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About ItsHuge

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  1. SLH FEMALE 79/75/75/75 nobles Mj set safe enchant FB TTs :2x ring 1 erring 80kk adena wolf + top gear 77 Pants of gravity 18 TODs on the account ( u can change email or w/e) Offers only paypal only pm here or skype tommytzaa
  2. I know ppl will say SSD, but what i want to know pros or contra,i will buy a new system this month and i want to know how much impact dose a SSD have playing lineage, is the difference that noticeable,im thinking of not getting a SSD but get a better video card . sry if i didin post in the right section. tnx in advance for answers
  3. willing to sell cheap and bulk
  4. up , happy new year
  5. dont rly care what u think anyway , i see u got 31 post ..thats not hard to get , i got one post cuz its my 1st time posting here or posting something on this forum my account is from : January 11, 2009, 10:23:36 PM i just didin need to post until now ....
  6. WTS on x3 = 1600 RUR WTS on x15 = 20kkk and AQ+6 WTS account on x3 : DB 73 - spoiler 55 / pp 55 WTS account on x3 : DB 75 WTS on x3 : 125kk adena WTS on x3 : GW + top EQ i want to sell bulk CHEAP , but if u have good offer we can talk add on skype PM only SKYPE : tommytzaa
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