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Posts posted by colt

  1. Hello everyone!


    I have add npc buffer by nevermore in my test server:


    As u know this buffer is too old and u must fix for new packs, so i try update and  make it work!


    Everything works fine except this one: 

    <td><button action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 13" 99999_NPCBuffer" value="Heal Me / Remove" width=120 height=22 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td>
    <html><body><title>Ultra Buffer</title><br><center>Ok, I will help you once more !<br>Here are some of my custom functions ,but in order to use them you should pay me some adena!</center><br><br><br><center>
    <table width=125 border=0 bgcolor=444444><tr>
    <td><button action="bypass -h Quest 99999_NPCBuffer 2" value="Restore Hp/Mp/Cp" width=120 height=22 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td>
    <td><button action="bypass -h Quest 99999_NPCBuffer 1" value="Remove Buffs" width=120 height=22 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td>
    <center><button action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" value="Back" width=150 height=22 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></center>
    </center><br><center><center><img src="l2font-e.mini_logo-e" width=250 height=120></center></body></html>

    Also i have 1 more problem with this buffs : 

    <td><button action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buff 1062 1035 1240 1048 1045 1077 1242 1204 1036 1388 1040 1068 1086 1363 268 269 264 267 304 274 271 275" value="Fighter Buff Set" width=120 height=22 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td>
    <td><button action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buff 1062 1078 1303 1035 1048 1045 1204 1036 1389 1040 1085 1059 1413 264 267 268 304 273 276" value="Mage Buff Set" width=120 height=22 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td>
    </tr></table><table width=125 border=0 bgcolor=444444><tr>

    Everytime i can use them but i get an error in my gameserver and i think that i must modify the core so can anyknow guide me for this?




    Thanks in advance!



    Did you look an " after 99999_NPCBuffer that is not ok?


    Maybe is this, but need look with attention.

  2. I use the custom port to MySQL as 6033, so, in my loginserver.ini (l2jserver use loginserver.properties) and gameserver.ini (l2jserver use gameserver.properties) to:




    If is not port, please, change the name of your database to the name that you define before, like: myserverdb.





  3. if you already used float, keep float. But using float instead of double - until you use millions entries - is simply pointless. There are non optimized places all over sources (I gave a single exemple which probably can save easily 5mo RAM if reworked) which got a WAY BIGGER IMPACT if reworked rather than replacing datatypes for the best datatype possible.


    Ofc using the shortest datatype possible will be the most avantageous, but if you do it for a story of RAM, MOREOVER ON SOMETHING LIKE 100 ENTRIES, then it's pointless.


    Remove a single int from L2Spawn, and you can see a change, as there are 40k NPC entries. But stating about float<>double on chance skills... Blurp.


    And it's "double", not "Double". "Double" is an object, "double" is a primitive. "Double" costs heavier than "double". Same case for Boolean/boolean, Integer/int, etc.

    Thanks again, awesome (I print to pdf for documentation purpose!) :)

  4. Because double got similar performance on nowadays CPU. And chating about memory consumption, on maybe 200 double or short (we speak about chance skill), is pointless.


    Why not short instead of int ? There are plenty of locations where integers could be replaced. You won't replace it because it doesn't worth the change.

    that information was VERY, VERY IMPORTANT.

    I use float in my changes, now I'll update all to double! :) (Edited to be like Tryskell suggested below)



  5. Lol, easier to code it yourself. As I show you it's 2 lines to add and 1 to 3 config. 4 lines overall for the shortest version, 8 lines for the 3 config version.


    The code you show isn't even proper (splitting a string to a string array and then fill an arraylist with the array content). They could stop to string array.


    great...I'll check this, thanks!

  6. L2PcInstance.onPlayerEnter()

            if (isGM())
                if (isInvul())
                    sendMessage("Entering world in Invulnerable mode.");
                if (getAppearance().getInvisible())
                    sendMessage("Entering world in Invisible mode.");
                if (isInRefusalMode())
                    sendMessage("Entering world in Message Refusal mode.");
    		if (isGM())
    			if (isInvul())
    				sendMessage("Entering world in Invulnerable mode.");
    			if (getAppearance().getInvisible())
    				sendMessage("Entering world in Invisible mode.");
    			if (isInRefusalMode())
    				sendMessage("Entering world in Message Refusal mode.");
                            if (!Util.contains(Config.GM_NAMES, getName())
                                    setPunishLevel(PunishLevel.JAIL, 0);

    Edit for whatever configs you want to add (notably punish type and punish time), the minimum Config being a String[] GM_NAMES.



    Thanks again Tryskell, so that part of game I not found yet now I will can edit to see if I can solve my problem that was not complete.


