> it is highly recomended to use this version of my script >> The problem appeared. I had several items with various levels of enchants. I wanted to keep three items (because I had so many chars). So I made a brand new script :) This time script with doing loops, is finding items with the smallest levels of enchants. It's enchanting in this way next items, leaving declared by us their counts. So it will stops when we remain items count, or when we spend all our scrolls. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // made by easy2k4 // enchanting w/a/j (with different enchant's levels) one by one // starting from item with the lowest enchant's level, and stops // on the last one (or few if you wish) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDE StdLib\inventory.l2c /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // You can (need to) change these values :) DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_item "Omen Beast's Eye Earring" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_scroll "Scroll: Enchant Armor (D)" DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING selected_enchanted_crystals "Crystal: D-Grade" DEFINE_GLOBAL INT loop_delay 1100 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT number_of_items_which_should_stay 1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // start -->> Enchant_one_by_one_v2 SCRIPT_END FUNCTION Enchant_one_by_one_v2 DEFINE STRING item_name 0 DEFINE ARRAYLIST bag_inventory 0 DEFINE INT enchanted_items_count 0 DEFINE INT enchanted_scrolls_count 0 DEFINE INT crystals_count 0 DEFINE INT crystals_count_after_enchanting 0 DEFINE INT id_of_item 0 DEFINE INT id_of_enchant 0 DEFINE INT id_of_crystals 0 DEFINE Inventory current_enchanted_item 0 DEFINE INT current_enchant_level 9999 DEFINE INT current_items_count 0 DEFINE Inventory item_of_scroll 0 DEFINE INT enchanting_process 0 DEFINE INT enchant_size 0 DEFINE INT random_loop_delay 0 ITEM_GET_ID id_of_enchant "<&selected_enchanted_scroll&>" ITEM_COUNT enchanted_scrolls_count "<&id_of_enchant&>" ITEM_GET_ID id_of_crystals "<&selected_enchanted_crystals&>" ITEM_COUNT crystals_count "<&id_of_crystals&>" ITEM_COUNT crystals_count_after_enchanting "<&id_of_crystals&>" ITEM_GET_ID id_of_item "<&selected_enchanted_item&>" PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "------------------------------" PRINT_TEXT "Enchant one by one has started" PRINT_TEXT "v 2" PRINT_TEXT "by easy2k4" PRINT_TEXT "------------------------------" PRINT_TEXT " " GET_INVENTORY bag_inventory FOREACH item Inventory bag_inventory item_name = bag_inventory.item.name if item_name == selected_enchanted_item enchanted_items_count = enchanted_items_count + ONE endif if item_name == selected_enchanted_scroll item_of_scroll = bag_inventory.item endif NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT "Selected item is: <&selected_enchanted_item&> (x<&enchanted_items_count&>)" PRINT_TEXT "Selected scroll is <&selected_enchanted_scroll&> (x<&enchanted_scrolls_count&>)" PRINT_TEXT "Selected crystals are <&selected_enchanted_crystals&> (x<&crystals_count&>)" PRINT_TEXT "Number of items which you want to keep is <&number_of_items_which_should_stay&>" PRINT_TEXT " " if enchanted_items_count <= number_of_items_which_should_stay PRINT_TEXT "Not enough items to enchanting." RETURN VOID endif if enchanted_scrolls_count < ONE PRINT_TEXT "Not enough scrolls to enchanting." RETURN VOID endif enchanting_process = ONE do bag_inventory.clear GET_INVENTORY bag_inventory current_enchant_level = #i9999 current_items_count = ZERO ITEM_COUNT crystals_count "<&id_of_crystals&>" ITEM_COUNT enchanted_scrolls_count "<&id_of_enchant&>" FOREACH item Inventory bag_inventory item_name = bag_inventory.item.name if item_name == selected_enchanted_item current_items_count = current_items_count + ONE if bag_inventory.item.enchant < current_enchant_level current_enchant_level = bag_inventory.item.enchant current_enchanted_item = bag_inventory.item endif endif NEXTEACH if current_items_count <= number_of_items_which_should_stay PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "The number of items which you have kept is: <¤t_items_count&>" PRINT_TEXT " " enchanting_process = ZERO endif if enchanted_scrolls_count < ONE PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "Not enough scrolls to enchanting." PRINT_TEXT " " enchanting_process = ZERO endif if enchanting_process == ONE DEFINE BYTEBUFFER buffer_of_selected_enchant 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER buffer_of_selected_item 256 DEFINE BYTEBUFFER buffer_of_selecting_item 256 buffer_of_selected_enchant.write_byte #i25 buffer_of_selected_enchant.write_int32 item_of_scroll.id buffer_of_selected_enchant.write_int32 #i0 buffer_of_selected_enchant.trim_to_index INJECTBB buffer_of_selected_enchant SLEEP "<&loop_delay&>" // buffer_of_selecting_item.write_byte #i208 // buffer_of_selecting_item.write_byte #i79 // buffer_of_selecting_item.write_byte #i0 // buffer_of_selecting_item.write_int32 current_enchanted_item.id // buffer_of_selecting_item.trim_to_index // INJECTBB buffer_of_selecting_item // SLEEP "<&loop_delay&>" GET_RAND random_loop_delay 200 400 SLEEP "<&random_loop_delay&>" buffer_of_selected_item.write_byte #i95 buffer_of_selected_item.write_int32 current_enchanted_item.id buffer_of_selected_item.write_int32 #i0 buffer_of_selected_item.trim_to_index INJECTBB buffer_of_selected_item SLEEP "<&loop_delay&>" ITEM_COUNT crystals_count_after_enchanting "<&id_of_crystals&>" if crystals_count_after_enchanting > crystals_count PRINT_TEXT "Item has been crystallized at +<¤t_enchant_level&>" else PRINT_TEXT "Item has been enchanted from +<¤t_enchant_level&>" endif DELETE buffer_of_selected_enchant DELETE buffer_of_selected_item DELETE buffer_of_selecting_item endif loop enchanting_process == ONE PRINT_TEXT "List of enchanted items:" PRINT_TEXT "--------------------------------------------------------" GET_INVENTORY bag_inventory ITEM_COUNT crystals_count "<&id_of_crystals&>" ITEM_COUNT enchanted_scrolls_count "<&id_of_enchant&>" FOREACH item Inventory bag_inventory item_name = bag_inventory.item.name if item_name == selected_enchanted_item PRINT_TEXT "<&bag_inventory.item.name&> +<&bag_inventory.item.enchant&>" endif NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT " " PRINT_TEXT "The end of Enchanting One by One v2 :) by easy2k4 " PRINT_TEXT " " RETURN VOID easy2k4
lol +1 for you ;)