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Everything posted by hNoke

  1. V3.0 update released! http://nexus-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1217
  2. Well, almost everything is done, but I still have to adapt the events for FandC L2J. That might take a day or two.. or I might just release the update tonight and finish the russian L2J support later.
  3. Here are detailed informations about the upcoming v3.0 update: (Forum link: http://nexus-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1215&pid=2153#pid2153) New Features / Events: - Global event system: * these events do not require the player to 'Register', they only need to teleport to the area when they take place. Which means the whole server can participate in the event. * an example of this event is Raidboss (a strong RB loaded from XML configs is spawned in L2 world, the players need to teleport close and kill it, if they kill it before time limit passes, all players around the RB will be awarded with a configurable reward - New automatic Event Scheduler * supports Mini events and Global events as well (you can now scheduler your server to run open specific mini events at different times) * loads data from xml file - screenshot example (server starts; 45minutes with no events, then a random main event is started, then 45 minutes no events active, then 3 mini events open for 45 minutes, then again break for 45 minutes with no events, then a main event,... * can be stopped/relaunched from ingame by GMs - PvP Zone engine * runs independently from the events * GM or the Automatic scheduler can turn the zone ON * players register to the zone, as soon as enought players register, they will be teleported to the Coliseum * they will be divided automatically into 2 teams and teleported to the waiting rooms, gates will be closed * after some time, the gates will open and the teams will fight. When all players from one team are dead, the winners will be rewarded, and everyone will be revided and teleported back to the waiting rooms, gates will close. * then again, after some time, the gates will open and the fight begins again (this repeats after X rounds pass or time limit or GM stops it) * Players can join AND leave the PvP zone anytime they want (there are obviously checks to ensure that the player doesn't run away directly from PvP) * configurable rewards from the admin panel - Party Matcher NPC * self-explaining screenshots - http://imgur.com/a/71L8t * basically, party leaders can create 'party rooms' to recruit players into their party * players can click on a button to let them party leader know they are interested in joining the party, party leader has to confirm their request and they will automatically join the party - Mini Event Tournaments * GMs can host Mini Event tournaments via admin panel * the tournament then handles everything itself - it will start mini event matches and people that win will progress to the next round until there is only one round left - the Final round * it is smart enought to handle situations if people disconnect from the server, etc. * you can select rewards for every position (winner, 2nd, 3rd,...) * screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/1kZdf - Killing spree/Combo points rewards (http://nexus-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1006) * configurable rewards for consecutive kills on events - OnKill configurable rewards (you can now add rewards when a player kills another player in event) * dunno why this was missing in the previous version of the engine... - Configurable rewards for specific achievements on events, such as when you pick a flag on CTF, when you capture a zone in Domination, etc. - improved admin panel - http://imgur.com/a/osSfM Changes / Fixes: - general bugfixes and fixed lang typos - bugfixes related to synchronizing stuff especially in mini events - teleport checker for mini events (checks if the players were teleported to the arena correctly, if not, tries to fix it or closes the event - this was a common bug with the previous Nexus Engine versions) - improved, changed some HTMLs - moved the nexus interface files into the gameserver core, this will make adapting and synchronizing with L2J updates easier - Interlude support - support for russian L2J packs (fandc, firstteam) - this version will optionally be shipped with Source code as well
  4. I am back! Upcoming v3.0 update! http://nexus-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1215&pid=2153#pid2153
  5. We only deleted the useless skills and added a ton of new, the little bit of pvp experience you may have lost was replaced by the many new things we added farming solo is possible, there are zones for it too. And if you want, I coded a Party Matcher which makes it easy to get a party to farm. It's way more fun to farm in a party. oh come on, it's only been 4 days since the server went online, and as we stated many times, you can't expect perfection right from the beginning. With the ammount of changes, it takes time to make things perfect. But still I would say that in the current state, all works pretty nice and it will only get better.
