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Everything posted by johnaros21

  1. Hello I am selling my LoL account.....here are some info : Account in EUW server Account 30lvl Season 1 --> Silver Season 2 --> Gold Season 3 --> Platinum Season 4 --> Unranked ALL Champions included Over 250 skins ( many legendary skins , legacy skins . event skins ) ALL rune pages available Almost ALL runes Many ward skins Many summoner icons OVER 8k IP Some RP Not even one time ban or chat ban. For more info pm me and i will send you detailed info. Thanks
  2. Hello , I am looking for duo premade GOLD + with experience at ADC bottom or MID . I play mostly support NAMI and other supports or jungle. Write here or send me a private message. Server EU west
  3. Hello, i sell account gold 5 with a rly nice mmr ( 1790elo ) season 2 gold. account is at EUW , many unused IP. I have ALL champions , 18 rune pages and almost ALL runes. I got over 200+ skins , rare , ultimate , legendary , limited. Message me here and i will give you whatever information you need about the account. ;)
  4. Hello everyone! :happyforever: I am looking for a server H5 . H5 server , i want rates to be low until 10x Server opened from 20 MAY until now Population : manyyyyyy :dat:
  5. I am DoomCryer in L2 GOD official. L2net works fine but i need a script for PI quest. Quest name "Attack Sailren" .....i must kill Velociraptors (30) to get 30 Q items and give them to Stone Statue. Thanks
  6. 1.is it beta mode...will it have wipe? 2.when did server open? 3.how many ppl online? nice server features.....i hope you will answer me fast :D i may join this and bring my clan too! thanks!
  7. how many people are on now? good luck with your server!
  8. Freya weapons have been added! check them.... soon server will be updated to freya!
  9. did you see the other features man???? dont make me crazy!!! ALL OF YOU ....BEFORE POST READ ALL POSTS AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SERVER!!!!! DONT BE NOOBS!
  10. man....i have done all these tasks....so i know... but you are mega fail and noob cause...this server has been made for PVP!!!!!!!! you can do nobless by retail or farm....farm....farm....and take it from the shop! epic jewels can be found by JEWELS GIFT BOXES! so pvp will be balance if donator buy them! Clan lvl 9-10....you can do it by inviting many members in your academy for points and then adding them in your main clan! none of these are difficult......only if you are newbie of L2 YOU cant make them!
  11. have you ever log in man???? all these donation are farmable! if you dont want to donate ...fine.....farm to get these items....it isnt too difficult and stop QQing! 1x 100% Safe Enchant = 5euro (GM will also perform safe enchant for 30x central coins each) you can trade ingame 30cc for 1 safe enchant! it isnt difficult to get them! log in man......we are over 70ppl now!
  12. accounts are auto created you are fail man.....Our Server's advertisement will be over 1000dollars/month if you want to play ....fine...but dont accuse servers without trying them 1st! Many people spend many money to make a good server.....Our will be very good...Trust me!
  13. You can buy dynasty armors through GM shop and Dynasty Armors foundation through Special Shop with Coins or you can craft them with Recipes and Mats....In farm zones you can spoil or drop Recipes dynasty...you can get mats easily by spoil...if you are lucky you will craft dynasty armor Foundation! we have around 70 ppl online....we are advertising our server now....we hope that we will get many ppl online!!!
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=166727.0 40x rates .......opened 1/8/10 ....try it!!!!!
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=166727.0 new server try it!!!!!!!
  16. No..... www.l2cental.com its a new server 40x rates
  17. server is growing!!!!! join this excellent community 70ppl on yesterday when i added it to MaxCheaters!
