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About MrSmith

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  1. 1 bil left. 0,4 per mil.
  2. 2,5 bil left, i sell them for 100euro total. Message me.. u wont lost.
  3. 2 dewr left. i'm waiting offers...
  4. 40 euro per bilion or 50$ , is current price. 2 Bil left.
  5. up...
  6. hello, 'm Selling 3-4 bilions at Naia in a good price pm me at skype or msn. gmjoker@hotmail.com (MSN) jokerjamess (SKYPE) Thanks.
  7. I made a trade with him, he's trusted, I recommend him.
  8. BTW, i forget to say that server was in beta period and it finished before 5 days. Now server is enjoyable and it has start growing it community last day it reached 45 ppls on. :)
  9. its fine working for me.. http://www.l2light.net :)
  10. well, is the server up ? That server has closed more than two years. Alright? So that doesnt mean that i stole the name . I just used it because i liked that one. :)
  11. Hm? Stealed? I've not steal anyone name .. There's not server called L2Light currently expect me own server.
  12. Server have been improved during the Beta period. Now its only 3 days open and it has reached about 40 players on . Take a look a lot of features will be added soon !
  13. Thanks , however we bought new domain for our server visit it now : http://www.l2light.net :) have fun !
  14. well, that is not working for now.
  15. The server running about 1 day and half and it has reach about 20 online players.
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