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About Danky

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  1. tnx for the good words the server will be up soon (maybe today) have fun
  2. well the ppl who joined loved that server :D (now its closed cause we are changing pack cause the old one was a lil buggy xD)
  3. server is down for maintainance
  4. we didnt knew about the old one -.- and we were searching about a name....so we decided that underworld is a fine name...
  5. i am teling it cause in lots of patches the only think you have to do is to extract it to your l2 file :D...i am not telling you n00b
  6. Underworldl2.ucoz.com visit us :D
  7. well its my mistake the correct is we are making some other thinks first (like the second farm area and searching for the best pvp areas) and when we finish with them we will just make em :D
  8. ty for the understanding [GR] ty re man gia tin katanoisi >.<
  9. (sorry for double posting but in my previous post i couldnt write more) 4rd:check your connection :D
  10. 1st:ok you have right we forget to inform you about the farming zone...its in cot(cave of trials) 2nd:its only 4 buffs (songs and i know that these are importand) and we are trying to fix it the rest buffs are for 9 hours ^^ 3rd:when you log in in the server a window will apear and you can see all the infos there :D
  11. when you download it you have to extract it in your documends and alt+c/alt+v to your l2 folder :D
  12. tell us how to improve it -.-
  13. if you want something like boost a class or etc you can post it here untill we make our website ;D
  14. nop its a new one server thats why we want some ppl to grown our community ;D
  15. i just corected my name xD and dont forget if we are in refusal mode you can use petition :D i will always have the petition system on...ty in advance Have Fun to our server P.S:the server is still new we are open to your suggestions ;D
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