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About thenamesej

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. thank you guys
  2. looks great! ill be joining with my clan
  3. Looking for any active experience l2 members im looking for some new members im rebuilding a clan i have over 8 yrs of experience in l2 + clan leadership so please let me know if you guys are interested i havent found a server yet to join but heres my forum i just created! thanks guys please no flame http://vendetta.x10.bz/index.php
  4. dead
  5. and what about enchanting skills? which do you prefer?
  6. what armor is best for mass pvp?
  7. aha thanks
  8. What server are you guys playing on? I NEED AMERICAN FRIENDS!
  9. Hey im a new photoshop cs6 user, anyone have any helpful guides or anything they can do to assit me in making Signatures or Clan Crest for Lineage2?
  10. I just got photoshop CS6 can anyone help me on a clan crest ????
  11. hmm thanks! after i find a photoshop you think you can show me like a tutorial do you have skype or anything?
  12. what if i dont have PS?
  13. I was wondering if anyone has a guide on making unique clan crest. 24x12 for lineage 2 (256 colors bmp)
  14. Im about to start Interlude again and I want to know which to start of with? PK or SK? I've played PK for many years but im quite bored of it and what to try SK. But if PK is way more powerful then ill stick with it Please give me info on which would be better for me.
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