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Posts posted by Kalibali

  1. It's really funny that the only people who call the server corrupt are the ones who get caught for doing something they aren't supposed to.

    Strange, I don't remember doing anything I wasn't meant to be.... unlike a few others I could name I didn't even bother to bot on the server, because I'm a good gurl. ;)

  2. The video contest was made to promote the server. Seeing as your video did nothing but put it down and talk bad about it, I dont even consider it worth my time to watch much less consider it valid for anything.

    So you are denying that my video was an accurate "snap-shot" of your server when I filmed it? What do you think I had to do a shout in COT first "EVERYONE PLEASE LEAVE COT SO IT CAN LOOK EMPTY IN MY VIDEO". I don't know about now, but when I filmed that video the server had no players so I didn't have to do anything to "put it down", the server did all that for me.


    I dont even know why you all the sudden got such a hair up your ass about the server or me to begin with. I had no problem with you at all. I've tried to be nice countless times and you really just don't stop.

    My problem is predominantly with you and your "staff", you know the ones who are biased and take the sides of their alliance when they are on their GM characters. Also the fact you blatantly lied about the fact your so called new GMs had never played on Khaos/Diehard. It's hard to play on a server that is so obviously corrupt. Now that I've quit, I just post on here to prove a point.






    tell me what is SO DAMN BAD about the server that you have the undieing urge to keep hounding it even though you dont play on it.


    Keep hating all you want. I'm done arguing with you.

    You're contradicting yourself here Vision asking me a question then saying straight after that you're done arguing with me. But for the record I'm only doing it for the lulz. <3

  3. we have atleast 150 players.

    Wow a whole 150 players?! But how many of them are just sitting in Giran afk? Or boxed buffers? Hrmm....


    the donation prices have changed ONCE since opening. Holiday discounts/specials do not count as permenant changes.

    Considering for a while you had a holiday discount/special pretty much constantly over the course of a fair few months I would say it would count as a permanent change but whatever you say, sweetcheeks.


    you don't play on the server any more nor are you a developer, or anything for that matter, so I really don't see where your two cents fits in.

    My "two cents" fits in here quite perfectly. You are advertising your server and I was just posting my video contest entry re. your said server.


    the server is new. many players from khaos and promisance but server itself has alot of good changes and a fresh start

    The server isn't new. It was given a new name but the actual server is pretty much the same as it has been for a year or two. I wouldn't class your so called "150 players" (which includes all the boxed characters and afk'ers) as "many players".

  4. The server, unlike many failservers is still alive and kicking, and only getting better.

    That reads like your calling your server a "failserver" btw. Just saying.



    Our server doesnt have +++gazillion enchants or starwars gear or non-hellbound custom weapon bullshit or epic or ice sets or any of that.

    Our server is FUN to play, for those who actually like playing it.

    Our server isn't going to die in a month and does not solely rely on donation money.

    It also doesn't have any players. So for anyone who likes playing on a server with no other players then sure of course it's fun.

    Just as well it doesn't rely solely on donation money. The fact you change the donation prices what seems like weekly at the moment you are hardly giving people the confidence to donate.

  5. glad to know you follow hearsay. further proves your lack of character.



    Which part are you saying is "hearsay", Vision? Are you implying the two people I'm referring to (and you know which two I'm meaning) are no longer GMs or that they aren't biased?

  6. Hi! I've now quit L2Diehard but I wanted to post my entry for a video competition that the owner of the server was running so you can all see how much fun it is! Hopefully once you've seen the video it will help you all decide whether or not to join!  8)


    PS Vision - since I'm the only person that entered your competition does that mean I've won by default?  ;)





  7. I've played L2GF and just wanted to point out a couple of mistakes in Pwnz0r's post.


    Professional 0% Corrupt Staff -

    Ok I would suggest that is nonsense. The GMs play characters too. They are biased, no matter what the GMs/Owner says, the GMs are indeed biased. One GM in particular runs one of the main clans on the server. He is very good at talking crap to players, insulting them, telling them they are non-factors (which may or may not be true). You cannot truly think that someone as abusive as he is on a player character is really going to be totally unbiased when he is on his GM character. He also denies certain player characters are his even although the server owner has already said which characters this certain GM plays. So as well as being a biased little idiot, he is also a liar. Great.


    Olympiad - 100% Bot Free -

    Oly is farmed. Granted the people caught by GMs are jailed but still it is being farmed. Last person caught I think only got a very short jail term. Imo they are not punished enough, but that's just my opinion I guess.


    Top PvP of the Month Award

    Never seen this award being given out, hadn't even heard of it before tbh. Maybe they decided not to bother doing it? Who knows.


    Top Donator of the Month Award

    Ok this made me lol.

    Caslte Sieges Supervised by GMs

    Hmm they say supervised, but the few sieges I have been to (granted it's not been that many) we actually ended up fighting the GMs as there was so few players there. (The most players I've ever noted online was around 45).


    So yeah... come join L2GF!

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