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About morka

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  1. I have all improves when I register main account all.
  2. He was normally using the account ''IPXS'' , but levi4than told maxtor that IPXS is his own account... i don't know what did levi4than tell to maxtor , but he convinced him that IPXS is his own account and now the old owner of IPXS (morka) ,wants to prove that it belongs to him Yes maxtor give to levi4than main account.But account its main not levi4than.Who create this post? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=106582.0 not IPXS?
  3. LOL maxtor change my password and give account to Leviathan
  4. One man buy to my donate status then maxtor get pm from this man its main account he show donate email and maxtor give him main account:D
  5. If I buy example lightmagik donater status he give to my account ;D
  6. You write my in pm NOOBISH error program source yes? IPXS now watch name and maxtor change my password.
  7. There is improves IPXS account its main !!! I have all message when I register account and all pms my.NOOBISH ERRROR SECTION. I add systeamfreak and dragonslayrer in my project Harpun.They can say my name is IPXS. i show this password and info maxtor pm and he say its not my account. One man buy donater status main account IPXS and now maxtor give him main account. All improves and he give password main donate status buyer ,and change my account name :DD NOOBISH ERROR create IPXS theme now is?
  8. Eclipse files? A lot of bugs.
  9. Maxtor ignore my... Sorry for bad name called...
  10. There is improves IPXS account its main !!! I have all message when I register account and all pms my.NOOBISH ERRROR SECTION. I add systeamfreak and darkslayer in my project Harpun.They can say my name is IPXS. i show this password and info maxtor pm and he say its not my account. One man buy donater status main account IPXS and now maxtor give him main account.
  11. There is improves IPXS account its main !!! I have all message when I register account and all pms my.NOOBISH ERRROR SECTION. I add systeamfreak and dragonslayrer in my project Harpun.They can say my name is IPXS. i show this password and info maxtor pm and he say its not my account. One man buy donater status main account IPXS and now maxtor give him main account.
  12. Its main post ,I Am IPXS Maxtor delete this post.Now this account use Leviathan.This not him posts and not him karma...... Delete IPXS name its not Leviathan name.
  13. Maxtor don't answer In this post.I think there is corruption.If you have good friends in this forum you WON.
  14. Maxtor change my account password and give to Leviathan LOL Its my IPXS NAME and I don't change http://www.assembla.com/profile/IPXS
  15. He buy donate status so? You back not him account its main.If man buy status from him wallet you back account to him wtf its rules? Watch who create account IP. I have all improves and I send to you all chat.
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