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About payback

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  1. welcome
  2. Thank you guys i played since L2 C2 so is 6 years One thing how the forum value if a post count or not to posts for see tutorials?
  3. Hi , I`m Payback and play Lineage 2 for 6 years i played in L2World , L2pvpBrasil , L2Radt, L2 Ownage and now I am playing in L2 eternia
  4. This game seems to be extremly cool, but i think that is very expensive, i will wait maybe 2 months later of the release to see if the price goes down
  5. Dont you think that in gracia the daggers are stupiddly powerfulls?
  6. hey guys my server is protected can i use it in another way?
  7. guys my server is protected! Exists an other way of do it?
  8. guys in my server overlords always won the matches even if u use one pet
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