  6. We have tons of custom PvP events which you can't see on other servers.
  7. Not true, there are 'solo' zones too. Could anyone please move this topic to the Released servers section? Thank you.
  8. Website and forums opened. Visit it here: www.l2nexus.net Forums: www.l2nexus.net/forum Looking forward to see you there
  9. Finished working on the community forum today, now working on a website. It should be up tommorow.
  10. working on it
  11. So, we decided to invest a bit, those are the params of the server it'll run on: Intel® Core™ i7-4770 Quadcore Haswell 32 GB DDR3 RAM 2 x 240 GB SATA 6 Gb/s SSD in RAID1 1GB/s connection
  12. Changed our mind, we'll buy a dedicated server
  13. nope, wrong I am working
  14. Sorry, I forgot to mention the price includes the sources too.
  15. L2Nxs Hi5 pack We, the L2 Nexus Team, are building up a new professional L2J High Five pack, one with official Nexus Event Engine support. It is based on the sources of the famous Overworld russian L2J pack combined with the packs that came after. This pack is way better and more stable than L2JServer. - Current stable revision of the pack is 1112; it's been carefully tested by us and our clients. - We provide a basic DDoS protection to the login and game port - The pack is adapted for protections from teh SSR package hacks and complete closure of the game. You can connect your system with LameGuard easily. - For more info ask the developers hNoke or Tazzz (PM on the forums) - We include free Hi5 geodata for free - If you plan to buy LameGuard, you will get discount if you mention you are L2 Nexus pack user - The pack in its basic version is delivered in a compiled state. You can get the sources too, talk to us for more informations. - Only we sell this pack and only on our website. Anyone else claiming they are our distributors or whatsoever might be a faker. - The pack is recommended for all kinds of servers, High Rate PvP, Mid-Rate or Low Rate. The price of the pack: The cost of a stable build (current revision 1102) + sources is 200 euro Technical support and updates during one month - 100 euro/month If you are interested, or just want to hear more info, those are the ways to contact us: - e-mail me on honke.lukas@gmail.com (prefered) - send me a PM on my forum (name hNoke) - add me on Skype, name lukin777 -------------------------------------- Here's a more detailed look at the features of the pack: - The latest version of Nexus Event Engine, implemented by its only developer hNoke, which ensures the maximum compatibility/stability - Full implementation of connection for Epilogue> Freya> High Five Part 1-5. - Siege of all elite clan halls (absolutely accurate with official L2.) - Fully implemented territorial battle (completely without flaws.) - The entire chain of epic quests (Epilogue + High Five). - All new quests (Freya, High Five). - All new skills (Freya, High Five). - Item-Mall (100% conform.) - Olympics (High Five) - 100% implementation. - Kratei Cube. - Handy Blocker. - The auction of items. - Underground Coliseum. - All data (NPCs, pets, characters, items, etc.) correspond to the official server. - Seed of Destruction, Seed of Infinity, Seed of Annihilation. - Epic bosses: Beleth, Freya (The entire chain of quests, severe stage, the normal stage), Zaken (All species day, night, etc.). - Hellbound fully corresponds to the official server. - All new locations added (Watcher of Tomb, Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas). - Squad-skills clans. - Item options work (Olf's T-Shirt, etc.). - Energy agathions work - much more to describe. To sum it up, everything pretty much works in this server as you'd expect and you also get a fully working Nexus Event Engine for free (including a license).
