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About Dreamoz

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  1. Can someone explain to me what is sub skills? :S and what sub skills would be good for my sorceror ?? :S i don't know what kind of sub i will take but anyway
  2. well dyes for m.atk i was thinking anyway +4int -4men +4wit - 4men so most likely set for casting speed and weapon for m.atk would seem nice :P
  3. this was exactly what i was thinking about... kinda classic build But i see Sorcerors with nightmare, and i see sorceror with m.atk incrase weapons donno bout this but since sorc isn't really The pvp class increase in m.atk for pve and maybe some support in pvp is better then maximum casting speed?
  4. Sup everyone i'm looking for someone who has played this class for a long time or might now a bit about them. i'm wondering, wich set should i make? nm/mj/dc/tallum?:O weapons?? and specially what dyes?. and if there's anything else, tips tricks about the sorceror class would be verry welcome (:
  5. I donno i play on one Hellbound server but i can't get it to work i Overwrite the system folder with the one u put up, but my game crashes before i start?? what must i do? :S
  6. Ok so, i dl.ed it but when i try to start my client i get DC... do anyone know wich files specific that stands for aggro / level on mobs ?? and if there is anyone that shows spoils/drops?? do u knowwich one?
  7. if this thing works for hellbound, then Thanks a lot mate ;)
  8. sorry think i posted last one in wrong place... Hi guys, I've been searching like a madman everywhere after this but i can't find it... i'm looking for a patch/systemfolder that i can use with my hellbound client it shall include at least or hopefully all of theese futures: System allow: - Chest/box - Drops/spoils to view on the mobs while ingame - Mob level/aggro - Colour text area - 7 zoom level this should work, cus i had all of theese on Interlude and C5 but for this Hellbound... I just can't find it... Someone please help me // thanks in advance
  9. Hi guys, I've been searching like a madman everywhere after this but i can't find it... i'm looking for a patch/systemfolder that i can use with my hellbound client it shall include at least or hopefully all of theese futures: System allow: - Chest/box - Drops/spoils to view on the mobs while ingame - Mob level/aggro - Colour text area - 7 zoom level this should work, cus i had all of theese on Interlude and C5 but for this Hellbound... I just can't find it... Someone please help me // thanks in advance
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