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Posts posted by DaFFyNaSH

  1. as SweeTs said, on aCis, equiping works perfectly, if you want to add custom starting items, you just have to go in classes .xml in every class (darkfighter, humanfighter etc) and change this line on the first class of the xml which is the parent class of the race (Human Fighter,DE Fighter, Elf Fighter, DE Mage):


    <items val="X;Y;Z;A;B" />


    but be aware that you have to put the weapon as the last equiping item on the list cause if you put it first it will equip only this and will ignore the rest, and if you put it 3rd f.e. the 4th,5th etc item wont be equiped.


    So lets say you want to put:

    Chest = 395 (Manticore Skin Shirt)

    Legs = 417 (Manticore Skin Gaiters)

    Gloves = 2448 (Manticore Skin Gloves)

    Boots = 2424 (Manticore Skin Boots)

    Helm = 2412 (Plate Helmet)

    Rings = 882 (Mithril Ring)

    Earings = 851 (Omen Beast's Earring)

    Neck = 914 (Necklace of Darkness)

    WeaponEquipped = 2499 (Elven Long Sword)

    AltWeapon = 225 (Mithril Dagger)



    You have to make the list like this:


    <items val="395;417;2424;2448;2412;914;851;851;882;882;225;2499" />


    so its like: ArmorPiece1;..;ArmorPieceN;Jewel1;...;Jewel5;AltWep;EquippedWep


    Be carefull you put first the AltWepons which you want to be on inventory and LAST the equipped one, the one you want the new Char to hold on his hands. Also after the red (the Equipping Weapon) you can add other non equipping items w/e you want, for example a custom item like an extractable chest or w/e you DONT WANT to be equipped (except if its weapon type you have to put before equipped weapon as I said)!



    All these is about aCis starting char items and how you can set them properly...


    Now about the code of the maker, as someone said, you can make configs only for Fighter and Mage armor (instead of ElfMageHelm etc) you can make it something like this:


    MageStartingArmor= X,Y,Z,...,N

    FighterStartingArmor = A,B,...,N


    and after you can make for weapons:

    FighterWeps = X,Y (some standard weps used by all races)

    MageWeps = (Here I suppose one kind of weap can fit all mage races)


    And finally you can add some fighter weapon configs for special races like dwarf (add blunt) orc (add fists) etc...


    So that way you have way less configs and you make it also the same way you made it in you first version... If I was in your place I would use aCis way for this, its simpler, easier and flexible for configure different equipment for every class...


    Sorry for long post, I just wanted to help!

  2. i got the same error




    somewone can help me and tell me what i need to do please


    change this:


     public static boolean checkItem (ItemInstance item)
                   int o = item.getItem().getCrystalType();

    to this:


     public static boolean checkItem (ItemInstance item)
                   int o = item.getItem().getCrystalType().getId();

    and you will be ok.



    I added this mod in aCis last rev and works perfectly after some minor changes and checks. If I remember correctly it needed the one mentioned above,some changes in imports cause TK has removed the L2 prefix in some classes in last revs, some check in grade types, and some check in onDieInside because in some cases when you were diying out from the coords but near them it was teleporting you inside after 10 sec even if you had clicked to village or ressed...


    I may do a clean working .diff for acis last rev in future and post it here


  3. I was not talking for you bro, I just mentioned your post as an example. I am just mad with kids which wanna make servers and dont want to spent a single moment to try fix codes/addopt mods from other packs etc and waiting EVERYTHING from third-party people. The more time you spent for your server before live and the more you got involved of setting it up, the more chances it has to succeed and stay alive for a long time...

    If download/checkout source > add 1-2-3 mods > add custom gmshop/gk/guards/etc > add 2342934 custom armors and items > compile > set conf and next day live it has 101% chance to have <10 ppl online after 12 hours.


    anyway lets dont go offtopic anymore...

  4. Some of you have in mind that these guys are not your personal developers. If you want to suggest something do it, if they want to do it they will, else you have to find another way to get the mod/addon you want.


    Also have in mind that its not your servers wanna-have topic here, ask serious things that will fit most of the users needs (ask generic oriented not hardcore specific things such as config for x2 hpregen on bounty hunter or like zhort said if spoil is activated to make more damage). If your server has problem with dwarf classes balance its not a free share mods work to fix it. For very special and specific custom modifications you have to try on your own to make it, maybe that way you will learn something more too...