  16. work's progressing pretty well. just bumping
  17. don't worry about enchant, only some items will be enchantable up to +20 and the most important weapons (Uniques) will be pretty difficult to enchant (i guess +3 - +6 will be average ) most of those skills are passives, triggered skills or skills for monsters; the gameplay style for the most classes will still be the same. we don't wanna change the way you play L2, we just wanted to improve it and make it focus on PvP more
  18. We still have about 2 weeks of pure work ahead of us. Then we'll go something like open beta and if we see everything's alright, we'll go live
  19. Forums and website back online. L2Nexus is a new custom Freya PvP server, a server which you've never seen before. There are major gameplay changes done to classes, skills, farming system, PvP, items, pretty much everything. We took all the silly/boring parts of Lineage 2 and reworked them into something better. Lineage 2 PvP system is mostly based on luck, we changed that, now it's mostly based on the player's knowledge and skill. All skills have been reworked (debuffs, stuns, etc. have much shorter duration, they their land chance is very high; this results in PvP being MUCH more than just spamming the same nuke skill.), lots of new skills have been added, all classes are customized for PvP and there are dozens of ways to customize your characer's and playstyle using different items. Don't worry though, despite all those changes, the game still feels like Lineage 2 and it certainly will not take you long to get used to it. Soon enough, I'm sure you will start to like this way more than the default L2. Things that stand out on this server are: 1. All classes balanced, all ready for PvP. All classes are fun to play. * Classes useless in PvP such as EE, PP, SE have been reworked and are now different, for example EE is a mixture of offensive fighter and mage and allows player to play both roles at the same time; PP is a lightweight polearmer that is great at chasing opponents. Classes such as BD, SWS, WC were made more fun to play (for example, BD builds up soul stacks by critting his target, once he acquires enought souls, he's able to hit with powerful skills; WC is great at supporting his party by casting party-buffs that require Ashes, which is an item you get by hitting enemies with the skill Burning Chop), and MUCH more. * We've spent about a year at balancing and improving classes and we did not stop ever since. The PvP is fast and responsive. 2. Hundreds of carefully-created new items which you can use to customize your character/play-style * Many new armor/weapon/jewel sets; about 120 Unique weapons (each gives completely unique bonuses that improve or sometimes even change the way you play your character. Those weapons are usually dropped from mobs. They are also tradeable and they do not require you to enchant them as they are already strong - you get a weapon and this means that you can use it immediatelly, you don't have to spend a couple of hours to enchant it) * Talismans - you can unlock up to 6 talisman slots; there are 6 sets of talismans with different colors, each set gives the same bonuses but only talisman from one set (color) can be woren at a time; this gives you ability to build up your own bonuses. Wanna boost your P.atk? Just get 6 talismans that all increase P.atk. Your attack speed sucks? Get 3 talismans for Atk. speed and 3 talismans for P.atk. The talismans do not disappear over time. * Hair Accessories - each accessory gives its own bonuses - some raise P.atk and Critical rate, some give you even more P.atk in exchange for lowered P.def, some are more special and for instance increase the amount of drops you get, etc. * Tattoos (Runes) - they give you several very powerful and cool-looking skills you can use against mobs, those skills require Battle and Magic symbols (which you drop from mobs as well). They make killing mobs fun (who wouldn't like to cast a huge expensive Blizzard that deals massive damage to all mobs near you?) 3. Events and Monster Zones that ensure you won't get bored * We are running Nexus Event Engine of version 3.0 (unavailable for other servers), which provides us many automatic events (Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, Domination (your team needs to capture a zone to win), Mass Domination (your team needs to capture multiple zones to win), Deathmatch (all vs all), Last Man Standing (similar to Deathmatch, but if you die you won't respawn until next round), Advanced Team vs Team (some players from your team are made strong and heal your team, they are like your bosses, you have to protect them), Lucky Chests (you kill chests in a small arena and crazy things happen), Zombies (players get bows, zombies bite and are fast, 1hit=kill), Mutant (some players are made OP and you have to cooperate to kill them), Treasure Hunt (search for and open NPC chests to get rewards), Hunting Grounds (1hit=kill TvT); 1v1 event (you register, engine finds you a matching opponent and makes you fight in a separated arena), 2v2 event (you can fight in the arena with a buddy of