Thnx! I need info like this. Well il tell you our plans and what we have so far. This info is taken in consideration.
This is what we have so far:
Lvling: Its mostly high rate pvp server. but getting from lvl 70 to 85 wil take some time.
NPC Buffer: all normal buffs. No 3rd Class change buffs. We dont want to make BD||SWS||COVer useless. No Cat or Pony buffs either.
Enchant: enchants only drop from RB's and very special events. We are thinking to make the max enc 18+
Olympiad: 2 weeks.Why? Because 1/2 week of oly fighting to achieve hero status. And then you have 1 week to play around with your hero. And the 2nd week you can focus on oly again. We stil believe hero has to be something cool.
Quests: NO QUESTS,sorry! We make you earn your nobles and weapons and armours.Why? We want to keep the market and pvp alive. Trade and fight to get your items.
Customs: Thats a surpise we know you all would be very happy with thses customs. Cant give to much info about this. Only thing i can say its balanced. and you can distinguish yourself when you have 1.
Donations: This is very important, because server needs money. yes donators dont get any special armour or weapon. Only special customs. Max ench wont be crazy, i used to hate that myself. And less but not least, if you go pk you drop. I dont care if you donated 1 million. You go pk you drop thats it.