With L2playerKiller you can activate the help.htm only if it has been disabled with L2Player (used on Dune for instance)
But you can also retrieve Token if you want to use with the oog version of L2Walker (for more information -> http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/index.php)
The easiest way to get rid of L2Player or another token changer (and to retrieve the token used by the server) :
Launch Lineage II like you usually do (L2player.exe or another shits) when you are at the Login screen, ALT TAB (no don't fill in the password and login),
open L2PlayerKiller and click on Find Token .. Now copy the retrieved token and if you want to bot OOG, you can already launch the l2walker oog version
but if you want to activate the help.htm, now replace the files with mines (the DLLs and L2.exe) in the system folder, open my L2.exe and then paste
the token that you copied before in the textbox next to Write Token and then Click "Write Token". Now you should be able to log in without L2Player
and access help.htm(Don't forget to do this each time you launch the game, so save the token somewhere)
If you want to Bot IG, before launching my L2.exe, launch L2asrv.exe, then the bot and from the bot launch my l2.exe and write the token.
The pack countains : l2walker verify emulator, L2walker 1.31 IG, L2playerkiller, Nwindows.dll,Engine.dll,L2.exe
DOWNLOAD : http://users.skynet.be/fa793694/WaryasPack.rar
L2PlayerKiller is written in Visual Basic 6, if you want the source code, just PM ME
P.S. : Only for L2 C3 client
PS2 : I didn't put L2Walker OOG, download it yourself :p
(Don't know if it's the good forum since it activates Help.htm and find the tokens for botting .. oh well)