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  1. Ty enchating is working fine, just 1 thing, it doesn't seem to recognize the + of the weap and it just keep enchanting untill breaks everything.. any ideea guys? Thanks
  2. Hello guys, I am having a hard time understanding how this script works, for example I am trying to enchant my +5 Icarus Hand and I edited the script modifying here : DEFINE STRING ITEMNAME "Icarus Hand/ARMOR HERE" //Item name, don't write the SA SA DEFINE STRING ITGRADE S //Item grade (s80=s) DEFINE STRING ENCHNAME "Scroll: Enchant Weapon (S)" //Enchant name DEFINE STRING ENCHANT 12 //Max enchant DEFINE INT CURENCHANT +5 //Current enchant, change line 38 too DEFINE INT DELAY 1100 //Delay of all actions in MS and here: //Start actions FOREACH I Inventory INVEN_AL ITNAME = INVEN_AL.I.Icarus Hand IF ITNAME == ITEMNAME CALLSUB ENCHANT PRINT_TEXT "<&ENCHCOUNT&> enchants remaining." CURENCHANT = ZERO ENDIF NEXTEACH PRINT_TEXT "<&SUCCESSENCHANTED&> are currently enchanted successfully to <&ENCHANT&>" PRINT_TEXT "Done" SCRIPT_END which is line 38. I am sure i missed something, can anyone help? Thanks
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