Server Version:
* High Five
* XP / SP / Adena / Drop / Spoil: x4
* Party XP / SP: x1.2
* Drop Manor: x1
* Epic Drop: x1
* TW Badage Reward x2
* HB Trust rate x2
* Wight Limit: x2
* XP/SP/Item/Adena: x2
* Quest Item Drop: x2
* Quest Exp SP: x3
* Quest Adena: x3
Retail like enchant rate +3 save / max enchant +16.
* Auto Pickup
* Offline Shops
* Anti-Bot Anti-Hack System
* Dual Box Allowed
* Siege Clanhalls
* Weedings.
* Rim Kamaloka ( Solo Kama )
* Low level protection system.
* Friendly donation system with hats agathions vitamin items only
* Possibility to earn donate coins from Fantasy Isle
Some working additional stuff:
Chambers Of Delusion
Crystal Caverns
Dark Cloud Mansion
Nornils Garden
Palaika Quests
Seed Of Destruction + Tiat
Seed Of Infinity + Ekimus
Seed of Annhilation
Freya Raid
Fully working hellbound with beleth raid
Epic Questy 7s
Territory War
All h5 skills working
DVC LOA H5 Zones working
Olympiad H5
and many more
* Intel® Core™ i7-980X Hexa-Coreinkl. Hyper-Threading-Technologie
* RAM: 24Gb DDR3 RAM
* HDD: 2 x 1000 GB SATA-II 7200RPM ( After 500+ online )
* 100Mbit Connection
* System: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Lenny
* Puni: Admin, Main Developer, Server Owner
* Xara: Co Administrator Head Game Master
* Hades: Game Master
Server Software:
L2v 0.1a Based on java, founded by PunisherTheOne back in 2007
New serwer with good files.