your choice), Party vs Party (your party can register to challenge another party), Korean Party vs Party (the famous korean-style event now made automatic) * Dynamic PvP zone - a special kind of PvP zone, it's like TvT where you don't respawn until all players from one team are dead * Chaotic PvP zone - no rules (you can PK without getting karma) * 3 farming zones: Hyena Zone (the easy zone for the newbies, contains Healing Herbs, Mushrooms that will bring mobs close together so you can take them down easily, etc.), Hunters Zone (advanced zone with many interesting mobs that have custom AI, an example is a very slow Golem that deals massive hits and summons little Rootlets that will try to immobilize you to prevent you from running), Dragon Valley Cave (has three parts, 1st part = duo zone, 2nd part = AOE zone with hordes of skeletons that die in large numbers, 3rd part = full party zone filled with strong mobs where each requires different tactics). Each zone has its own raid bosses. Farming here is way more fun than farming on other servers. * Global events (more info about this later) * You can drop items that are used to summon small raids. Those bosses have a time limit during which he has to be killed, so make your party is ready before you summon him! * PvP rewards based on the ammount of damage you deal (you get rewards even if you didn't deal the last hit to your enemy) 4. Small yet very useful features * Party Matcher NPC - if you find it hard to find a party, you can use the Party Matching system to open a room, specify for who and for how many players you are looking for and then let players join your party automatically * Brain of Nexus - an AIO item that gives you these functions: Teleporter, Advanced Stats info (shows stats that are not visible in ALT+T window), Party Matching engine (helps you to find a free party), Augmentation, Dyes, Class Master, Full dynamic list of items available on the server + description, info about Top PvP/PK, Changelog loaded from the forums and more. * Advanced Item Info - CTRL + right clicking on an item opens an extensive window that tells you everything you need to know about the item - stats, bonuses, skills it gives, etc. * Advanced Skill Info - If you target yourself, hold CTRL and left-click on the skill in your skills window, it will also open a window that shows a lot of information about the skill - power, reuse, target type, trigerred chances, etc. * PvP-based name and title color system * Killing Spree system (you get rewards if you manage to kill more enemies in a row) * Advanced protections against PvP feeding/farming * Custom enchant system with max enchant up to +20; the stronger and rarer the item is, the smaller is the need to enchant it. Crystal enchants and Blessed enchants to make higher enchants possible. * Attribute system that has effect only against mobs. 50 Attack Attribute = 5% increased PvE damage. If the mob has resistances against that attribute type, it will not give you the bonus unless "your attack resistance - mob resistance is still 50" * Reworked NPC Buffer that seperates buffs into categories. You can get 1 Buff / category. Category 1: Ultimate Buff Category 2: Greater Shield | Greater Might | Greater Magic(M.atk version) | Greater Barrier(M.def version) Category 3: Berserker Category 4: Gift of Queen | Blessing of Queen | Gift of Seraphim | Blessing of Seraphim(Mcrit damage) Category 5: Stun resist | Sleep + Root resist | Debuff resist | Bleed + Poison resist | Fear + Paralyze resist * Custom NPC Shops * Olympiad * Sieges * Daily updates by the developers Server computer: Intel® Core™ i7-4770 Quadcore Haswell 32 GB DDR3 RAM 2 x 240 GB SATA 6 Gb/s SSD in RAID1 1GB/s connection - We do have a DDoS protection About the staff: hNoke - I have been a L2J developer for like two years, I participated on many servers and made quite a few successful projects (Nexus Event Engine is the famous one, currently runs on many L2 servers arround the world). I'm trying to do my best at making this server awesome by coding new features, events, skills and other things. ranzor - This is my first server that went live, I have a history in a long list of MMORPGs and other games. Using the knowledge I gained from over the years of being a hardcore gamer myself, I am trying to utilize this knowledge to shed a new light onto the old and dusty Lineage II. Website: www.L2Nexus.net Forum: www.L2Nexus.net/forum Screenshots from players: Gallery How to connect: Guide We have over 100 online and it keeps increasing every day! Join us too. You won't regret it. L2Nexus Staff.
  20. Bumping. The project is still alive.
  21. I don't want to reply
  22. A new update is about to be released: http://www.nexus-engine.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=1108 I will focus on Interlude adaption somewhen soon.
  23. little bump. I've been busy with RL stuff as well as fixing some critical bugs with the event engine, so the work with the update hasn't done much progress. I hope this will change soon. I have some pretty interesting updates in my mind.
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