    Dont wait to have it all in configs, it cant be done. You have to experiment and fuck up with skills, items, class stats and more things to find out some things and make your server as you want it.


    I dont want to pretend the smart guy here, I never said that I know lot things about l2j developing, but when I want something (especialy something unique and sooo specific) I try to find it out my self.. I have destroyed lot times my sources and started back again from 0, but this 0,001% knowledge I have now its because of it.


    Experiment with source and server files guys, try and get your hands dirty, cause if you dont you will always ask from others and you will never be able to fix a simple error in your sources.

  5. Hello guys, well done sharing new rev. I just found a minor bug. When you reach the goal to take a skill from pvp, in message %skilllevel% dont work and it shows it as is.







    edit: the right one to use as I found out is %skilllvl% instead of %skilllevel%

  6. Thank you for your kind words. This is exactly what we aim for, have a full set of configurable custom modifications, any kind, which will be easy and useful for admins.


    Most of the features you mentioned are probably going to be including as parts of a larger mods, thanks.


    Also, i have to say i was surprised that you actually said you have small knowledge of coding. Most of the admins out there, (want to) believe and claim that they are the top developers, while they end up posting in l2j requests.


    Then it will be great work. Good work results most times are succesful when you know what you are aiming and what you are targeting for.


    I dont have a reason to think that I am a developer or a programmer. I work with l2j first for learn and then for doing my hobbie. I have pay lot times for developer services, or custom addons and most of times it didnt worth it.

    I am not a kid to start lie "I code java from my 7" and such, I am 27 y/o and doing this as I said to have fun and fill my free hours with something productive, and IF at some point I will have a server project that I will like and I can see that it worth it to be online I may try it.


    Anyway, keep up, and I wait for further updates and revisions. Thanks in advance for your work.

  7. I hardly reply on topics, I do it only whenever I see something realy good. I am impressed with your idea and your work (even if its in initial stage) and I would like to see more features in it. Its very good for guys like me which we have small knowledge of java and coding, and even adapting code for newer versions.

    I use aCis last rev, its a great project thanks to TK and his teams work but if you target for a custom server you have to put the custom features you need, most times custom shares is outdated and there is no support so you have to try hard if your knowledge is in low level (like me) to adapt it, or bother other people to give you advices. So this project/extender will be massive help for guys which work on aCis and want to make a Custom inclunding project for their servers.


    Congrats and keep up.


    Some features I'd like to see:

    Configurable GrandBosses (for example: no quest for raid them, just buy an item and go there, and more flexible options about them)

    Custom System for Augments (Maybe an easy configurable augment system, f.e. allowed item skills, cancel active buff effect on unequip and such)

    Maybe some events (TvT, CtF etc)

    Custom Siege configs (there is an addon I found in acis comunity and adapted for my needs, you can configure siege day and time for every castle seperately)


    And dont think I ask these features for my needs and make my job, I already have some of them, I just giving an advice in what would be great and helpful for guys that will use this...

  8. Hello guys,

    I created some custom Items which are armed to the slots of hair Accesories and head Accesories (right and left from Helmet).

    So, I wanna give them Grade Type (C,B,A,S) and I cant. I putted in the right field of database side the grade I want, I tried to do the same by copying lines of armorgrp and itemname file (which are from graded Items) and It just not appear ingame.


    Maybe this slots cannot be graded? But I saw in some servers that there is "graded" items in these slots. Every help will be good.

    Thanks in advance :)


    (Its Interlude :D)

    Hello guys,
    I am making some skills which I put them in some custom Items I created But I have a question.