  18. man log in and you will see how easy is to get epics and +++ items server has custom gift boxes which are dropped from Farm zones (from these boxes you have chances to get epic Jewels)
  19. [glow=yellow,2,300]Server Launced on 1/8/2010 [/glow] L2 Central was developed with a goal; the goal is to provide a reliable, fair and fun server for everyone to play. Although we are open to every L2 player world-wide the main player-base consists of North American residents. Our server is hosted in Texas and runs on a very quick and reliable host in the heart of North America. That being said, look forward to playing Lineage 2 in a great community with no lag at all. L2Central Server Specs Dual Quad-Core 3.0GHz Zeon's 4x2GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM 1333MHz Bus Speed Features 40x experience, 40x Adena Global Gatekeeper (includes Farm Zones for coins) GM Shops sell up to S-Grade. Dynasty (+Dynasty foundation) and Vesper available through craft and coin NPC. Scheme Buffers 30 Buffs + 16 Dances/Songs (All buffs except kamaels and dwarfs) Safe enchant +5 (for weapons) and +4 (for armors) Max enchant +20 (for weapons) and +16 (for armors) Enchant Rate : 66% Good Balance between Classes Wedding System No Clan Penalties All Region Sieges 3 Sub-Class (max lvl 85) Certification Skills works Noblesse System (you can do it like retail or buy Carradine's Letter from Special Shop with Coins) Augmentation System Geodata W/o Bugs 2 Hours buffs Karma Drop ( Prepare if you are gonna pk people!!! :D ) Olympiads (Every 2 weeks) Server has Some custom Gift boxes which you can get from Farm Zones 1 & 2 and Imperial Chimeras These boxes are : Scroll Gift Box : Drops : EWS ,EAS , BEAS ,BEWS Low Grade Box : Drops : Elemental Stones Mid Grade Box : Drops : High and Top life Stones , SS coins , Elemental stones , Giants Codex masteries High Grade Box : Drops :5central coin , SScoins , Top 84 life stones Jewel Gift Box : Drops : All epics can be dropped with this.....if you are extreme lucky ,you can get the good ones! Donations only to +16 on weapon and +10 on armor (Gift Boxes balance donations) , there is nothing that you cant get without donation! It is very easy to enchant weapons/armors TvT Events every 1 hour Soon many Events will be added (they are under construction) Custom events hosted by GMs Very active and friendly GMs GMs are always on to hear your suggestions and improve the server Enchant Glows 4-15 Normal glows 16 Red 17 Green 18 Yellow 19 Purple 20 White Rules Dual Boxing is allowed Any type of BOTS are NOT allowed. Selling items for real $ = automatic ban No Racism. Other We have also decided to bring back the hugely missed Dusk shield, Dusk Sword, and Dusk Staff. The dusk shield's stats have been edited to be equivalent to the Imperial shield. Both Dusk sword's and Staff's stats have been edited to be equivalent to S80 weapons. We hope you will enjoy these items as much as we did, and to bring back memories of our beloved L2 experience. Soon Server will be updated to Freya! New armors and New weapons!!! [glow=blue,2,300]New Features[/glow] Every month the 1st PvPer and the 1st PKer of the server will get some Real Items from Admins/Owners of the server! These Rewards will be :Graphic/Video Cards , Logitech keyboards , Logitech mice and other PC stuff! These Items will be sent to you via E-mail by Admins! The Players who will be in 2nd and 3rd place (PvP & PK) will be rewarded with : Ingame rewards like Weapons / Armors / T-shirts and other stuff that you can only get by Winning this Competition!!! Accounts are Auto Created! WebSite : http://www.l2central.com/ UPDATES Freya Weapons Freya Weapons Have Now Been put into the Central Coin Manager. They Dont Have SA on them But they can Still Be Used. We Will Be Updating them Later On So That they Do have SA. Auto Safe Enchanter L2Central Now Has an Auto +1 Safe Enchant NPC ingame. It Requires 30 Central Coins for +1 Safe Enchant, You Will be able to Enchant Weapons upto +16, Armors upto +12 and Jewels Upto +12 This will balance donation list!
  20. thanks! very nice crests!!!
  21. give me informations
  22. 1.Why should i get banned????? cause i speak the truth???? This server is waste of time......more than 700ppl left cause of this bug!!!! 2.Man i played L2rox 5 weeks ago when server turned to epilogue we found out about the bug.... I asked GMs to fix it but they answered they cant cause many ppl had these skills and they cant search every ppl and it will be no wipe..... THATS WHY WE LEFT.....700ppl left.... Are you telling me that more than 1 month later GMs will fix it????(NO!) especially today that they posted their server???? the update that you are saying , it is for other things....... they can only fix this bug by wiping server.....thats the only option....
  23. yes you didnt hear any of that..... cause GMs banned my IP at forum cause i posted it more than 4 times this bug... GM deleted my post.... many ppl saw that and left......others stood there and play cause they knew.... if you are long time there , it means : 1st you knew about the bug 2nd you didnt even join forum once thats why you dont know....nab.... ITS A WASTE OF TIME TO PLAY THERE
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