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Everything posted by Escordia

  1. you have to buy the gildor's tool. [offtopic] i want credits for the intact armor XD
  2. tga me alpha channels
  3. i <3 you xD rewarded and topic locked
  4. cool :o efuga shopping time sto mall XD
  5. hahaha eimai staff min to 3exnas :) krazoun ama den bazoume metro. ama i8ela na se ekana report 8a to ekana
  6. isws epeidi den me exeis dei. ela kamoia mera se kamoia sunantisi na deis kai live xD an meneis a8ina basika
  7. feugw paw mall! :D
  8. [gr]no re oi filipinezoi?
  9. na eblepes tin official fanpage tou big brother... random troll party
  10. only this video i have for clues :/
  11. se kanw add kai pame se group gia troll fasi
  12. oi mises anartiseis einai dikes mou :) kane add sto fb Μέγκατρολλ Ντισέπτικονς
  13. VeGe poia i gnwmi sou gia ta Indymedia?
  14. i want the FULL song with name! its for a dance contest
  15. request signature topics are the same, Blane's topic is for personal use only, i really need this song for a dance contest and i cant find it alone. some ppl will try help me if they get awarded
  16. feel free to troll at gr official spam topic. i will come to answer soon but keep this topic clean
  17. one more offtopic and i will have to report you
  18. [gr] des ta karma logs mou na deis an ekana tetoio topic me reward karma
  19. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=199401.0
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=199690.new#new
  21. help me find this song: reward +1 karma
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