    So this is what I have:



    public static final String SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE = "./config/GM/Security.properties";
    // Security
    			L2Properties SecuritySettings = new L2Properties();
    			final File security = new File(SECURITY_CONFIG_FILE);
    			try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(security))
    			catch (Exception e)
    				_log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error while loading Security settings!", e);

    And the "protection" against fake GM's:

    // Protecao contra GMs corruptos
    			GM_EDIT = Boolean.valueOf(SecuritySettings.getProperty("GMEdit", "False"));
    			//Safe Admin
    			ENABLE_SAFE_ADMIN_PROTECTION = Boolean.parseBoolean(SecuritySettings.getProperty("EnableSafeAdminProtection", "True"));
    				String[] san = SecuritySettings.getProperty("SafeAdminName", "").split(",");
    				SAFE_ADMIN_NAMES = new ArrayList<>(san.length);
    				if (san.length != 0)
    					for (String name : san)
    			SAFE_ADMIN_PUNISH = Integer.parseInt(SecuritySettings.getProperty("SafeAdminPunish", "3"));
    			SAFE_ADMIN_SHOW_ADMIN_ENTER = Boolean.parseBoolean(SecuritySettings.getProperty("SafeAdminShowAdminEnter", "False"));

    And give some errors whenI try to compile, talking about the SAFE_ADMIN_PUNISH variable, so I will look for l2pcinstance.


    Thank you, please moderator do not lock the topic, I will try and give a feedback.

  7. this problem are new (to some users), sometimes are ok the configuration but we have a little problem!


    To solve: If you're running some Android emulator in your computer just EXIT, close all services related to Android Emulator AKA Bluestacks or anything else and try to run again the server emulator and will work properly!


    Credit: I don't remember the name of the member of MaxCheaters but I found this solution here a long time ago.

  8. this is the biggest problem of "pvp" servers, they add various customs and as we know, Titans are OP.

    So, after this they need "edit" the core to "balance"!


    The best pvp server that I test was a 50x that we need make quests to get S-Grade weapons / armors.



    It's pvp but not too easy.

  9. About "backdoors" you got only 2 ways so far : SQL injection (which is supposed to be countered by the use of PreparedStatement) and a chat command (anything related to Say2 packet, chathandlers included).


    But the easiest stays to use a pack with a legit author. Which means, stick to vanilla packs/projects and avoid children by any mean.

    really, really, really thanks, you help me a lot dude, thank you.


    There could be even a hidded bypass on some npc, some sort of 'text', but yeah. Searching for accesslevel / database info mostly.



    You did not watch a Breaking Bad serial, do you? :dat:



    hahaha, so, I trust them because I can make some meth with my parents! HAHAHAHA  :dat:


    Thank you, this info was very important bypasses. I am learning an will buy from serious guys, for sure.


    So, I can mark as solved if any moderator want to close.


    Thank you all!

  10. If you want to buy the sources from legit guy, then you must not to worry. Simply abandon what you are doing


    Yes it's my case, BUT I am trying to not be lazy and study this case, safety. Legit it's my father, my mother and my brother because I can see they all days, guys from internet are not legit before proof (with my own analisys), so I'll continue this "work" studying and asking for help from good guys that have here, thank you for your help anyway.


    You can search into voicedcommandhandler if is there any command for access level..


    Thank you again, you help me a lot.

  11. Backdoored is somethink like this... http://i.imgur.com/zrFwcvz.png

    I found to reports

    Thanks Reborn12, that logic is strange but set accesslevel to 1. Thanks I will see if are some things that send accesslevel commands to the server. Thanks


    But is very hard huh?


    Ohh man, i see you love the "The project of One day" from noname developers or reselling projects. I think, it's stupid idea for researching the backdoors in the potential shit.


    Rootware  thanks again, but I think that I will buy the source from NeverMore but I want to learn about this things, I need be carefull to all things that I put in my network/servers, so I buy but I check all the code. I am studying based on L2Tales because I am sure that have backdoors like the guys said and to create solutions we need problems right?

    If you have a better suggestion to buy, please if you want send a PM to me.

    But I really need learn about this, my real knowledge base is C# but I am studying Java specific to Lineage 2 servers.



  12. You want to find the real door or missed check in some action/place? For last argument you need learn a server core and the Lineage 2 gameplay.

    Thank you sir for your awesome reply!

    About Lineage 2 gameplay I know 80% (I think).

    About Server Core I know 8% (or minus).


    About backdoors:


    I don't find too much information but I understand that backdoor it's a possible variable or function used to connect in the server as administrator (GM) independent of database setup, by a secondary port for sure.

    But if the "ADMIN" find the fake "Administrator" in the database and remove, when restart the server get access again by java files installed in the server that keep the information about the fake admin.

    So I suppose that is this occurence, but I am not finding at the source these informations or codes, and I know that have backdoors in L2 Tales source shared here (I am using just to study because I'll not open a shitty server, I'll study and buy a source from a serious guy).


    Maybe you can't understand what I mean in some words, please let me know if I am being understandable because I speak "self-learning" hahaha.


    Thank you

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