0 Loss 0 Chokes,
XP: Bugged <--
Vista: Bugged too <--
Verizon Wireless <--- Thats something you can apply, i dont have wireless, im connected due a router, and i dont have any problem playing other games, i usually play CounterStrike and i have a very nice ping, never lags, Lineage 2 is my only problem.
Downloading L2s since c4 (from gamershell <-- link from lineage 2 official page), and now Gracia pt2, and the same.
Is there any program to make a established connection to an IP so the signal doesnt loose as well?, because i look like HalfLogged =s , like i said, i can connect fast, but when i log/in i can see other ppls, standing, and when i write something down everyone see it, but i dont, i cant even move... then if i wait 15 mins i get disconnected, weird, 15 mins to get disconnected..
I've tried lot of different things for fix this issue, even downloading a Traffic Shaping Program, and the problem is there..