    Lets say I want to make a skill (which will be passive and I will put it on an Item) that I want to give pdef but only if (for ex.) blunt weapon is equiped. what should I use in this: 

    <skill id="10001" levels="5" name="Blunt Booster">
    		<table name="#Patkrate"> 1.20 1.40 1.8 2.3 3.0 </table>
    		<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" />
    		<set name="skillType" val="BUFF" />
    		<set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE" />
    		<set name="castRange" val="-1" />
    		<set name="effectRange" val="-1" />
    			<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="#patkrate" />

    Instead of stat="pAtk" or maybe there is a restriction I can add to this skill for not taking effect if other weapon type is armed? Generally if there is a complete guide with what you can put on <stat="XX"> and their meanings it would be helpful for me. Thanks in advance

  10. Hello guys, I know its old topic, but I need to get this code with some modifications. Right now I use the reward code without the zone restriction but i'd like to mod it. I tried, but my java knowledge sucks, with some veeery little coding knowing i have i tried to do this on my own but nothing as a result. What i am trying to do? I want to do something like this (its totaly wrong I know, but -I think- from this you can undrstand what I am going to do :P):


    if ( activeChar.getLevel() >= 65 && targetPlayer.getlevel() >= 65)
    addItem("Loot", 8732, 1, this, true);
    sendMessage("You won 1 lifestone for a pvp kill!");
    addItem("Loot", 57, 1000, this, true);
    sendMessage("You won 1000 adena for a pvp kill!");


    So, I want if the player who makes pvp with another and they are both after the 65 level to get the "good" item (in this case LS) and if one (or both) player who makes pvp is under 65 level to get the lame 1000 adena :P


    Note: I know the code is wrong, dont say "your code sucks" etc. I know it, i just asking for to give me some help (if anyone has the time and wants to)


    Thanks in advance :>

  11. This Stuff is not mine, i found it in l2jserver's custom MOD section. And as I saw there is not something like this here I'd like to share it with you. It's usefull for server who has enabled the champions mod.


    The mod i found was for epilogue/Freya, i just adapt it with veeery hard work (just joking, 2 lines deleted and 2 lines added LoL). I think, the way i adapted it, now it fits Final,Epilogue and Freya [bUT I HAVE ONLY TEST IT ON FINAL]!


    So, here is the patch:


    Index: java/com/l2jserver/Config.java
    --- java/com/l2jserver/Config.java	(revision 4430)
    +++ java/com/l2jserver/Config.java	(working copy)
    @@ -642,6 +642,7 @@
    	public static int L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_QTY;
    	public static boolean	L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE_VITALITY;
    +	public static int L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE_AURA;
    	public static boolean TVT_EVENT_ENABLED;
    	public static boolean TVT_EVENT_IN_INSTANCE;
    	public static String TVT_EVENT_INSTANCE_FILE;
    @@ -2201,6 +2202,8 @@
    					L2JMOD_CHAMPION_REWARD_QTY = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("ChampionRewardItemQty", "1"));
    					L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE_VITALITY = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("ChampionEnableVitality", "False"));
    +					L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE_AURA = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("ChampionEnableAura", "0"));
    					TVT_EVENT_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("TvTEventEnabled", "false"));
    					TVT_EVENT_IN_INSTANCE = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JModSettings.getProperty("TvTEventInInstance", "false"));
    Index: java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java
    --- java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java	(revision 4430)
    +++ java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java	(working copy)
    @@ -185,7 +185,14 @@
    			writeD(_allyId); // ally id
    			writeD(_allyCrest); // all crest
    			writeC(_npc.isFlying() ? 2 : 0); // C2
    -			writeC(0x00); // title color 0=client
    +			if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE)
    +			{
    +				writeC(_npc.isChampion() ? Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE_AURA : 0);
    +			}
    +			else
    +			{
    +				writeC(0);
    +			}
    Index: java/config/l2jmods.properties
    --- java/config/l2jmods.properties	(revision 4430)
    +++ java/config/l2jmods.properties	(working copy)
    @@ -64,6 +64,11 @@
    #	Works only if EnableVitality = True
    # Default: False
    ChampionEnableVitality = false
    +# Enable aura from champion mobs
    +# 0 - no aura / 1 - blue aura / 2 - red aura
    +# Default = 0
    +ChampionEnableAura = 0
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Wedding System (by evill33t)
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


    As I said, It's tested by me in l2j Gracia Final (CT2.3) but i think it could work on Epilogue, Freya. For newbies like me, if you dont want to apply code or patches just search this forum, it has everything. I got helped a lot!

    Edit1: (for newbies) I forgot to say, that there is option in l2jmods.properties to choose between blue aura, red aura, or disable it (info inside :D )...


    Edit2: here are 2 pics:





    Credits to: qwerty13 and Sync from l2jserver forum.

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