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Posts posted by beno01

  1. i have some problem with OOG

    i start evrything like in hte guild, but when i log in on the OOG, and the bake-ice client the C5toIl gets critical...

    the same thing happens when i log out with the OOG without use the bake-ice client


    15:20:16 - Proxy kicked~

    15:20:16 - Proxy GS connection->Add to queue

    15:20:16 - Error! No remote connection is waiting


    help pls!


    Read carefully the manual and try to follow the steps.


    /off Mukodik, ha kell segitseg irj privben

  2. uff, i tried again...now i comprobed that maybe the problem is something in the files, because if i use the files of my server and the bakeice of the other server the walker doesnt work too.


    and i used the files of the other server and try to log with my bakeice, and it works, but when i have logged in, the window in the walker shows no pj in it. But l2fork sais that im logged, but i dont see the pj, maybe this is for the client??


    I really need a hand, pleaseee


    So If im getting right, you login with bake ice and type the login adn password, it says You cant login? Or stg like that?


    U should disable firewalls and antivirus and start again.

  3. Hi i have problem with l2w im playing on nightmare i can log it all and i can make script but my bot cant use potions/skills and cant exp oO my friend tell me how to do that and nothing... doesnt working on exp can any1 tell me what i have to do with it?? i have all setings like my friend and he dont have problems with it....


    Hi, did you make the script or you copied? Coz The script MUST be saved as UNICODE!

  4. Hi, I had some problems too with bypass but I managed to solv it. First of all I have Kerio Personal Firewall. Well ... it blocked proxifier , dont know how but it did. So I suggest you turn off all firewalls ,and maybe anti virus systems also If needed.


    Btw: There must be only 1 rule, but CAN be more applications in it. I mean if you have more gameguard files you should add them to the rule. For example: game_guard.des, gameguard (2).des, gameguard.des.


    It worked for me

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