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Everything posted by Kitetsu

  1. Come on, i need a suggest for "What bot should i use for CT1 hellbound" IG/OOG i've heard OOG 10.9.0 is a good choice Ur opinion on the matter..?
  2. NEED ASSISTANCE HERE.. THAT GOD DAMN BOT IS STARTING TO PISS ME OFF >:( Set.ini is fine all seems ok hosts 0k wtF is going on?!?
  3. Any other suggestion?
  4. don't think that's the problem.. protocolversion at USA part of set.ini file is 12.. ( it hasn't changed..i think)
  5. Apo to downtime tis Tritis kai meta, opote anoigw to bot, ( classika pws panta) , twra m dinei ta ejis: -Link LoginServer Succeed - Login LoginServer Success - ta classika kinezika -Link GameServer Succeed ->Login GameServer Fail. [-Xrisimopoiw OOG 10.9.3 walker me xzCrk gia 10.9.3 ( gia ton Gracia pt 2)] Twra to login GameServer fail merikoi lene pws einai logo tou protection ston server, alla anti bot ston official den nomizw.. Opote akouw gnwmes PLZ xreiazomai ligo assist...
  6. Since this Tuesday's downtime, my bot can't log in to the server... I'm getting -Link LoginServer Succeed. -Login LoginServer Success -Some Chinese shit (the classic) -Link GameServer Succeed ->Login GameServer Fail and i can't log in... Some say that login GameServer fail is due to server's protection. So, that means that official installed anti bot? yeah right... => I'm using OOG 10.9.3 with the xcCrk for 10.9.3 ( for Gracia part 2 ) NEED SOME ASSISTANCE HERE plz... :-\
  7. I Get the >Login Srv Time-Out... I click the token exe, i place it on L2W , and it sais that ''L2infoA.dat Fail'' and it doesn't open ... -If i click only token .exe , the Walker opens , but i get the ''login srv time-out''... 1st: YES i'M 100% sure that everything is 0k 2nd: should i have , with my ethernet adapter ON , the Mic/soft loopback adapter ON? 3rd:after i open the proxifier , and create the proxy , even if i have one one rule , then again , the prox. kills my internet connection...(not completely , but enough to disable and even bake ice internet check [which happened the first time i tried...] I.E) Help ?
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