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Everything posted by MeXiCaN

  1. To system p sas ebale exei trojan...just checked..
  2. Can some1 tell me if any version of walker is working? (i mean InGame and OOG) and please give me teh link ty
  3. 17:33:16 WP v4.06F © Sauron 17:33:16 Link LoginServer Succeed. 17:33:17 ->Login LoginServer Fail. a?
  4. Walker for l2gold its not working.
  5. Nice share...<3
  6. mipos prokalei lag sto pc?..H einai idea m?
  7. Help me to find OOG for L2luna...i have IG but i need OOG....Cant open 9l2 to play...
  8. can u tell me dragon's site?
  9. gj
  10. Admins help me..can u find IG and OOG walker for L2luna?.. Site is www.l2luna.com THanks
  11. egw pantos apo xtes pou to eftiaksa pigan k oi 6 chars m 26lvl :P ty mafe gia to pm :)
  12. mporeis na m doseis ta host tou walker?
  13. exeis dikio..eixa host tou peous..apo enan allo gamoserver.. Perimenw na siko8ei o sepphire gia na to dokimaso..thanks pantos pou m to 8imises
  14. Nai log in kanei alla den anagnorizei to walker...sto Map px blepw tous allous alla attack - settings ktl einai nekra
  15. mafe Den kanei attack..basika olo to walker einai sxedon "nekro"
  16. 8a i8ela reply mono apo atoma pou gnwrizoun ... Eixa katebasei ena OOG walker apo bymafe2... Etreksa to patcher tou walker k kollise to pc... Den exo antivirus... Twra otan trexo C4-c5-c6 client mou petaei auto: http://rapidshare.com/files/45042959/__967___969___961___943___962____964___943___964___955___959_.JPG.html Akoma kai to MSN mou to bgazei sfalma... Please help exo ksenerosei edw k 2 meres...
  17. Katebasa auto toy bymafe2..to Out game mou bgazei 1 fakelo pou periexei to patcher k to walker ka8ws kai 2 files pou einai to Hosts for bot.exe kai Host-windows... Molis trexo to patcher tou walker kollaei to pc gia 2-3 sec kai den kanei tpt..paw na anoikso to walker kai episis mou bgazei ena error alla se glwssa pou den katalabenw... Mipos kserei kaneis ti ginete?
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