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  1. Zumul, Yes, Im sure everyone in the community would welcome entire clan migrations to Temple. I'd even willing to bet a few of the old heads would help hook up new eniemes & allies alike ;D
  2. There is too many to list here. For a full list of availible skills check out the Npc in Giran or visting the Guides section on our forums ;)
  3. Fogotendx20, A 350x wouldn't work for our Mid-Rate. The server concept is built for a more in-depth experience. It is designed to make leveling up fast and easy for the players who wish to fast-track a build concept. The downside to this is you end up with a lvl 80+ toon with not a lot of adena to gear up. Of course, if your in an established clan, you can allways pull gear from the clan's armory. However, getting gear in the first place takes effort & cooperation. The best way to aquire top gear is to Raid, Craft, and participate in Events. We do have a "GM Shop" but if your buying with adenas, your best off buying from player's Merchant Shops. You might find our 0x PvP server concept more to your liking. New characters log in at max level & everything up to Bgrade is free. *On that note: For all you people that love to play Dwarfs, Temple's mid-rate Muliclass server is definitly the place for you. Artisans get great experince for crafting, 500 recipe & shop slots, +% enchanting, more skills, and their summons are fined-tuned for mayhem. Spoilers have been transformed to a dagger class and are by far one of the best PvE classes ever concieved. To take it one step further, we also have a real-time database tracker so you can find exactly where the best places to farm are. With 90x spoils on top of this, it makes the world a beautiful thing for the little people Fogotendx20, Of course there is never enough players logged in. That is why we are letting the world know we're here ;) The true irony of it all is that we get 10+ new players logging in everyday. Sadly, if they just stuck around for a day or two, they would see for themselves the potential. We would likely have a 500+ 24/7 community. Regardless, whether big or small, Temple is an amazing community & something we luv to put great care into^^
  4. Eightball, We added in new functionality just yesterday to give the Event GMs toggle control over the Coliseum zone engine. I have also added 2 new Densetsu class Raid mobs to our collection this week. Now that the Kamael multiclass system is finished, I just have one more thing on the ToDo list before I start injecting the Pit Arena mobs back into the server. All in all, Im guessing we should be able to start doing Pit events this Friday. I just need to reballence the Pit mobs that have already been created to the new ecconomy and create a few more new groups to challenge the high lvl and epic lvl players. In regards to the Multiclass Npc, all I have to say is that it is some seriously hardcore Ninja Code ]=)
  5. I saw that too... I think that is more then just a good video card. ;D
  6. daedalus & Crablor, Event Medals can be obtained via in-game events & forum events, community contributions, or aquired in exchange for adena in Floran Village from the Npc named Ink Blot @ 1mil to 1 ratio. The in-game events include the Pit Arena, Kill the GM (KTGM), King of the Hill (KoH - comming soon), various PvP challenges, and the other impromptu events our gm's come up with for event medal prizes. The forum events are typically Arcade challenges and contests for banners, videos, etc. As far as community contributions, we do sometimes reward members with a small amount of event medals (typically 10,000) when they go out of their way to help with creating guides, help with development, advertising, etc. And of course, event medals are gifted to those that do that all evil "donation" thing ;) Oloss, Our server is curently compatible with the Gracia2 client. However, retail just updated their protical last tuesday. Im guessing that you have resently run the auto-udater on your client or have had the misfortune of playing on a server with a patch or a custom "auto-updater". *updated We will be updating our server to compensate for this disgression as soon as possible. In the mean time, if you go to our forums, in the How to connect section you will find many solutions for your problem. Also, if you have ever played on a sever that uses client modifications or feel that your system folder may be damaged, you can try replacing said folder with the one made availible in the same area on the forums. If you need any help with getting on the server, feel free to post on our forums. We have several knowledgable staff members that will be more then willing to help you troubleshoot any issues.
  7. In responce to your questions/concerns Koyuki, - As far as the experience rate, the base 30x xp rate is doubled in parties. There are also several Super Spawn locations where the mobs have massively increased xp but equally decreased drops & adena. With help, a new player can easily reach lvl 76 in 3 or 4 hours. The downside to 'power leveling' is (ofc) that the player will not have the normal storehouse of items & adena that they would have by said lvl via normal gameplay. - The default class restrictions for all races apply with an exception for Bladedancers & Swordsingers to allow them to multiclass each other's dances and songs. *updated As far as Kamael are concerned, we are currently working to add them to the multiclass system with a beta (free of cost for skills) so we can iron out exactly how to manage this race. As head Admin and Dev, I will admit that the Kamael still need a lot of attention on private servers to finish their skills and ballence them with the other races. For now, Kamael can multiclass as normal with the exception that there is no restriction on their potential availible skills. - TempleBGH's custom Multiclass System allows players to add skills from one class to another via the expenditure of Event Medals. This allows members of the community to create personalized and Epic level characters for their enjoyment. The system is pretty strait forward and although it does allow characters to become more powerful then the default class system, it is structured as to not allow for any over-powered builds. - To aquire a Multiclass skill the class recieving the skill must be level 76 with their 2nd or 3rd class change. The class they are learning the skill from must be at least level 74 with their 2nd class change. Moreso, both classes must be on the same character. Subclasses may also be multiclassed as above. - Active skills cost 1,000 event medals and Passive skills cost 2,000 event medals. - Characters are allowed to aquire a total of 7 active and 3 passive multiclass skills on any one level 76 class. * Buffer Classes may option to forfeit their aquirable passive multiclass skills for active multiclass Buff skills. * Blade Dancer & Sword Singer Classes may option to forfeit their aquirable passive multiclass skills for active multiclass Dances/Songs skills. - Only Buffer classes (Cardnal, Hierophant, Eva Saint, Shillien Saint, and Doomcryer) may multiclass other Buffer's class skills. - Only Blade Dancers and Sword Singers can learn each other's Dances or Songs. - Characters may buy one level of Weight Limit (max 3) at any time for any one character class for 500 event medals. - Level 80 Buffer classes may buy any missing Prophecy skills for 10,000 event medals. Skills not allowed to be learned via Multiclassing : - Swordsinger, Bladedancer, Overlord or Dwarf skills - Skills from restricted classes, as normal (w/ the exception of BD & SwS as mentioned above) - any Armor Mastery type - the skill Weapon Mastery - Final Frenzy, Final Fortress, Frenzy, or Guts - Transfer Pain (with the exception of Mages and Summoners) - Toggles or Totems (with the exception of Silent Move, Fake Death and Snipe) - C4+ or 3rd Class skills *For more information, visit us at TempleBGH.com
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