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About darkrule

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  1. Remember that i've been experimenting this in a lot of servers... its imposible that all of them have max ram in 512 because 4gb ddr2 is very normal these days..
  2. gameserver.bat in client? wtf? btw 4GB DDR2 Dual Channel + 3GB Virtual memory.. i dont need more.
  3. 0 Loss 0 Chokes, XP: Bugged <-- Vista: Bugged too <-- Verizon Wireless <--- Thats something you can apply, i dont have wireless, im connected due a router, and i dont have any problem playing other games, i usually play CounterStrike and i have a very nice ping, never lags, Lineage 2 is my only problem. Downloading L2s since c4 (from gamershell <-- link from lineage 2 official page), and now Gracia pt2, and the same. Is there any program to make a established connection to an IP so the signal doesnt loose as well?, because i look like HalfLogged =s , like i said, i can connect fast, but when i log/in i can see other ppls, standing, and when i write something down everyone see it, but i dont, i cant even move... then if i wait 15 mins i get disconnected, weird, 15 mins to get disconnected.. I've tried lot of different things for fix this issue, even downloading a Traffic Shaping Program, and the problem is there..
  4. MY PC Specs: Intel Quad Core 2 2.4ghz 4GB DDR2 Dual Channel nVidia 9600GT 512mb 1TB HD 3mb Connection. [Verizon] Windows Vista x64 Ultimate Problem: I cant play on any Lineage2 Server, i have tried like 6 diff servers diff locations, nothing. The problem is that when i log/in the server i cant move/talk/close game, but people see me moving and talking, and i see all NPCs and people just standing around, its a weird lag, i've tried reinstalling L2, installing like 10 different patches, restarting modem, updated from XP SP2 to Windows Vista x64 Ultimate, both the same problem. I can play on any server of Counter Strike, Warcraft (dota), TOP, WoW, and 0 lag, but in L2 Gracia pt2 im getting this (actually in any chronicle of lineage2), i've posted in lot of forums and i get no answer. If someone knows a fix please let me know, ill apreciate.
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