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Everything posted by abdc

  1. He didint know what was the problem but he already can see. Gime me your msn plz by pm
  2. Im not 12 years old :), the problem of the login my friend fix it but now, he is buying itmes and dont work. PS: Se poderes responde em portugues
  3. When we buy a item it dont apear in the iventory what we need to do?
  4. My friend already put the server in the machine and now when he is trying to login always tell You are correntli login in plz w8 what he need to do?
  5. We need something to open in linux? But i was looking for a clean one, white out precofigurated and gracia 2
  6. Where i download the datapack of lineage 2? to creat my own server white out precofigurated pack?
  7. White 100mb´s up and down how many players it support?
  8. white 100 up and down how many players it take?
  9. How mutch upload is need? How mutch download is need? But the minium, like 1m upload how many players support?
  10. a pack to creat a l2 gracia final server
  11. already exist a pack to creat a server gracia final?
  12. how can i make sub class whit quest and put a special item for quest
  13. a interlude 1 plz
  14. plz help mysql> INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('7978', '31520', 'Faction Shop', '1', 'MaxCheaters', '1', 'NPC.a_traderA_FHuman', '20.00', '25.00', '70', 'Female', 'L2Merchant', '40', '3862', '1493', '13.43', '3.09', '40', '43', '30', '21', '35', '10', '0', '0', '1314', '470', '780', '382', '278', '0', '253', '0', '0', '0', '80', '120', null, '0', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT'); ERROR 1136 : Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
  15. ok guys i need a gm shop untill b-grade whit normal prices not like gve. for gracia tks :)
  16. guys some one know a easy pack whit out disk w and those chits. interlud or gracia that already come preconigurated to good vs evil or kvn
  17. chaotic plz add my msn i need your help
  18. ok problem fixed tks
  19. i dont have options.properties in my gameserver/config
  20. where i can download a oficial system?
  21. i dont know what is apenning im in the game and after 2 mins i had this error and im kicked
  22. add my msn so we can talk andregranja93@hotmail.com
  23. i can use then to make them but they are not stuck subs :)
  24. but i dont know how to make it stuck subs :d thats why i was asking a pack that already was pre-configurated to be stuck subs :)
  25. that is stuck subs?
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