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About Shadowfusion

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  • Website URL
    http://www.neofusiondesign.net (dont visit, being cleaned)

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  • Location
    East Coast, US

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. lots of fun. great offers and events for gear.
  2. actually there's more than that now. there are lots of clans and they're moving pretty quickly so now is the best time to join and start working at it.
  3. There were at least 40 online last night, I dont know what you saw when you logged in...then again people dont leave their characters in when they're idle, they just log out so...
  4. you've got to get players to have players. you should know this.
  5. Thank you Zunix. Here's a list of the events we're implementing. The following is a tentative list of events which are being created for the Temple Community. * PVP Tournament (Single Round Elimination) Ladder System. One loss and you're out. Greater Prizes. * PVP Tournament (3 Round Elimination) Ladder System. 3 Losses and you're out. Lesser Prizes. * Sudden Death PVP Mode [complete] A red-light, green-light type of pvp event. Unannounced zone status makes your experience uncertain. * Kill the GM [complete] All players vs. the GM in a no holds barred event. * Strider Racing A feat for those who enjoy humiliating others by using sabotage methods. * Walk-the-Plank A real "man" sport. More Sadistic and cruel than the Pit Event but should cause riots and drunken debauchery. * Capture the Flag Capture the rival team flag at the end of the area, and run like hell. Anything goes. * Obstacle Course Get from the beginning to the end by any means possible. Anything goes. * Swimming Buff up, and use whatever you can to swim to the end of the course. Avoid the sharks. * Pit Arena The return of the signature Temple Event. Players spawn into the arena and take on increasingly difficult mobs. Prizes can vary in value from appealing to unique. The event ends when all players have been killed.
  6. Hello MaxCheaters! I'm Shadow, an Admin on www.templebgh.com. I'm 25 and reside on the East Coast, US. I'm a professional graphic designer and DJ but I'm in school for IT. Glad to be here, and meet great players.
  7. I've never seen ballet with weapons, let alone explosions, magic and underage dwarf chicks. the hell are you talking about? thats a showdown among titans.
  8. Thanks to everyone who came out to the Special Events on 2/15 and 2/17 they were EPIC!! I've never seen so many players. Truly a blast for everyone GMs, Admins, Members, and Dev's alike. Rock on L2j Temple!
  9. Thank you to who posted this for us :) Here's a little something extra from us from our Custom Multiclass Server ..and something from ALL of our servers :) http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d157/kingandythegreat/Temple_Promo_1.jpg[/img] it probably got squished XD
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